Sweet spot for custom panfish rod length?

  • Jamin
    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 925

    Okay, so thinking of adding a TUCR Bullwhip to my collection. Currently have a Fusion and PP and it seems adding a BW should round out my set to fish everything from panfish to walleyes.

    My other rods are 32″. I’d say 80% of my time on the ice I run and gun and try not to bother setting up the hub. Then add in a couple LOTW shack trips each winter.

    The dilemma…the 32″ PP at LOTW last season seemed to get a little unwieldy in the shack. Had to watch the tip so I didn’t send it up the wall or into the ceiling. I’m debating on ordering the BW in 34″ length and just being careful when sitting in my hub.

    Think I’ll regret that? Think the 2″ difference is even worth it? Stick to 30″ and not worry at all?

    First world problems…right. Feel silly even asking, but just looking for feedback from others who’ve maybe been down this road.


    Jeff Schomaker
    Posts: 422

    I love my 32” Bull Whip. Works great in my Otter Cabin.

    Jason Guthmiller
    Posts: 105

    I do some hole hopping but mostly fish in my otter pro cabin. I have 28″ p, 32″comander, 30″ pn, 30″ bw and 30″ qt. The 28″ is a little too short for hole hopping but the rest do well. The only one I have a little trouble with in the house is the 32″. I don’t think the 2″ shorter will hurt the hole hopping a whole lot but it will help in the house.

    NW Metro
    Posts: 999

    34″ is just a tish bit long I think for inside the shack.

    32″ Is pretty much perfect. I fish out of a Otter Cabin and a 34″ hits the crossbar.

    You could split it and order a 33″

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 925

    John, I like your thinking… I might regret it but the idea of having an oddball length is kinda tempting in a weird way.

    Ryan Wilson
    Posts: 335

    All of my TUCR’s are 30” (2 PN and 1 Bullwhip). I think 30” is a good in-between size. Short enough for a hub or a flip over and still long enough to stand up and hole hop. If you planned on exclusively hole hopping all day (chasing crappie or something) a 32” inch might be more comfortable but I have no problems with my 30”ers.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 925

    32″ sounds like the sweet spot for a lot of people. Kinda has been for me as well…hence the others in 32″. Everyone says long pole for hole hopping and that’s what got me thinking of going longer. Hmmmmmmmm………..

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