Terrova 80lb thrust question

  • shockers
    Posts: 1040

    I’m curious what others experience might be using an 80lb Terrova (24 volt) thrust on Pool 4. I fish out of a 1675 Lund Pro Guide, so it’s not a big boat. Certainly heavier than lighter 16-foot boat tin boats, but relatively ‘light’ I’d think. Batteries are in good shape/pretty new.

    Terrova works ok most of the time, but I gotta say in heavy current/waves, it seems under-powered. I’ve toyed with putting an after-market 3-blade prop on it, but have been told that puts strain on the motor so haven’t yet. Has anyone gone to a 36 volt system on a smaller boat like mine? I don’t know if I really want to contemplate that given expense and extra weight, but just curious. Probably will just live with it but curious what others experiences have been.

    Posts: 332

    80lbs is plenty for that boat….

    Dusty Gesinger
    Minnetrista, Minnesota
    Posts: 2421

    Really, if the trolling motor isn’t enough, put the main motor in gear and use the trolling motor to steer, like supplemental power.

    SE MN
    Posts: 1079

    I run a 80lb Motor guide in a 16 foot Crestliner Sportsman, and it does good most of the time. I would absolutely go to 36V if I had more room for batteries. It’s very frustrating to not be able to fish where and how you want because the trolling motor isn’t strong enough. Running the big motor is an option if your trolling, but not while you’re casting or pitching. If you primarily fish the river get the biggest trolling motor you can afford and still fit the batteries.

    Dusty Gesinger
    Minnetrista, Minnesota
    Posts: 2421

    If your trolling motor isn’t strong enough to hold or move your boat in certain situations, then there is no reason you can’t put the big motor in gear to supplement and continue to control with trolling motor. Just takes some learning.

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