Table Rock Lake Branson Missouri

  • Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    My wife and I are looking for a couple to share a week of time share with in Branson Missouri on Table Rock lake April 3rd to the 10th. I will be bringing my boat and plan on doing allot of fishing, this is the 3rd year we have been down there and we love it. The weather there is usually at least two or three weeks ahead of MN, two years ago we left the snow here, down there the trees were budding and I was out in the boat in a short sleeve shirt & shorts! Your cost for the lodging would be $350, if interested reply here or shoot me a PM.

    Here is a link to the Resort we are staying at:

    Grandvista’s Branson Yacht Club Resort

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Steve, I was down there 3 years ago about the same time. The fly fishing for rainbows below the dam was…awesome…in short sleeve shirts.

    Fishing during the day and shows at night!

    I wish I could take you up on this!

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    Hey Brian keep it in mind for next year, we always go when my Daughter is on spring break from school. I messed up though when I made the reservation, I found out after I made the reservation that

    Big Cedar Lodge is now an RCL property

    We saw Big Cedar last year, we went there for Dinner one night, this place is AWESOME!!!

    I know where we are staying next year

    Looks like my in-laws are joining us for a couple of days on there way home from Arizona

    I know what you mean about the fishing below the dam, here is a pic of my Daughter three years ago with here first trout below the Table Rock Dam.

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