im looking for some input on the setup I have . I have 14ft Lund and am gonna get a bow mount trolling motor. I found a terrova 12v 55 with I pilot that think im set on. My questions are is 12v 55 thrust the way to go? How much run time typically does one get with this setup vs a 24v and would 24v be overkill with a 14ft boat? Is 55 thrust enough power? I would rather have too much than not enough . I usually troll 1-1.5 mph on lakes and haven’t river fished too much with this boat but plan on doing a lot more with new trolling more interested in the spot lock feature for river current. Primary examples for rivers that i fish would be rainy river and pool 4.i also want to know how well the spot lock feature works in 10mph winds. I’ve done a lot of research but want to hear from people that have ran this setup and if it performed up to par or was there things that you would have done different? Thanks

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