The Liberal “Anti-Gun” Media.

  • jon_jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Have you heard the add program currently running on radio in the Twin Cities. Goes like this: Older brother (with obvious racial overtones as the speaker appears to sound African America) Only 5 years, 3 months, 21 days until I get out of jail. Younger brother. I miss my older brother, only 5 yrs, 3 months 21 days until he comes home from jail. Older brother – I’ll be alright, I can handle this. Younger brother – I’ll be ok, I can handle this….. etc, etc, Then the narrator states: “Commit a GUN CRIME and go to jail……” Implying that if you are black and commit a gun crime you are going to jail – period.

    Boy do I have a lot of problems with this add campaign. First the obvious target market here. Where is the NAACP when they are actually needed? Second and more important. Wouldn’t the same be true if you commit ANY crime? Why the focus on the evil gun? What about that evil knife? That evil baseball bat?

    Sorry, about the third time today I have heard the commercial, pisses me off. Thanks for listening.


    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Jon, you need to stop listening to CBS affiliates.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Jon, you need to stop listening to CBS affiliates.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2515

    I think I saw it as a television commercial also. Not sure where or when.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2515

    I think I saw it as a television commercial also. Not sure where or when.

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3666

    I have heard the same commercial. Pisses me off. Because the guy who is about to commit a crime (gun crime is irrelevant) is really caring about what he does to others.

    The way I look at it, the target market for this commercial is not criminals, but the “average” person who may be on the fence about gun control. But after hearing this, feel bad for the poor kid, and decide more gun control is needed. I think they realize that they can’t stop bad people from being bad, but they can make people think guns are bad.

    I say we hate them

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3666

    I have heard the same commercial. Pisses me off. Because the guy who is about to commit a crime (gun crime is irrelevant) is really caring about what he does to others.

    The way I look at it, the target market for this commercial is not criminals, but the “average” person who may be on the fence about gun control. But after hearing this, feel bad for the poor kid, and decide more gun control is needed. I think they realize that they can’t stop bad people from being bad, but they can make people think guns are bad.

    I say we hate them

    Winona, MN
    Posts: 60

    People don’t commit crimes. Guns Do

    Winona, MN
    Posts: 60

    People don’t commit crimes. Guns Do

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908


    The way I look at it, the target market for this commercial is not criminals, but the “average” person who may be on the fence about gun control.


    Why do I keep hearing this ad? I listen to “white guy” rock n roll and conservative talk radio. At best they are missing the target audience.

    At worst, I think it is sub-consciously brainwashing the average person to believe the typical young black guy is “probably” packing. Reinforcing the media’s stereotypical “criminal”……


    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908


    The way I look at it, the target market for this commercial is not criminals, but the “average” person who may be on the fence about gun control.


    Why do I keep hearing this ad? I listen to “white guy” rock n roll and conservative talk radio. At best they are missing the target audience.

    At worst, I think it is sub-consciously brainwashing the average person to believe the typical young black guy is “probably” packing. Reinforcing the media’s stereotypical “criminal”……


    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5711

    This kind of crap drives me nuts. Here’s a good example of how far things have gone.
    A guy I know just got fired on the spot for wearing a Leatherman multi-tool on his belt into work. They dragged him into the HR lady’s office and told him he was done, pack up and get out. Apparently they have a “zero tolerance policy” on weapons. He asked the HR lady if she had a pair of scissors in her desk. No comment. Then he pointed out that the thing on his belt was a pair of pliers, was she afraid he was going to pull someone’s teeth out? He also pointed out he could do a lot more damage with a chair or throwing a file cabinet at somebody, so exactly how are they defining weapons?
    The HR lady said that “People have a right to feel safe at work” and that a “man with a knife on his belt is threatening”. I always thought that was a hell of a thing to say to a man, that you’re assuming he’s a threat just because he’s a man.
    OK, done ranting now.


    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5711

    This kind of crap drives me nuts. Here’s a good example of how far things have gone.
    A guy I know just got fired on the spot for wearing a Leatherman multi-tool on his belt into work. They dragged him into the HR lady’s office and told him he was done, pack up and get out. Apparently they have a “zero tolerance policy” on weapons. He asked the HR lady if she had a pair of scissors in her desk. No comment. Then he pointed out that the thing on his belt was a pair of pliers, was she afraid he was going to pull someone’s teeth out? He also pointed out he could do a lot more damage with a chair or throwing a file cabinet at somebody, so exactly how are they defining weapons?
    The HR lady said that “People have a right to feel safe at work” and that a “man with a knife on his belt is threatening”. I always thought that was a hell of a thing to say to a man, that you’re assuming he’s a threat just because he’s a man.
    OK, done ranting now.


    Mazomanie, WI
    Posts: 1099


    that guy should contact a lawyer. Sounds like an alternative agenda to me.

    Mazomanie, WI
    Posts: 1099


    that guy should contact a lawyer. Sounds like an alternative agenda to me.

    Crosby, MN
    Posts: 3137

    I think that the HR department was intimidated and made to feel uncomfortable by the name “Leatherman” It just sounds threatening!


    Crosby, MN
    Posts: 3137

    I think that the HR department was intimidated and made to feel uncomfortable by the name “Leatherman” It just sounds threatening!


    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Never would have been fired if he was wearing a Leatherwoman…

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Never would have been fired if he was wearing a Leatherwoman…

    Hastings, MN.
    Posts: 17

    I agree to your statement all the way. What next cars, Claw hammers, Screwdrivers, ect…… The list goes on man. Guns don’t kill people, people kill people why can’t they understand this? See ya bye. Good comment.

    Hastings, MN.
    Posts: 17

    I agree to your statement all the way. What next cars, Claw hammers, Screwdrivers, ect…… The list goes on man. Guns don’t kill people, people kill people why can’t they understand this? See ya bye. Good comment.

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