This morning, the Nebraska legislature passed their shall-issue concealed
carry bill, and it is headed on to the governor to sign. The governor has
repeatedly demanded that the bill be sent to his desk, because he supports
concealed carry.This will make Nebraska the 39th shall-issue state, and the 48th state to
allow citizens some provision to carry weapons for self defense.It’s now down to Illinois and Wisconsin. We’re the last holdouts.
And, if Governor Doyle and his fellow anti-gunners in the legislature have
their way, we’ll remain that way.By now, you should be hopping mad.
In a few days, I’m going to send you an email talking about a subject that
most people don’t like to deal with: money.In the meantime, please give some thought as to what it’s worth to you to
make Wisconsin a Free State.Let’s also congratulate the legislators in Kansas and Nebraska for standing
up for their constituents’ safety, something that Governor Doyle refuses to
Dick Baker
Treasurer, WCCA, WCCMAuthorized and paid for by the Wisconsin Concealed Carry Association,
Richard A. Baker Treasurer
March 30, 2006 at 8:10 pm