Hey everyone!
I wanted to begin with welcome to 2017! Hopefully the fish are plenty and the weather gorgeous.
Hopefully this thread gets hits! When I was setting up my shack I wish I had some input on some accessories, placement, lighting etc…
I’ll start with what I have now;
Clam Themal X two seater. (It can fit 3-4 depending size of person)
I have the clam 3-pack led lights placed in thirds on the face of the shelter. What I mean by this is if you sit in the seat, the light is in between your legs on the hole and there is a center light where the cup holder accessory is placed. All lights are about 8 inches off the ground and make for a good ice illumination without shining directly on the hole.
Another thing I have is a Coleman lantern hanging from the center beam. I didn’t want to do another led setup because the light would eventually strain my eyes. The yellow light of the lantern is great for a natural type of light. Not to mention it helps with adding some heat to the shack.
Speaking of heat, I use a big buddy with the quick connect hose. I place a 20lb. tank in the shelter so it doesn’t freeze outside in the cold. (In Ely it’s not hard to freeze the tank)
I have some protection on the bottom of the shack with the clam sled-pulling skids. They remind me of hifax for snowmobiles. So far they have worked great and they let the sled track nicely behind me or the ATV.
I hope this starts the thread off niceley!