lake pepin

  • kris_brantner
    My river
    Posts: 1678

    hey if anyone wants to go out on lake pepin this summer for bass lemme know. im only 17 but i know this lake pretty good, well some parts of it. my dads a dink and wont ever let me use his boat so i fish off of the piers alot here in the marina. but if anyone would like to trade a trip (not too far away lol) lemme know. we would prolyl have to use your boat but i would give ya some gas money. lemme know, the lake hasnt been worth a crap yet at least for me but early ithis summer like may and june are great times to get out

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Does your dad read this site? I don’t know your dad but if he’s anything like mine, all priviledges had to be earned. Long term, consistant initiative will help your relationship. Show your capability through responsibility in all things and don’t use it to barter. Dink or not, he’s probably got something he’s relating to that you haven’t identified. Get to know his history………… it’ll help direct your future. Yeah……… maybe he isn’t perfect and you’ll never see things eye to eye very well, but you can both really benefit from each other if you focus on what’s truly important in relationships. Always ask yourself if the “now THING” will mean anything five years later and keep it real. Biggest thing to remember, we can’t choose our fathers so it’s up to us to make the best of our time with the ones we’ve been given.

    Okay………….. you didn’t come here for any of that but hey, we ALL need help in some shape or form, me included. So, back to your original request, I think I might be able to assist with your boat situation if you can help me with my Pepin situation. I won’t be able to do it until July or later so I’ll contact you as it approaches if you’re up for some time on the water.

    Are your weekdays open or will you be working a job? I like fishing “busy” waters best during the week but weekends only won’t stop me from coming down either. It’s just a thought.

    Good luck in your search and maybe we’ll fish some this summer!

    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001

    Well put Kid, that is some good advice there.

    Fishermanpepin, if you need someone to fish with this summer let me know. I am often on the Lake fishing solo and I wouldn’t mind the company from time to time.

    Gator Hunter

    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921

    oh sure gator, now you are replacing me!!! I see how you are that is alright. Gator is great company in the boat, and hopefully you will find a gator when fishing with him.


    My river
    Posts: 1678

    hey, no i know i have to earn the right and his trust but he did let me use it once last summer.. evertime i ask him to use it again he says that i left it a mess the last time i was in it. we had a few cans and a bag of chips but its no wrose then when he goes… that and he never gave me the chance to clean it out… as soon as i got it h9ome i went inside to et somethen to eat and i came back out side and he was having a fit… its not even that nice of a boat infact i dont really like it at all… its a 1979 lund with a 75 johnson on it… its big bulky and it dosent have any casting decks… theres not storage and the live well is just a big box that gets in the way… well i shoujld be complaining its better than nothing… but its not like its a brand new bass boat… i duno i just dont et him he says one thing and does the other… o well…. ya ide love to get out in the water… i have a hard time catching fish in july and aug with the excepting of the early morning bite becasue i really dont have that much expierece fishing really warm weather… i dont know where they go i amagine the current but i dont know how to catch them… but anyone who wants the company pm me and ill bs with ya.. who knows maybe weel catch somethen… im usually pretty busy on the weekends cuz i work at a resturnadt and a bait shop and between the two them are the busiest times so during the week would be great

    Michigan's Upper Peninsula(Iron Mountain)
    Posts: 4749

    StillAKid you are alright!

    May the Force be with you my son.

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Okay…………… I can live with 2 guys having to figure out where the fish are and what they want! Nothing wrong with a little “adventure”. You’ll still know more about Pepin than I so I remain confident that we’ll find some fish somewhere.

    I hear what you’re saying………… my circumstances were frequently misunderstood and fell victim to my father’s interpretation or impatience as well. Life isn’t a bed of roses but believe me, know matter how frustrating it gets, endure without recourse. It gets better…………. it really does! No one knows when the day will come but if you’re growing as a man and becoming a truly responsible and sensible man, your dad is going recognize it …………. and your relationship will have an open door to reach the next level. No longer embedded in strictly father-son, but suddenly more like one of a new found friend. I repeat, I don’t know the man, but I’ve been both a son trying to grow up, find direction and acceptance in a world of adults that still called me a child, and now I’m in the position of knowing what it is to be a father. Neither side is an easy trip but I can speak with experience that while every plan doesn’t go according to plan, the disappointments still leave you feeling good about yourself when you think of others first. If I would have thought more for my dad, and in those “special moments”, thought more of me, we’d of had less conflicts. We didn’t have very many, honestly, but we could’ve had less if we considered each other first.

    I don’t mean to lecture you………… I’m trying to encourage you. Life is never without a difficulty or challenge and learning how to get through them with our friends and family is where we first learn what we need to get us through the adult years. Always look for what is to be learned and counsel with people who have accomplished what you’re after.

    Again, I only mean to encourage you because I know it gets tough………. REAL tough. But getting through the teen years is a sweet victory………….. it DOES get better as long as you’re determined to make it better!

    Winona, Minnesota
    Posts: 1073

    OOHHH to be 17 again!
    Fishermanpepin, Now I am sure dat da old man gets under your skin from time to time, but I will tell ya a bit of my experience. When I was 17 my parents did’nt know “shazizzel”. It took them till I was 21 before they got any smarts at all!
    Now that I’m 38 with three youngsters of my own I realize that they may be the smartest people in the world.
    If you get down Winona way give me a call.
    Good luck and not to worry, your dad will come around in just a few years

    Haywood 04

    Posts: 26

    It brings a huge smile to my face reading these guys write to you as friends. I’m in my twenties and it wasn’t that long ago I was expirencing a lot of the same thoughts. I know a lot of advice has been shelled out, but it’s time tested, some might even call it wisdom. I hate to do it but my two cents reads like this…. You only get one chance at this thing we call life. Make the best of it. Don’t forget that your dad is a person. He makes mistakes just like you and me. I don’t know him, but I’d be willing to bet he is doing his best to teach you grow. I have made a lot of mistakes the last ten years and I still don’t like other people pointing them out. But sometimes thats what it takes……. If I had listened to my father a little more often I may not have had to listen to a judge.
    I try and make it your direction every fall, next time I’m in your neighborhood I’ll drop you an e-mail.

    Somerset, WI
    Posts: 1416

    By the time a man realizes that maybe his father was right, he usually has a son who thinks he’s wrong.

    Charles Wadsworth

    “When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years.”

    Mark Twain

    My river
    Posts: 1678

    ya get it i just dont see why he wont let me. i mean i wish he would get me a chance and if i screw up then im done but i just dont see why. im almost 18, he never uses the damn thing and i colud put some use to it

    Red Wing , MN
    Posts: 800

    Go across the river/lake…Smittys has some good deals on used boats!

    My river
    Posts: 1678

    ya i should prolly buy a vechile first though… lol i dont want to drag my boat to the launch

    Plainfield, IL
    Posts: 58

    Why don’t you try going out with him. Spend so time together insted of trying to use HIS boat. Get to know each other, yeah you can still have fun with Dad and fish. Oh and maybe you might just learn something you never knew about him, his past, or he may understand you better. Spending a few hours a month on the water together wouldn’t hurt in the possible bonding of a father and son. I live up here in MN and my father lives in the Chicago area. The best times that we have had throughout our life are when we are fishing. I have time to tell him what is going on in my life and he can vent to me. I have heard more history about my family and learned so much from my father just from the fishing trips we have had the privalage to share together. Now fishing trips have become nearly the only time I get to see him other than holidays, and I charish every moment that I get to spend with him.

    Yes, I an 26 but I went through the teen years as all of us have or in your case are. It is a trying time, you want to be independent and your dad, no matter how much he says differently, still sees you as a kid. But tough it out and show some initiative and ask him, “Hey dad lets setup some time to go fishing, just the two of us.” If that doesn’t work to show him that you apperciate him and that you value his work to raise you and provide what he can, even if it is a crappy boat, then I don’t know what will.

    Good luck and give the old man a little credit for giving you a few things maybe he didn’t have.

    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001

    That is some great advice THFlounder. Some of my fondest memories are fishing with my dad as a teen.

    Gator Hunter

    My river
    Posts: 1678

    ya i know but all we do is aruge when we go out. all he wants to do is sit and troll for walleyes. I absolutly cant stand trolling. its too boring… and i dont like it for the same reasons that i dont like bobber fishing. i like to put the action into the bait instead of sitting and waiting. so all he wnats to do is that and all i want to do is bass fish. i got him into that a little bit last summer when i was catching them on top and with flukes and he had a good time but all he wants to do in the spring time is sit and troll.

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Boy…… can I identify with that! My dad and I are exactly the same in that respect! I love to cast and comb and be “interactive” with the presentation and he swears up and down that he can’t catch a fish to save his life that way……. so he trolls. It works for him. My dad catered to “what worked for me” throughout my childhood so guess what? It’s payback time. Trolling bores me to tears (unless there’s a bite every other 10 seconds!) but the only way trolling gets between my dad and I is if I’m concerned about what I want. This year, my goal is not to learn to like trolling, but to learn it better than he knows it, put him on bigger and better fish, more often, and watch him have the time of his life! His joy becomes my joy. Can you imagine how it would feel to see your dad “giddy” with delight? How touched he’d be by creating a day just for him……..that’s not Father’s Day?

    My dad said he’d never own a top of the line, premium quality fishing rod. Too expensive to justify. Trip after trip I’m pulling out Technas, Croixs, Loomis, Lamiglas…….. and I could see on his face that when he held that stuff next to his 40 year old fiberglass rods, he was happy I had it better than him, but deep down, he’d really LOVE to call one his own. I fished and fished until I found a rod that he really didn’t want to hand back to me………… and then I bought it for his birthday 2 months later.

    Moments of giving to a relationship are what make the days worth living. All of my favorite moments and memories come from when he was nearly speechless over something I’d done for him. Just this weekend I asked him about his summer trolling plans and if he’d figured out how to keep that back boatlight out his face? He said “no” and that he’d like to find a longer shafted model, but “the stores” didn’t carry one. So I mentioned that I had to run to the boat shop anyway to look for something and suggested he come along. Maybe a dealer would carry what he wanted? We got there and we found a 48″ model…….. the last one on the shelf. I grabbed it and immediately went to diverting his attention, then bought it for him. He asked why I did it and I told him I thought it’d be a fun thing to do, and know what??? I was right! My dad bragged on me all day long to anyone who’d listen about all I’ve done to improve HIS fishing experiences in the last few years. I just said “he’s exaggerating” and grinned.

    I don’t wait to see what dad can do for me. He’s done more than I can remember and more than I can repay. I just want to be his buddy and making him happy to be with me and know me is the greatest thing I can accomplish.

    Now…… we “wear different shoes” but I know what’d knock the old man’s socks off. One year, when I was 23, I wrote a poem about my dad, had it professionally printed and framed, and gave it to him for Father’s Day. It still hangs on his wall today and he still cries when he reads it. I simply talked about what some things were like for me, but in the expectation of conflict, I turned it around to say why I was glad he was my dad and what made him a hero in my eyes. CHOOSE to love him, and you will. And no man can resist the genuine love when honestly delivered from his son. It’s not about the boat….. It’s about your relationship. Just like your closest friends…… they’re bonded to you because you gave something of yourself that makes them want to be with you and be your friend. That friendship was built, and so must we build our family relations the same. Nothing in a relationship is “just because”. It must be developed. A gardener gives of his time and labor and caring knowledge to benefit the seeds and plants. In return, they bear “fruit”. Your dad is a gardner………and so are you. Want FOR your dad and do something that’ll knock his socks off!


    “Hey dad? Gotta minute? I’ve been thinking about things that really mean a lot to me and I think I could use some of your experience and advice. I REALLY like to fish and I always want it to be a part of my life so after I graduate and start down life’s road, I want to make sure I save up for a boat and motor. But it just dawned on me, that I don’t even have the first clue on what I should be looking for? What makes a good boat? A good motor? How can you tell that one boat is better than other?” (and in his descriptions, have him show you on his boat…….or if he asks, “understand?”, go with “I think so, but I’m not confident. Is there something you can show me?”) Ask questions and dig for HIS opinions and wisdom. This moment in showing an interest in his knowledge and/or preferences will touch his heart more than you can ever comprehend. All the while, never ask to use his boat but again, ask if he can show you sometime! Submit yourself to his fancies and before you know it, you guys will be the best of buds! He sacrifices for you. Do you think you can bear some fruit?

    These days my dad gets mad if I won’t take his brand new toys out for a spin! Not because I’m good, but he has seen that I take delight in things that please him, and in that delight, I’d never do anything to threaten that. He knows I’ll take extra care because if I goof, it’ll ruin my day thinking I’ve burdened his. This took YEARS to establish…….but it works! For the things you want for you, do it yourself or team up with friends or maybe even some of us old dudes at IDA! But with your dad, want for HIM and it’ll change your world!!! Every dad wants to be a hero to his son….. help him get there………’cuz after all, he’s not Superman until you put the cape on him.

    Plainfield, IL
    Posts: 58

    Kid you put into words everything that I couldn’t and said it such a wonderful way. No wonder your dad cries when he reads the poem you write what you feel and write it in words that everyone can understand. I am glad that this topic is continueing I just wish it was on the main board so that everyone could write about the relationships the have with their fathers.

    Olivia, MN
    Posts: 22

    This keeps reminding me how lucky I had it. I am 19 and my dad was no fisherman. My grandpa was a different story, he loved to fish but was the type that just loved to watch a chub bounce under a bobber. Growing up I think my dad realized the craze my brothers and I had for the sport so he went along with it. It was funny watching us take the old man fishing before I could drive. The year I started driving he bought a new lund fisherman and I have been pulling it ever since that day. I treat it better than if it were my own and helped rig it to return the favor. He makes no remarks on the money I spend because he knows there are way too many worse things I could be doin 5 days a week but he reminds me how much I gotta work to pay for the habit. Now we travel all over the midwest chasin eyes and to this day I still dont know if he could find fish without our help. I think he just likes watchin us be successful at what we crave to do. I dont think it is more of the question of asking to use the boat but asking him to allow you to chase goals and dreams, even if they are as simple as being able to put a boat in the water without hassle. If your dad keeps persisting, it might take years of hard work and sacrifice to buy your own rig but it would be well worth it. I am entered in a couple co-angler events this year to get shown the ropes in hopes in the future I will be able to step it up when I get my own rig and chase my dream.

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    My dad used fishing for counseling services in my youth…………..

    Back then, I was into hot rods. Had a 69 camaro with a 396 that I built. I used to drink alot in those days and unfortuantely, got in trouble once in awhile. The local sheriffs gave me some slack, because my dad was and still is a very upstanding citizen, well known by all and well liked by all.

    Well, what the local sheriff would do, is give me 1 of 2 options.
    1: Go to jail for the night.
    2: Have the sheriff follow me home and wake up dad in the early AM so the three of us would discuss the problem.

    I always elected to go to jail, because my dad stands 6’6″ @ a very strong and healthy 275 pounds. It never worked………The sheriff always followed me home and talked to my dad. This went on from the ages of 16 to 18. Dad was never ever abusive to me. But he could lecture me to the point I felt smaller than an ant, because of guilt. I resented it for those years.

    But one day, I did get in trouble with the local authorities. They told me to go home and I did. The Sheriff followed and as I pulled into the drive way, he left and never woke up my dad.

    I thought I was in the clear……….

    Next weekend, dad took me fishing on a local lake. We went out in the boat and was fishing for crappies. I thought all was good and I “beat the system”, where I wasn’t in trouble this time. However dad layed into me, chewing me out, up and down. (Again, he never layed a hand on me: Probably should of!!! ) He explained to me that my trouble was not good, blah, blah, blah. I responded that I haven’t been in trouble for awhile and that I was doing good.

    He proceeded to inform me that the sheriff gave him a call about my hotrodding and drinking.

    There isn’t much a kid can do when you are out in the middle of the lake, getting chewed out by your dad……….Can’t swim 2 miles to shore!!!!! So I sat there and took it………..

    Today, I have the best relationship with my father, better than ever before. I respect him to no end, and if I can be half the father to my daughter than what he was to me, I will call it a success.

    Time prevails, but trust me, your father is teaching you how to respect.

    As Ken put it, bud you got to earn it!

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