Anybody shoot High Point pistols?

  • Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239


    But nothing. You have zero to base the rest of your reply on.

    First off right or wrong everyone here at IDO is entitled to there opinion so please do not tell them they have zero to base there reply on.

    Second I had never heard of High Point before this was posted but I can tell you from what I have read here that I would never buy one.


    high quality ammo was a must or it’d have action issues. Also, he mentioned that the durability wasn’t great.


    They are dirt cheap and look like a toy, but I still have fun blasting away with it. I have tried to site it in, but getting any type of “group” is about impossible.


    Jam easily, ZERO accuracy, loose tolerances, junk!


    The one I shot (9mm) was a turd and didn’t work good, It was my buddy’s gun he said it did work good with one or two brands of ammo.


    High point = POS!


    I’m not assuming it’s a POS. I own one, and it IS a POS and it IS a cheap gun.

    That’s enough info for me to make up my mind, I would not waste my time to even look at one.

    Central Wisconsin US-of-A
    Posts: 1464

    Steve, with all due respect, we all know what opinions are like and everybody has one. And I couldn’t care less if you’d buy a High Point or not. For that matter it doesn’t bother me what anyone here or anywhere else buys. But here is the problem. People come and ask for honest input on a specific product. The majority of these replies are uneducated guesses. The original poster isn’t likely looking for that kind of information and, honestly, it gets old hat reading it. But I digress. If product bashing is the type of information people are looking for or enjoy getting well then who am I to stop them?

    By the way. I just bought a brand new (Unissued) Mosin Nagant M1944 for $75.99. I suppose this too is junk? After all how can a sub $100.00 gun be any good?

    Want real info on High Points? Follow the links. These are from REAL people that actually OWN and USE these guns! (After reading these links, Steve, I suspect you’ll then want a High Point. It’s OK, it happens to thousands everyday. )

    And my favorite, my own review I did!

    Central Wisconsin US-of-A
    Posts: 1464

    Steve, with all due respect, we all know what opinions are like and everybody has one. And I couldn’t care less if you’d buy a High Point or not. For that matter it doesn’t bother me what anyone here or anywhere else buys. But here is the problem. People come and ask for honest input on a specific product. The majority of these replies are uneducated guesses. The original poster isn’t likely looking for that kind of information and, honestly, it gets old hat reading it. But I digress. If product bashing is the type of information people are looking for or enjoy getting well then who am I to stop them?

    By the way. I just bought a brand new (Unissued) Mosin Nagant M1944 for $75.99. I suppose this too is junk? After all how can a sub $100.00 gun be any good?

    Want real info on High Points? Follow the links. These are from REAL people that actually OWN and USE these guns! (After reading these links, Steve, I suspect you’ll then want a High Point. It’s OK, it happens to thousands everyday. )

    And my favorite, my own review I did!

    Rochester MN
    Posts: 193

    my buddy has a hi point 9mm. he says its definetly worth the money. the gun does look kind of ugly and is heavy but he says it performs great. he had one problem with it and he sent it into there customer service and he got it back less than 2 weeks after he sent it in! he says he trusts the hi point over his taurus 24/7 pro .45 anyday (his taurus jams after every shot lol) he has had horrible customer service with tauras also. i think they would definetly be worth the money for home security or the average shooter.

    Rochester MN
    Posts: 193

    my buddy has a hi point 9mm. he says its definetly worth the money. the gun does look kind of ugly and is heavy but he says it performs great. he had one problem with it and he sent it into there customer service and he got it back less than 2 weeks after he sent it in! he says he trusts the hi point over his taurus 24/7 pro .45 anyday (his taurus jams after every shot lol) he has had horrible customer service with tauras also. i think they would definetly be worth the money for home security or the average shooter.

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603


    The comparison of opinions is like this…….

    One drives a Yugo, the other a Toyota Corolla, and yet another drives a Cadillac. Which is the best car?

    When asking about product comparisons, you’re going to have these differences but seldom will anybody in this world say that an “economy car” is the best car for people to buy. They may be gems for a few but economy models have been notorious throughout their history as being more apt to breakdown, needing more maintenence, and not having as long of a service life. However, if you do the search, you’ll find plenty of testamonials stating that the vehicle is worth every penny. It’s biased feedback based on the experience of one. Many don’t reply. Many don’t want to whine about their poor experience. They just want to move on to something better, ASAP.

    If you compared this to fishing rods, which we all use or we wouldn’t be here on IDA, it’s arguable that St. Croix’s aren’t worth a hoot because a $20.00 Shakespeare catches all the fish I need. Customer service is great. They even go beyond warranty to see me happy! But……… if you’ve ever fished an Avid, you quickly understand why the St. Croix becomes more desireable. Even so…….. give the Shakespeare to a knowledgeble angler and the Avid to a novice and the experienced guy is likely STILL to outperform the novice.

    See my point? There are shooters involved here. One may have a true talent and makes the Hi Point look better than it is. But as far as gun dealers go, they often shoot most of their inventory models at some point or other. So if they “drive” a Cadillac and then a Yugo, which do think they’ll say drives better??? Now, they may sell “yugos” but if you ask them how good the Yugo is, they have to be concerned about your happiness, your confidence in their recommendations, and try to gain your return business. Are they shooting themselves in the foot if they bash the Yugo a bit? Not necessarily. Someone is going to come along and NOT CARE about the cush ride of the fancy car. Someone is going to come along and only have enough money (or credit) to get a Yugo. Someone is going to come along and not care about performance. They want something cheap because it’s going to see VERY little use. Someone is going to come along and not care what the salesperson has for knowledge, experience, or opinion. Their buddy just got one and their’s is great!

    This is all reflective of what happens in these product discussions and it needs to be realized that every opinion is relative to the experience of those that possess it and that they will in turn pursuade those that are simply curious. Don’t get mad if your good experience doesn’t get a lot of support. You just may be one of the lucky ones. Maybe you haven’t found anything better within your budget……yet. I still have a Pinnacle reel that the world HATES! But guess what, it’s been good to me and until it dies…….. it’s being good to me. But I’m not going to try and sell the world on finding one and buying it either. Are ya with me???

    I’ve heard Taurus getting bashed. Good. Their customer service is notoriously poor…….. but fulfilled. My 24/7 9mm holds a world speed shooting record. That’s impressive to me and so far, it’s been great…….. FOR ME. Someone else can get a dud off the factory line……. just like they can get a dud Hi Point, possibly. Nobody makes a perfect anything every time. Drivers of Cadillacs and Lincolns will never support Yugos or Daewoos. Drivers of Yugos and Daewoos will always be irritated by those who insist they need something better than they have.

    You’re happy with a Hi Point…….. good. I wouldn’t want it any different. But don’t turn a nose just because some choose differently. Okay?

    Happy Shooting!

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603


    The comparison of opinions is like this…….

    One drives a Yugo, the other a Toyota Corolla, and yet another drives a Cadillac. Which is the best car?

    When asking about product comparisons, you’re going to have these differences but seldom will anybody in this world say that an “economy car” is the best car for people to buy. They may be gems for a few but economy models have been notorious throughout their history as being more apt to breakdown, needing more maintenence, and not having as long of a service life. However, if you do the search, you’ll find plenty of testamonials stating that the vehicle is worth every penny. It’s biased feedback based on the experience of one. Many don’t reply. Many don’t want to whine about their poor experience. They just want to move on to something better, ASAP.

    If you compared this to fishing rods, which we all use or we wouldn’t be here on IDA, it’s arguable that St. Croix’s aren’t worth a hoot because a $20.00 Shakespeare catches all the fish I need. Customer service is great. They even go beyond warranty to see me happy! But……… if you’ve ever fished an Avid, you quickly understand why the St. Croix becomes more desireable. Even so…….. give the Shakespeare to a knowledgeble angler and the Avid to a novice and the experienced guy is likely STILL to outperform the novice.

    See my point? There are shooters involved here. One may have a true talent and makes the Hi Point look better than it is. But as far as gun dealers go, they often shoot most of their inventory models at some point or other. So if they “drive” a Cadillac and then a Yugo, which do think they’ll say drives better??? Now, they may sell “yugos” but if you ask them how good the Yugo is, they have to be concerned about your happiness, your confidence in their recommendations, and try to gain your return business. Are they shooting themselves in the foot if they bash the Yugo a bit? Not necessarily. Someone is going to come along and NOT CARE about the cush ride of the fancy car. Someone is going to come along and only have enough money (or credit) to get a Yugo. Someone is going to come along and not care about performance. They want something cheap because it’s going to see VERY little use. Someone is going to come along and not care what the salesperson has for knowledge, experience, or opinion. Their buddy just got one and their’s is great!

    This is all reflective of what happens in these product discussions and it needs to be realized that every opinion is relative to the experience of those that possess it and that they will in turn pursuade those that are simply curious. Don’t get mad if your good experience doesn’t get a lot of support. You just may be one of the lucky ones. Maybe you haven’t found anything better within your budget……yet. I still have a Pinnacle reel that the world HATES! But guess what, it’s been good to me and until it dies…….. it’s being good to me. But I’m not going to try and sell the world on finding one and buying it either. Are ya with me???

    I’ve heard Taurus getting bashed. Good. Their customer service is notoriously poor…….. but fulfilled. My 24/7 9mm holds a world speed shooting record. That’s impressive to me and so far, it’s been great…….. FOR ME. Someone else can get a dud off the factory line……. just like they can get a dud Hi Point, possibly. Nobody makes a perfect anything every time. Drivers of Cadillacs and Lincolns will never support Yugos or Daewoos. Drivers of Yugos and Daewoos will always be irritated by those who insist they need something better than they have.

    You’re happy with a Hi Point…….. good. I wouldn’t want it any different. But don’t turn a nose just because some choose differently. Okay?

    Happy Shooting!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Riverrat…you’re out gunned!

    I feel your pain in this thread as I’m a Kel Tec P3AT owner.

    Some folks buy one and shoot it right out of the box while others need to shoot a couple hundred rounds through it to “break it in”. Still others need to do the “fluff and buff”.

    Personally, I would never have bought one but because of the size it was what the FW wanted. After shooting it for a bit..I confiscated it from her, then ended up buying another.
    It’s a comparatively inexpensive, comparatively light weight and comparatively tiny hand gun.

    With all of that come limp wristing, the dislike for Winchester “white box” and the recommendation of cleaning and lubing it prior to it’s first shot. Then of course there are the folks that feel the 380 is a worthless round.

    The 1911 guys hate them…of course the hard core 1911 guys hate anything that’s not a 1911.

    Kel Tec has it’s lovers and haters too….for me, I could care less about the haters or the lovers for that matter…and I mean that in a good way.

    It’s been a great mouse gun for me…and that’s all that really matters…to me.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Riverrat…you’re out gunned!

    I feel your pain in this thread as I’m a Kel Tec P3AT owner.

    Some folks buy one and shoot it right out of the box while others need to shoot a couple hundred rounds through it to “break it in”. Still others need to do the “fluff and buff”.

    Personally, I would never have bought one but because of the size it was what the FW wanted. After shooting it for a bit..I confiscated it from her, then ended up buying another.
    It’s a comparatively inexpensive, comparatively light weight and comparatively tiny hand gun.

    With all of that come limp wristing, the dislike for Winchester “white box” and the recommendation of cleaning and lubing it prior to it’s first shot. Then of course there are the folks that feel the 380 is a worthless round.

    The 1911 guys hate them…of course the hard core 1911 guys hate anything that’s not a 1911.

    Kel Tec has it’s lovers and haters too….for me, I could care less about the haters or the lovers for that matter…and I mean that in a good way.

    It’s been a great mouse gun for me…and that’s all that really matters…to me.

    Eau Claire , WI
    Posts: 2786

    BK my little brother reload some nice .380 rounds for carry. Did great on balistic gel tests too.

    Eau Claire , WI
    Posts: 2786

    BK my little brother reload some nice .380 rounds for carry. Did great on balistic gel tests too.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Thanks Life…I prefer to use factory ammo for carry. From what I hear it saves about 1.5 days in court if I would ever have to use it.

    Don’t know that for a fact though.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Thanks Life…I prefer to use factory ammo for carry. From what I hear it saves about 1.5 days in court if I would ever have to use it.

    Don’t know that for a fact though.

    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 622

    OK, that’s pretty much what I expected to see.
    The people who don’t own one are bad mouthing them.
    The people who do own one say it’s either great, or just OK.

    I do have one and so far it’s finicky, I only have 140 rounds through it. I have a S&W auto that’s finicky too! Many semi-autos talk about a break in period so I’m not giving up yet. I am confident I can get it to shoot reliably. Most of my problems look like they’re magazine related. As far as accuracy goes I can do fine with mine and walked it right in with 2 clicks up and 2 right!

    I never said I want it to defend my life or to carry it either! I picked it up for CHEAP (relatively speaking) plinking. I just wanted to see if anybody else had one for some feedback!

    I’ll keep you posted.

    Thanks for all the replies,


    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 622

    OK, that’s pretty much what I expected to see.
    The people who don’t own one are bad mouthing them.
    The people who do own one say it’s either great, or just OK.

    I do have one and so far it’s finicky, I only have 140 rounds through it. I have a S&W auto that’s finicky too! Many semi-autos talk about a break in period so I’m not giving up yet. I am confident I can get it to shoot reliably. Most of my problems look like they’re magazine related. As far as accuracy goes I can do fine with mine and walked it right in with 2 clicks up and 2 right!

    I never said I want it to defend my life or to carry it either! I picked it up for CHEAP (relatively speaking) plinking. I just wanted to see if anybody else had one for some feedback!

    I’ll keep you posted.

    Thanks for all the replies,


    Central Wisconsin US-of-A
    Posts: 1464


    You’re happy with a Hi Point…….. good. I wouldn’t want it any different. But don’t turn a nose just because some choose differently. Okay?

    I’m sorry if I confused you somewhere along the way making it look as if I turned my nose on others brands. Far be it from that actually. I only own one High Point for the time being. That sole HP is FAR from being the only gun I own. Let’s just say if I were to keep all of them under my bed it would teeter totter while rubbing the ceiling. As I’ve made quite clear before I couldn’t care less what people shoot or own. I’ve also made clear it is very annoying and a waste of time reading replies that make outrageous claims to a product when the author has zero hands on experience. Opinions are fine until they are presented as fact. At that point the person asking the question is usually being (grossly) mislead by arrogance and not intelligence.

    Briank, I shot my friends Kel Tec this summer. It felt like a hammer head and I swear I was trying to bend the claw instead of pulling the trigger. Still it has a very specific purpose and as soon as I can afford (I tell the wife “justify”) one I will have one.

    Central Wisconsin US-of-A
    Posts: 1464


    You’re happy with a Hi Point…….. good. I wouldn’t want it any different. But don’t turn a nose just because some choose differently. Okay?

    I’m sorry if I confused you somewhere along the way making it look as if I turned my nose on others brands. Far be it from that actually. I only own one High Point for the time being. That sole HP is FAR from being the only gun I own. Let’s just say if I were to keep all of them under my bed it would teeter totter while rubbing the ceiling. As I’ve made quite clear before I couldn’t care less what people shoot or own. I’ve also made clear it is very annoying and a waste of time reading replies that make outrageous claims to a product when the author has zero hands on experience. Opinions are fine until they are presented as fact. At that point the person asking the question is usually being (grossly) mislead by arrogance and not intelligence.

    Briank, I shot my friends Kel Tec this summer. It felt like a hammer head and I swear I was trying to bend the claw instead of pulling the trigger. Still it has a very specific purpose and as soon as I can afford (I tell the wife “justify”) one I will have one.

    Eau Claire , WI
    Posts: 2786

    I hear you there I carry factory too.

    Eau Claire , WI
    Posts: 2786

    I hear you there I carry factory too.

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603



    I’ve also made clear it is very annoying and a waste of time reading replies that make outrageous claims to a product when the author has zero hands on experience. Opinions are fine until they are presented as fact. At that point the person asking the question is usually being (grossly) mislead by arrogance and not intelligence.

    You gettin’ paid by the pound to dump that load??? ‘Scuse me while I wipe my eyes……..

    I mean this humorously so take it lightly……… if at all……. okay comrad?

    The only “facts” someone with experience can yield is their own experience. Even they, at that point, are subject to believing or disbelieving the information shared by others, with or without experience. They’re not stupid, nor are they arrogant. They’re simply choosing within their personal comfort zone.

    Wrap your head around this:

    Using methanphetomenes is bad. It’s bad for you and it will leave your body in terrible disarray if used regularly.

    I have no experience with this, yet this is what I’m supposed to teach my children. Am I being arrogant? Unintelligent? I can present this as FACT because of someone else’s experience…….. can I not???

    Every day, we ALL wade through life either tripping over discoveries of experience or trusting in some form of information to help us stumble less. Look both ways before crossing. Don’t use a match to check how much gas is in the can. Drive in the proper lane. Don’t eat the urinal cakes!

    I’m using extremes for examplary purposes but to strike a notch closer to home, have you ever read consumer reports? Product articles? Product shootouts? These publications WILL sway your decision making processes to some degree. Either they’re full of it…… or we place some stock in what they say and decide accordingly.

    I mean, not to ramble on and on, but everyday we place some level of trust in the information provided by the experience of others AND embrace it as FACT. Why? Because it’s someone else’s FACT.

    If we want to further explore then, the philosophies of “what may be true for you is not necessarily true for me”, I encourage you (and everyone else) to explore this carefully. If I tell you not to stand in front of a speeding train because it will kill you, I wouldn’t want you to go out and test it. However, gravity is a good example. You jump, you come back down. I don’t need experience to inform this fact. Skin placed within a flame is going to burn. North……. is always north…… for everyone.

    When it comes to opinions, there’s ALWAYS a basis behind them. You will have to determine from there if it is or isn’t a waste of your time, but you’ll never know unless you acknowledge it and it’s possibilities.

    Someone who knows a LOT more about guns than I could NOT recommend the Hi-Point product for me, based on their experience. I shared that opinion, as fact, because it was indeed factual for the person that shared that information with me. I only thought that if someone would discourage me, with sound reasoning, that I should offer that same information as worthy consideration.

    I’m still currently working at Fleet Farm in the sporting goods dept.. Believe me, I deal with this all the time. I’m not always right and some people are going to care less about the info I share because “their buddy” is their authority on valid information. But I give it my best shot and plenty of people are glad that I’ve shared my experience, as well as the experiences of others, in recommending products. “Some guys like” and “Some guys dislike” are regular parts of my daily sentence structure. So is “I prefer ……… because I want/need something that will……” and the like. It’s no waste of time because if nobody said nothing, you’d just stumble through on trial and error, hence really wasting time and money. And what to think if you saw someone else stumbling through and you say nothing? Seems a bit heartless. But then again, what do I know. It’s just an opinion.

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603



    I’ve also made clear it is very annoying and a waste of time reading replies that make outrageous claims to a product when the author has zero hands on experience. Opinions are fine until they are presented as fact. At that point the person asking the question is usually being (grossly) mislead by arrogance and not intelligence.

    You gettin’ paid by the pound to dump that load??? ‘Scuse me while I wipe my eyes……..

    I mean this humorously so take it lightly……… if at all……. okay comrad?

    The only “facts” someone with experience can yield is their own experience. Even they, at that point, are subject to believing or disbelieving the information shared by others, with or without experience. They’re not stupid, nor are they arrogant. They’re simply choosing within their personal comfort zone.

    Wrap your head around this:

    Using methanphetomenes is bad. It’s bad for you and it will leave your body in terrible disarray if used regularly.

    I have no experience with this, yet this is what I’m supposed to teach my children. Am I being arrogant? Unintelligent? I can present this as FACT because of someone else’s experience…….. can I not???

    Every day, we ALL wade through life either tripping over discoveries of experience or trusting in some form of information to help us stumble less. Look both ways before crossing. Don’t use a match to check how much gas is in the can. Drive in the proper lane. Don’t eat the urinal cakes!

    I’m using extremes for examplary purposes but to strike a notch closer to home, have you ever read consumer reports? Product articles? Product shootouts? These publications WILL sway your decision making processes to some degree. Either they’re full of it…… or we place some stock in what they say and decide accordingly.

    I mean, not to ramble on and on, but everyday we place some level of trust in the information provided by the experience of others AND embrace it as FACT. Why? Because it’s someone else’s FACT.

    If we want to further explore then, the philosophies of “what may be true for you is not necessarily true for me”, I encourage you (and everyone else) to explore this carefully. If I tell you not to stand in front of a speeding train because it will kill you, I wouldn’t want you to go out and test it. However, gravity is a good example. You jump, you come back down. I don’t need experience to inform this fact. Skin placed within a flame is going to burn. North……. is always north…… for everyone.

    When it comes to opinions, there’s ALWAYS a basis behind them. You will have to determine from there if it is or isn’t a waste of your time, but you’ll never know unless you acknowledge it and it’s possibilities.

    Someone who knows a LOT more about guns than I could NOT recommend the Hi-Point product for me, based on their experience. I shared that opinion, as fact, because it was indeed factual for the person that shared that information with me. I only thought that if someone would discourage me, with sound reasoning, that I should offer that same information as worthy consideration.

    I’m still currently working at Fleet Farm in the sporting goods dept.. Believe me, I deal with this all the time. I’m not always right and some people are going to care less about the info I share because “their buddy” is their authority on valid information. But I give it my best shot and plenty of people are glad that I’ve shared my experience, as well as the experiences of others, in recommending products. “Some guys like” and “Some guys dislike” are regular parts of my daily sentence structure. So is “I prefer ……… because I want/need something that will……” and the like. It’s no waste of time because if nobody said nothing, you’d just stumble through on trial and error, hence really wasting time and money. And what to think if you saw someone else stumbling through and you say nothing? Seems a bit heartless. But then again, what do I know. It’s just an opinion.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    I swear I was trying to bend the claw instead of pulling the trigger.

    Yup…that’s it’s safety!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    I swear I was trying to bend the claw instead of pulling the trigger.

    Yup…that’s it’s safety!

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