Sylvan Viper

  • jbg1219
    NW Iowa
    Posts: 676

    Anybody know anything about these boats… I found an 1998 model that has a 150 on it and it has peaked my interest… I have no doubts my warrior will sell but will need a year or 2 before I am ready to buy a newer boat. Kind of want to go back to a bigger full windsheild boat to see if will hate it before I buy spent 40K plus. I get that it is an older boat, but do I need to look at anything special… are they known for bad transoms, broken stringers, etc? I have seen them before but never really known anybody that owns one or owned one. Thanks in advance guys!!

    cottage grove, mn
    Posts: 1305

    I had a 1993 sylvan pro select and sold it couple years ago. It was a solid boat but started to have rivets leaking at the end. The boat got hauled up to Canada 20 yrs in a row (flin Flon 1800 miles round trip)and was fished hard so have no issues with a few rivets leaking. Solid boat served me extremely well.

    Posts: 1166

    My uncle had a Starcraft Viper (they moved it over to the Starcraft line for the last few years of its run). I always thought it was a bargain fiberglass windshield boat that should’ve got more attention. Ski pylon and all the features for the family. I’m sure as a 1998, the boat will be listed cheap, so as long as you are fine with the motor, I’d say go for it.

    NW Iowa
    Posts: 676

    The motor is yamaha… not real familiar with the 2 strokes from the late 90s… it’s a 150HP with 9.9 4 stroke kicker. The only yamahas I have been around have been very reliable. Hope that it holds true if I can get this thing bought.

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