Take A Vet Fishing

  • Nick Dennison
    Rochester MN
    Posts: 324

    Walleye Searchers Of Minnesota Present

    Take a Vet Fishing

    The Walleye Searchers of Minnesota are looking for volunteers with boats, preferably fishing boats to help us with this event. Plus volunteers will be needed for unloading and loading of boats and parking of vehicles.

    Any donations will be considered.

    And if you know any veterans that would like to attend send us there contact information name /phone /address.

    Where: Covill Park Red Wing Minnesota

    Date: Saturday August 25 2018

    Time: 7:00am– 3:00pm Food will be served after all boats return to launch!

    To sign up as a boater or helper or Any Questions or comments Contact Nick Dennison or Mark Kruger

    Or Email [email protected]

    Text or call 507-358-1764 or 507-244-0687

    tim hurley
    Posts: 5993

    Sounds great now if only I knew how to catch a walleye-wait, you are the walleye searchers, I can do that!

    Nick Dennison
    Rochester MN
    Posts: 324

    could really use some boaters for this event if guys are willing to help out we will feed you and it is greatly appreciated by the vets. I am trying to get more boats so i can incorporate some gold star families in the event this yr. thank you for your time and if you are willing to help feel free to email me at [email protected] or write on here

    1. IMG_9886.jpg

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