Welcome to in-depth’s “Trip Swap” Forum
in-depthangling.com is all about meeting new people, sharing our knowledge as anglers with others, and getting the opportunity to learn new bodies of water… and we hope this forum will help make these things happen!
So here’s how this works…
Say an angler that frequently fishes the St. Croix River would like to get to know the Mississippi River near Wabasha, MN. He would put out a post that says something like this…
“Experienced St. Croix River angler, looking to swap a couple days fishing on the Croix with a similarly experienced angler with knowledge of the Mississippi River near Wabasha. I have a 17′ Crestliner with 115 Yamaha. Full gear. I can provide everything needed for trips on the Croix or you can bring your own gear as well. I prefer to troll but will livebait if need be. Looking for angler that can provide similar on the Mississippi. Would prefer weekend trips but will burn a vacation day or two if needed. Private message me or leave a reply post here.”
Or, a post could be a simple as this…
“I have an open boat seat for this coming Saturday to fish walleyes at Red Wing. If anyone’s interested in sharing a boat as well as gas/bait, reply here and we’ll go from there.”
Swapped locations are not limited to river systems. An angler could be willing to swap a day on the river for a day up on Mille Lacs. Or wade trout fishing for small stream smallie fishing. Sky’s the limit here!
Some suggestions…
99.9% of the anglers we’ve ever run into are outstanding people. We would expect the vast majority of people that use the “Trip Swap” forum to have positive, enjoyable experiences. That being said, IDA is in no way responsible for how your trip turns out… who you meet… or in any other way to be held liable. Your use of the “Trip Swap” forum signifies that you agree to NOT hold IN-DEPTHANGLING.COM responsible for anything that comes of using this forum.
There. Now the lawyers are happy!
We look forward to hearing about your positive experiences stemming from the use of the “Trip Swap” forum!! Enjoy!
Good fishin’,
In-depthangling Webstaff