@Suzuki, Get your snowmobiles warmed up

  • deertracker
    Posts: 9311


    Thought you may be interested.

    Town gets 4 feet of snow since Monday

    GILE, Wis. — An area of northern Wisconsin near the Michigan state line already has recorded more than 4 feet of snow just since Monday.

    “It’s amazing. It’s just amazing how much has come so fast,” Peg Sutherland said. “All of this since 8 a.m. Monday morning.”

    Conditions have been nearly perfect in recent days to create lake-effect snow along Lake Superior’s South Shore, including in Gile in Iron County. With cold northwest winds blowing across the still-warm surface waters of Lake Superior, moisture from the lake evaporates into the air, then blows on shore, elevates into clouds and — when it gets far enough inland — falls as snow.

    Reports of 30-plus inches were common in the snow belt by Thursday, with Ashland reporting more than 17 inches, Saxon at 31.1 inches and Hurley at 36 inches and counting.

    Gile, however, topped the list at 48.3 inches as of 5:30 p.m. Thursday, with 5 inches of snow having fallen just since noon.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19019

    Sweet! Everywhere in the mid-west Deer season takes precedent over sledding. In most areas including MN and WI they are illegal until after deer hunting.
    I think Wi sled opener is 12/13 this year but I cant find any information on the web confirming a date???
    After Thanksgiving I will be ready and willing to ride. It will probably warm up and close it down until later in the winter! Hope not though.

    Posts: 9311

    I have never heard that about no sledding during deer hunting. I new that the trails had an opening date but didn’t know that included ditches.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19019

    I guess I am not positive about that in MN. Maybe because it was never an option! I remember ditch banging over Thanksgiving one year.
    In Wi I am pretty sure because they dont have open ditch riding like we do here in MN and the trails dont open until after Deer hunting. Most ditches are off limits. It used to be second weekend after the late doe season but I cant imagine a late doe season this year so maybe it opens a weekend earlier? You inspired me though. I just drove it up and down the road before putting it on the trailer! FUN.

    Chris Raymond
    Keweenaw Peninsula, MI
    Posts: 514

    Suzuki–Bergland is over 100″ so far this year. I don’t expect the groomers are out yet given the Dec 1st trail opener but maybe they’ll make an exception this year. We’ve a bit less snow up here in the Keweenaw but will catch up soon enough I’m afraid.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19019

    We all know what happened to winter after the last post on this thread but its back. I was finally able to break my new sled in last weekend. With just a little more snow, Bye bye ice fishing for me…. wave

    Posts: 9311

    I need to replace the extra 12 in my son’s xcr but because of the lack of snow I push it to the back of the garage. I quess I better start calling around to find a used rear suspension.

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