Have you heard the add program currently running on radio in the Twin Cities. Goes like this: Older brother (with obvious racial overtones as the speaker appears to sound African America) Only 5 years, 3 months, 21 days until I get out of jail. Younger brother. I miss my older brother, only 5 yrs, 3 months 21 days until he comes home from jail. Older brother – I’ll be alright, I can handle this. Younger brother – I’ll be ok, I can handle this….. etc, etc, Then the narrator states: “Commit a GUN CRIME and go to jail……” Implying that if you are black and commit a gun crime you are going to jail – period.
Boy do I have a lot of problems with this add campaign. First the obvious target market here. Where is the NAACP when they are actually needed? Second and more important. Wouldn’t the same be true if you commit ANY crime? Why the focus on the evil gun? What about that evil knife? That evil baseball bat?
Sorry, about the third time today I have heard the commercial, pisses me off. Thanks for listening.