Wabaskang Lake

  • JCW
    Posts: 8

    I own a cottage in Ontario, on Wabaskang Lake,eyes,smallies,pike,& trout. This is a stones throw from Lac Seul,which unfortunatly I’ve never had time to investigate. I’ve only had the cottage a couple of years, so I can’t say I that I know the lake well. However I’ve fished a number of smaller more remote lakes that are nearby for 20+ years. The cottage is a 3 bedroom,on an all-weather road, summer water, and indoor plumbing, and a public boat acess nearby. I own several 14′ alum. boats, not anything really big. I would be interested in finding 1-2 people with or without a larger boat to spend a some time fishing/exploring the lake and learning techniues. My work is unpredictable, but I’d plan something between June-Sept. Depending on when/ my wife also might go. I live in NC Iowa, anybody interested? jcwnet@comm1net

    Oskaloosa ,Iowa
    Posts: 14

    Hello JCW,
    My name is Rick Sinnott and I live in southern Iowa in the
    town of Oskaloosa. I see you are lucky like me and your wife likes to fish! Would be intresting to talk about.Me and my
    wife are always looking for couples to fish with.

    Chippewa Valley (Dunnville Bottoms)
    Posts: 1372

    Hey JCW, Welcome to the site. That’s sounds like a nice spot you have up there.
    I have an Alumacraft Trouphy 170. It’s kind of a medium size boat but it is deep.
    My wife also likes to fish (I mean catch fish) She likes going places also especially if
    there are in antique stores along the way. Which route do you take up?

    Posts: 8

    Hi Steve,
    Home being about 20 miles west of I-35, we go through the cities to Cloquet, then north to International Falls, East to Hwy 502, jog west to Vermilion Bay, and North up 105 (Red Lake Road) It’s about a 11 hour drive for me so we usually drive straight thru. I’m sure there are plenty of Antique shops in Northern Minn if you have the time. Like most cottage people we always find plenty of chores to do while we’re there. I’ve found that fishing the smaller lakes, going out from 4 PM til dark is a very sucessful time. We are on the SE shore of Wabaskang, near Perault Falls, there are 15 or 16 cottages nearby, but most of the time only a few neighbors are there. Where is Chippewa Valley?

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    Hey JCW….
    Ive fished Wabaskang a couple of times….. pretty lake…. tough find nice eyes sometimes…. and easy others… like most canadian shield lakes… TONS of structure…. and there is fish on all of it…. but Ive found better walleyes on the main lake bars and points….

    Chippewa Valley (Dunnville Bottoms)
    Posts: 1372

    I’m located just east from the cities. If you have a map with Wisconsin. Follow hwy 94 east out of the cities and go past Hudson about 40 miles or so untill you come to Menomonie. I’m just about 20 miles south off of hwy 25. The Chippewa Valley is this whole area (Eau Claire,Chippewa Falls,Menomonie,and a lot of other smaller towns). Keep us all posted here as this is the spot to be. How far of a drive is it to the twin cities for you? Steve

    Posts: 8

    Hi RiverEyes,
    To me, Wabaskang has at least 5 seperate lobes or areas, not including other lakes like Keynote. It actually has the Cedar River system running through it, from the falls at Perault to the rapids at Wine Lake. I’m curious what you consider to be the main lake? I agree with you that the fish are everywhere, I’ve found the narrows, and points seem to work most often for me.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13406

    The one trip I have taken up that way was to the English river just north of there. One key I used up there was to head to the wind blown structure. Be it reefs, shore line, what ever.
    I remember one small island we fished that what ever side the wind was blowing on that was where the eyes where hanging.
    This trip I took up to the english was where I learned to shoot my vexlar thru the hull of the boat. A little water in the back of the boat and the transducer read thru it no problem.

    Posts: 8

    Hi Steve,
    I’ve been to Eau Claire a few times, that’s a nice area to be in. We’re about 2 1/2 hours from St. Paul, thats usually about as far as the wife will drive. But if I’m real lucky on a nice day she might drive 100 miles or so just before the border.

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    you are right about the broken up nature of the lake.. but one lobe.. and I dont remember the exact location….. we reached it through a long channel… that lobe did not have much for island… and therefore was quite windswept…. and on the windy points and breaks it was often good…. but also quite rough…

    Clarksville, Iowa
    Posts: 5

    your e-mail isn’t working. i also live in nc iowa.e-mail me at lilluvatnetins.net i think i can help you.

    Posts: 8

    The response has been great, in only a few days time. I have about as many folks as I’ll be able to work with this summer. Thanks FTR this is a nice feature to be able to meet like minded people, and Thanks to you who gave it a look.

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