2 fishermen plan a trip to the same lake on the same day both having the same equipment. Both have never been to this lake before and the lake is on the larger side and has a reputation for both having decent fish, but hard to figure out. Now, about the fishermen, one is a self proclaimed and proven worlds worst ice fisherman (me), and the other a world renowned ice fisherman (James Holst). How important is having a good guild familiar with this lake? I’m asking not just for myself, but also for others who may be planning a trip to unfamiliar waters and wanting a productive experience. I don’t want to get into a bunch of what ifs, I just want to explore the significance of a guild with price NOT being a factor. In a nutshell, in this situation would a guild make the clown better than the icon without a guild? Would the icon without a guild possibly get skunked?

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