Have you ever wanted to pull the trigger of a 45 cal Thompson Machine Gun?
How about the .223 cal SAW that’s being used in Iraq right now?
Here’s your chance…and all for the IDA discounted price that makes it very affordable for you!
Here’s the date:
Tuesday, June 20th from 5 to 9 pm
Automatic Instructions/Fire starts at 7 pm sharp.
Bill’s Gun Shop & Range – Robbinsdale
(763) 533-9594
>Click HERE< for directions
What’s the cost?
Normal price is the $20 range fee, plus $60 per hour for each weapon, plus ammo. This includes a fully trained automatic weapon instructor that will hold a 30 minute class room instruction, then be with us on the range.
$20. plus ammo. This includes all of the above
30 minutes of class room shooting fundamentals and indoor range one on one hand gun instruction.
Another $30. value!
Wheather you are a beginner or expert shooter, Bill’s instructors will help you shoot straighter and with more consistancy. The goal of this part class and part live fire instruction is to help you diagnos your shooting and have you become a better shooter.
Remember to bring your own handgun! If you don’t have one, send a Private Message to me and we’ll get you set up for the evening.
Please Note: The gathering for shooting your own gun (or someone esles) is open to anyone…and we welcome register and non registered members!
For the Auto Fire, you will need to be a registered member of In-DepthAngling.com
>Click Here< to register on IDA and posting to this thread prior to 12 noon the day of the get together…June 20th. Must be 18 years of age or acompanied by a parent or guardian.
If you are a non registered member, and have any questions…please email me at briank AT In-DepthAngling DOT com
Hope to see you there!