Private Party Background Checks?

  • Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Personally I see advantages…but I see the disavantages…as in criminals are going to steal a gun before buying one…right?


    The co-owner of Badger Outdoors, one of the largest gun stores in Wisconsin,
    said in an article in today’s Milwaukee Journal Sentinel that he favors
    mandatory background checks on private party transfers of firearms.

    Mick Beatovic, co-owner of Badger, is quoted extensively in the article,
    which you can view at

    Further, Beatovic is to meet with Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett this afternoon
    at a press conference the mayor hopes will give momentum to further
    gun-control measures.

    Anti-gun groups have long pushed for mandatory checks on private sales,
    citing the so-called “gun show loophole.” This even though the BATF has
    reported that less than 2% of guns obtained by criminals were bought at gun
    shows, and that the majority of guns that criminals obtain come from other
    criminals or from family members.

    Please call Badger Outdoors at 414-383-0885 and urge them to stand with
    law-abiding gun owners, not anti-gun Mayor Tom Barrett.

    The Wisconsin Concealed Carry Association

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