
  • Nitrodog
    Posts: 850

    Lot 1 15- #6 flicker shads $30
    lot 2 7- #9 flicker shads, 6- #12 husky jerks, 7- matzo kinchow minnow $90
    lot 3 5- salmo perch #8, 5- salmo bullhead #8 $50
    lot 4 30 – blades various sizes $60
    lot 5 9- jigging raps 7- shiver minnows $50
    lot 6 27- misc. flicker shads $55
    lot 7 22 bags of misc. plastic, most bags have 1-2 plastics missing from the bags $25

    Would prefer local pick up.

    1. IMG_0071.jpg

    2. IMG_0070.jpg

    3. IMG_0069.jpg

    4. IMG_0068.jpg

    5. IMG_0067.jpg

    6. IMG_0066.jpg

    7. IMG_0065.jpg

    Angler II
    Posts: 538

    I’ll take the jigging raps/shiver minnows

    Elgin, MN
    Posts: 59

    I’ll take the plastics pm sent

    Posts: 850

    Plastics sold pending payment

    Posts: 850

    jigging raps sold pending payment

    Posts: 850

    Plastics and jigging raps are sold

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5149

    Of all the tackle you have for sale what is still left? I might be interested in a package deal. PM me if you want to look at that.

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