jwellsy, no my objective isn’t theft of the weapon it is like Willeye said, this has the potenial to put more weapons on the steet that wouldn’t be there otherwise. Criminals WILL ALWAYS get the guns no matter what, by whatever means they want.
I don’t know if I understand you totally on your problem in the Kmart lot. Why didn’t you put your car in reverse or drive and get out of there? What makes you better than any other thug on the street flashing a gun? Where they armed?
In Wisconsin we have a Force Option Continuim for law enforcement that gives us different levels for the tools we have. I can’t pull my weapon as an officer just because there is a crowd of people who I consider thugs around me. I guess if they were armed with a dangerous weapon that is a little different. Like I said I don’t know the situation.
Going back to the guy doing the hold up in the T-shirt. Are you really going to pull your weapon and shoot him? First most robberies the person, especially if they are, concealing their identity, takes the money and leaves. Second…you pull your pistol he has a SHOTGUN…I doubt he has slugs either. Chances are as an ununiformed person you will be shot and killed. BEING A HERO ISN’T worth it.
Back to the message earlier. Yes I’ve been to these classes for conceal and carry. Did it ease my worries or make me think different about the conceal and carry situation? Some…but there isn’t nearly enough training. A lot of police and even military personel have a hard enough time pulling the trigger because the absolutly have to, to protect themselves much less their family members. If you don’t have that gun you probably won’t put yourself into situations you would need to worry about. Like I said I know you are all for this…and that is fine.
I know our tactics and policies will have to be seriously gone over if it happens. Our Sheriff’s Association has talked to other agencies where this bill is passed and there are many things that have to change. Plus now because I see a gun on a seat of a car or on a dash I have a split second decision to think, pull my gun he’s a threat, don’t pull my gun it’s only Eyejacker going fishing and forgot to put it away, run for the hills, ect….(by the way Eyejacker only an example
) If I’m wrong, I can get shot, nothing will happen, or get sued because I pulled my weapon and knew he was a conceal carry person and should have known he wouldn’t have killed me. My job is bad enough with the bad guys with guns, I don’t want innocent people with them maybe playing hero.