Teal/Early Goose

  • gim
    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18989

    Anyone chasing teal or early season sky carp tomorrow?

    Posts: 3473

    Not Sunday but should get out a few times during the week. I scouted a couple lakes last week and did not see as many teal as usual.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22308

    Anyone chasing teal or early season sky carp tomorrow?

    Most my buddies are out shooting geese. But this early season doesn’t get me very excited. I slept in till 630 this morning, which is the longest I’ve slept in a few years. That was pretty exciting

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 9084

    Some buddies are down in our field behind the house banging away. I sent them a message and it sounded like they were 2 geese short of a limit a bit ago. Beautiful morning here in SE MN for field hunting.

    Wayzata, MN
    Posts: 302


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    Posts: 3473

    Nice work Jackfish!!

    West central MN
    Posts: 305

    Really nice morning. We should have stuck to the water. Tried field hunting and saw no geese. Switched it up and found our sloughs are really full of water and the cat tails are about 8′ tall. The boy managed to get 3 teal anyway.

    Posts: 177

    We got nine bluewings for four of us. Didn’t see near the amount of teal as we have the past two years. The other three members of our party went dove hunting and had forty five by 9:30.

    Posts: 158

    11 blue wings, 1 green wing, 1 goose for my dad and me. Back at it tomorrow. Not a ton of birds around but there’s enough and lots of water.

    A 3 man dove limit sounds amazing.

    Posts: 3473

    . applause Hunting24seven

    Posts: 24945

    My buddy and 2 others were out yesterday and got 13 geese in like 15 minutes. He said they hadn’t been seeing geese at all but yesterday was sure good. I’ll say!

    Posts: 158

    11 blue wings and 1 green wing today for us, the geese we did see had their own plans. Fun 2 days and looking forward to opener in a few weeks.

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    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18989

    Does anyone else think that Sept 21 is an early general opener? I don’t hunt waterfowl anymore but that sure does seem early. When I used to hunt it was always the first Saturday in October.

    Posts: 158

    They moved it out of October quite awhile ago now to appease the guys that wanted to shoot teal and hunt in warmer weather but this year is especially early. Hate it. Would love to see it go back to October now that we are doing a teal season.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18989

    They moved it out of October quite awhile ago now to appease the guys that wanted to shoot teal and hunt in warmer weather but this year is especially early. Hate it. Would love to see it go back to October now that we are doing a teal season.

    I thought that too. Seems like the closure in the central and southern zones are kinda dumb too. Might as well just open it October and avoid the closure being that there’s a teal season now, like you stated.

    I think they are mandated to a maximum 60 day season by federal law since they are migratory.

    Posts: 3473

    With the teal season and milder climate the regular duck opener should go back to first weekend in October or at least the last weekend in September.

    St. Paul MN
    Posts: 1946

    How do you guys think pheasant season is gonna be?

    Posts: 88

    The season dates moved up for the northern areas, we were getting maybe 5 weekends in before ice up previously. Say what you will but I like it, gave me more weekends to get out.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18989

    How do you guys think pheasant season is gonna be?

    Pheasant season is the same problem. It starts too early. They can easliy move it back 2 weeks in October with a milder climate and tons of corn still up. And then leave it open through the middle of January instead. I’d much rather hunt in January when its 20 degrees out than in October when its 75.

    Posts: 24945

    How do you guys think pheasant season is gonna be?

    Talked to a guy from Montevideo area and he said he has been seeing tons of pheasants which actually surprised me with how wet its been.

    Posts: 674

    I actually like the Pheasant season where it is. All the opener only folks and fair weather hunters go when there’s lots of corn up. It leaves more birds for us that hunt throughout or late season. I think it helps even the harvest because even with corn still in, opening day is still the highest number of birds available.

    Posts: 177

    Shot these guys this morning. Thought we had eighteen for three guys but miscounted and ended up one short.

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    Posts: 4476

    Nothing for me and the girls sunday. Lots of ducks but with the fog they were very hard to indentify so we just sat and watched. Monday 6 teal and 1 goose.

    Posts: 4476

    Made the stepson and youngest daughter their “fowl” stroganoff and they luv it for some reason.

    St. Paul MN
    Posts: 1946

    I always go pheasant hunting early season and it’s always good. Late season is a toss up.

    Posts: 24945

    Late season is a toss up.

    Highly educated by then, but its still fun. Usually see a ton of birds but getting shots is tough.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18989

    Quite often my best pheasant hunting of the season is right after the majority of corn is harvested. That seems to be around Thanksgiving nowadays. Bird numbers seem to double when than occurs. If there’s a fresh snow on the ground, even better.

    St. Paul MN
    Posts: 1946

    I’ve had some really good luck hunting when the corn is still up. Just gotta time it right.

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