The tariff is supposed to make buying similar American made products more attractive/cheaper. Personally I think with America’s corporate greed un-checked the American product will simply follow the foreign product’s post-tariff cost.
This theory has never been proved to work across a broad range of products.
Also, it is not been taken into account that most manufacturers that are making products outside of the US are serving a market beyond just the US. Let’s say a television manufacturer. They are not just making TVs for the American market, they are making TVs for markets all over the world.
So how likely is it that that manufacturer is going to spend millions or billions of dollars building a separate factory in America just to serve the American market so American consumers can avoid being tariffed?
In reality what is going to happen is simply that Americans are going to pay more for everything. And since all price rises can be blamed on tariffs this will be seen as a great opportunity by corporations all over the world to simply raise prices in America.
We are now going to be subsidizing cheap goods for the rest of the world while we pay more.