Opinions welcome

  • prieser
    Byron, MN
    Posts: 2273

    I will be in the market for a new riffle in the near future. It will be mainly for BIG game, such as elk and what not. For a couple of years all the talk was about the short mags and the super short mags. More that likely I will be looking at the .300 Win Mag or the .338. Are these “short” guns any good or should I stick with the old standard. I was also told not to put any scope on smaller than a 4×12. Any thoughts. Thanks in advance for the help.

    Coon Rapids MN
    Posts: 163

    Personally i would stick with the standard.

    Coon Rapids MN
    Posts: 163

    Personally i would stick with the standard.

    Byron, MN
    Posts: 2273

    The venerable Leupold 3×9-40

    I will go with the Ruger 77MKII.

    I have a Nikon 3×9 on my 7MM Ruger (sorry, stainless and synthetic) I really like the Ruger and I was definetly going to look into them for the chambering I want. I also agree on the muzzle break, they suck.
    I more than likely will stick with the standard chambering, just more curious about the short mags.

    Byron, MN
    Posts: 2273

    The venerable Leupold 3×9-40

    I will go with the Ruger 77MKII.

    I have a Nikon 3×9 on my 7MM Ruger (sorry, stainless and synthetic) I really like the Ruger and I was definetly going to look into them for the chambering I want. I also agree on the muzzle break, they suck.
    I more than likely will stick with the standard chambering, just more curious about the short mags.

    Northwest Wisconsin
    Posts: 60

    One consideration is when you’re on the elk hunting trip and realize that you lost your ammo pouch in the 3 feet of snow, what caliber rounds ma and pa’s hardware store is going to have in stock. It would suck to spend a lot of time driving around looking for ammo when a person could be in the woods. Though the shorts are becoming more popular, the standards are more easily found on the racks in most places. Good luck choosing.

    Northwest Wisconsin
    Posts: 60

    One consideration is when you’re on the elk hunting trip and realize that you lost your ammo pouch in the 3 feet of snow, what caliber rounds ma and pa’s hardware store is going to have in stock. It would suck to spend a lot of time driving around looking for ammo when a person could be in the woods. Though the shorts are becoming more popular, the standards are more easily found on the racks in most places. Good luck choosing.

    Posts: 351

    I would stay with the venerable 300 Win. Mag as a do-all rifle. I purchase a Browning A-Bolt 10 years ago and have never second guessed the decision! I also have a Leupold Vari-X III 3.5-10X50 on it. I would recommend that you spend a little bit extra on the glass as you can only shoot what you can see! I agree, for most hunting, that the 3-9 power is adequate for most situations. You may look to the 4-12 or the 4.5-14 for open country hunting or strictly out West, but I feel that the 3-9(3.5-10) is a GREAT all around choice. Good Luck! 690reece

    Posts: 351

    I would stay with the venerable 300 Win. Mag as a do-all rifle. I purchase a Browning A-Bolt 10 years ago and have never second guessed the decision! I also have a Leupold Vari-X III 3.5-10X50 on it. I would recommend that you spend a little bit extra on the glass as you can only shoot what you can see! I agree, for most hunting, that the 3-9 power is adequate for most situations. You may look to the 4-12 or the 4.5-14 for open country hunting or strictly out West, but I feel that the 3-9(3.5-10) is a GREAT all around choice. Good Luck! 690reece

    Byron, MN
    Posts: 2273


    mathematic calculation which is comprised of following factors: Bullet Weight in Grains: Muzzle Velocity,Powder Weight,Gun Weight (example 9.25):

    UMMM, can you repeat all the parts about what you said about those things. JK

    Recoil is relitive to wether or not you’re sitting at a range or shooting at a 7×7. In other words, I don’t ever remember shooting at any animal and saying wow, that hurt.

    Byron, MN
    Posts: 2273


    mathematic calculation which is comprised of following factors: Bullet Weight in Grains: Muzzle Velocity,Powder Weight,Gun Weight (example 9.25):

    UMMM, can you repeat all the parts about what you said about those things. JK

    Recoil is relitive to wether or not you’re sitting at a range or shooting at a 7×7. In other words, I don’t ever remember shooting at any animal and saying wow, that hurt.

    Arkansaw, Wisconsin
    Posts: 945

    But……Ballistics on the short mags are better. That’s what the big rave about them is, from what I’ve read. If I remember right it has something to do with the casing being shorter so it burns faster, thus improving the performance. Mac can probably spit out some numbers at you or give you a link.

    Arkansaw, Wisconsin
    Posts: 945

    But……Ballistics on the short mags are better. That’s what the big rave about them is, from what I’ve read. If I remember right it has something to do with the casing being shorter so it burns faster, thus improving the performance. Mac can probably spit out some numbers at you or give you a link.

    My House
    Posts: 62

    I have a .300 weatherby vangard chambered for .300 winnie’s. i really like that gun. doesnt kick and it turns crows into powder at 200 yards. i also have a M700 remmington .280 mt rifle. that is also a really nice gun. it’ll drop a in its tracks. i have a Simons atec on both guns. one black and one silver to match the barrel. im pretty sure they r 3×9 dont quote me on the i didnt really look to see. but they are very clear and like i said i can see a crow at 200 yards and powder him i think its a pretty good scope. good luck hope u find the one thats right for you

    My House
    Posts: 62

    I have a .300 weatherby vangard chambered for .300 winnie’s. i really like that gun. doesnt kick and it turns crows into powder at 200 yards. i also have a M700 remmington .280 mt rifle. that is also a really nice gun. it’ll drop a in its tracks. i have a Simons atec on both guns. one black and one silver to match the barrel. im pretty sure they r 3×9 dont quote me on the i didnt really look to see. but they are very clear and like i said i can see a crow at 200 yards and powder him i think its a pretty good scope. good luck hope u find the one thats right for you

    S.W. WI
    Posts: 113

    the short powder train is suppose to be more accurate, remember the ppc,3o8,243,ect.thats what some of the rage is about. plus you can get it in a shorter action rifle with no belt.

    S.W. WI
    Posts: 113

    the short powder train is suppose to be more accurate, remember the ppc,3o8,243,ect.thats what some of the rage is about. plus you can get it in a shorter action rifle with no belt.

    Arkansaw, Wisconsin
    Posts: 945

    Ok Mack with all of that you just confused me! I know your more up on guns than I but all I was saying is….as a customer looking to buy a rifle, we’ll say you have a 270 WSM and a 270 Win., one in each hand and wondering which one to buy, and your going to be shooting factory ammo, the WSM is the way to go. See if I can get this on here.
    Take a look at the 150 Nosler Bal. Tip, just for comparison. The WSM at the muzzle is almost 200FPS faster and 380 FP’s stronger. http://www.cpcartridge.com/270winB.htm and http://www.cpcartridge.com270wsmB.htm If I was looking at this at buying time, I would opt on the WSM. Just so you know I’m not trying to be an

    Arkansaw, Wisconsin
    Posts: 945

    Ok Mack with all of that you just confused me! I know your more up on guns than I but all I was saying is….as a customer looking to buy a rifle, we’ll say you have a 270 WSM and a 270 Win., one in each hand and wondering which one to buy, and your going to be shooting factory ammo, the WSM is the way to go. See if I can get this on here.
    Take a look at the 150 Nosler Bal. Tip, just for comparison. The WSM at the muzzle is almost 200FPS faster and 380 FP’s stronger. http://www.cpcartridge.com/270winB.htm and http://www.cpcartridge.com270wsmB.htm If I was looking at this at buying time, I would opt on the WSM. Just so you know I’m not trying to be an

    Arkansaw, Wisconsin
    Posts: 945

    Mack, hey thanks for the reassurance, your Federal link just backed my data but Federal has the difference between the 2 even more skued towards the WSM. And yes it is a good debate…kind of like the “what is killing power?” FPS or FP’s. I don’t know if either is better than the other but I would say I would rather be shooting the lighter-flatter bullet! So Mack what’s your take on that one

    Arkansaw, Wisconsin
    Posts: 945

    Mack, hey thanks for the reassurance, your Federal link just backed my data but Federal has the difference between the 2 even more skued towards the WSM. And yes it is a good debate…kind of like the “what is killing power?” FPS or FP’s. I don’t know if either is better than the other but I would say I would rather be shooting the lighter-flatter bullet! So Mack what’s your take on that one

    S.W. WI
    Posts: 113

    well,yes and no. the case is still very important for accuracy. we could debate this alot. if you look at benchrest shooters,you will see the PPC,308 ect. you wont see the 270,25-06,ect. I own a 270 that shoots very well,but I wont take it to a shoot. My rem 700 VLS in 243 is another story.My opinion, 700 remington or winchester 70 in any caliber you can shoot well and is big enough.

    S.W. WI
    Posts: 113

    well,yes and no. the case is still very important for accuracy. we could debate this alot. if you look at benchrest shooters,you will see the PPC,308 ect. you wont see the 270,25-06,ect. I own a 270 that shoots very well,but I wont take it to a shoot. My rem 700 VLS in 243 is another story.My opinion, 700 remington or winchester 70 in any caliber you can shoot well and is big enough.

    S.W. WI
    Posts: 113

    Well said alvin mack. My shooting buddies and I argue all the time, its all good natured fun. This is the way the gun makers get to sell us more guns,new calibers and gadgets. I still say shoot as big a caliber that you can handle and shoot acurately.

    S.W. WI
    Posts: 113

    Well said alvin mack. My shooting buddies and I argue all the time, its all good natured fun. This is the way the gun makers get to sell us more guns,new calibers and gadgets. I still say shoot as big a caliber that you can handle and shoot acurately.

    Byron, MN
    Posts: 2273


    kind of like the “what is killing power?” FPS or FP’s.

    So this is the whole point of my question. I have a 7MM, if I remember right the biggest grain is 180. Yes it will kill an elk, but if I am 350 yards out with a poor placement (shoulder blade) I don’t think it would have enough FP left to actually penetrate and make a killing shot. Not that this my plan of course, I don’t know if a 300 or a 338 would kill the animal either. But I would have a lot better chance at a kill with one of these guns. So after reading all your responses, I am pretty much leaning towards the standard shell. Thanks for all the responses guys.

    Byron, MN
    Posts: 2273


    kind of like the “what is killing power?” FPS or FP’s.

    So this is the whole point of my question. I have a 7MM, if I remember right the biggest grain is 180. Yes it will kill an elk, but if I am 350 yards out with a poor placement (shoulder blade) I don’t think it would have enough FP left to actually penetrate and make a killing shot. Not that this my plan of course, I don’t know if a 300 or a 338 would kill the animal either. But I would have a lot better chance at a kill with one of these guns. So after reading all your responses, I am pretty much leaning towards the standard shell. Thanks for all the responses guys.

    Arkansaw, Wisconsin
    Posts: 945

    Prieser, I hope this doesn’t get long winded but here goes. I go round and round with this, with my friends that shoot muzzy broadheads, because of their bone breaking capabilities, if they hit the shoulder. Why pick your equiptment for the 10-20% of the time that your going to fail from human error? I myself believe, that your equipment should give you the best chance to succeed under the norm (80-90%) With that being said, I “use” to have a 7mm mag. I sold it and now I use my .243 Win when I’m in rifle country. No it doesn’t carry the FP’s the 7mm does but I was much more accurate with the .243, where I knew I was going to make a shot out to 300yds 90% of the time, with plenty of kenetic energy left to put down a deer. Hope this helps you pick a round that will meet your expectations

    Arkansaw, Wisconsin
    Posts: 945

    Prieser, I hope this doesn’t get long winded but here goes. I go round and round with this, with my friends that shoot muzzy broadheads, because of their bone breaking capabilities, if they hit the shoulder. Why pick your equiptment for the 10-20% of the time that your going to fail from human error? I myself believe, that your equipment should give you the best chance to succeed under the norm (80-90%) With that being said, I “use” to have a 7mm mag. I sold it and now I use my .243 Win when I’m in rifle country. No it doesn’t carry the FP’s the 7mm does but I was much more accurate with the .243, where I knew I was going to make a shot out to 300yds 90% of the time, with plenty of kenetic energy left to put down a deer. Hope this helps you pick a round that will meet your expectations

    Byron, MN
    Posts: 2273

    yep I agree. But, I am going to be using this particular riffle for bigger game. Elk, moose, maybe a grizzly who knows. My 7MM is great for deer, never a problem. I have also heard there are elk outfitters who wont let you 7MM. I know the chances are just as good for a gut shot, as a shoulder blade. Just want to make sure if I am a little foward that its still going down.

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