Survey – Do you know anyone who has or had Coronavirus ???

  • mojogunter
    Posts: 3403

    I know 4 people through work. All have recovered. One co worker that was asymptomatic but tested positive for three weeks. He was infected from his son, and his wife was also infected.

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11054

    Multiple co workers at my hospital have gotten it from patients. Luckily none have been seriously effected.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    I’ve been watching this thread and really don’t want to derail it but reading the comments a few things stand out to me.

    1. There is some evidence that “recovered” is a relative term with this disease. Some people are reporting lasting effects long after their fever dies down.

    2. As far as I know we still don’t know if getting it gives you antibodies that prevent you or greatly reduce the risk of getting the virus again.

    Depending on which “news” you chose to believe I think these are things to consider with this topic.

    As for me I had 1 co-worker who’s 14 year old son teated positive way back in March. That family actually lives a few blocks from me ironically.

    I remember belletaine from IDO stated his daughter (I believe sorry beletaine if I’m remembering wrong) who lives in st louis Park had gotten it.

    And lastly a friend of mine from up state New York father passed away from covid. He lived in a care facility.

    It is interesting to see how many people know someone who has it. When this thread started I expected to see a lot more no’s

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4112

    Just a co-worker of my brother at Mayo. 23-year-old nurse who said she’s never felt in rougher shape.

    Ice Cap
    Posts: 2245

    No. Our immediate family and friends have been practicing herd immunity from the very start. We are talking 80 year olds to teenagers. This goes to extended friends such as up at out lake place so I guess we are talking about several hundred folks. No corona here and not a mask to be seen.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    It is interesting to see how many people know someone who has it. When this thread started I expected to see a lot more no’s

    There are probably a lot more nos, but not every no is going to post. I am sure nearly 100% of the yays will reply.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4112

    There are probably a lot more nos, but not every no is going to post. I am sure nearly 100% of the yays will reply.

    I can understand that point but I also think the vast majority of users of this site think COVID teeters on overblown hoax so I figured a lot of the truthers couldn’t wait to post their “no.”

    Ice Cap
    Posts: 2245

    Why does someone who posts no are categorized as “truther”. Do you have a pigeon hole for those who post yes? Please define what a “truther” is.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>crappie55369 wrote:</div>
    It is interesting to see how many people know someone who has it. When this thread started I expected to see a lot more no’s

    There are probably a lot more nos, but not every no is going to post. I am sure nearly 100% of the yays will reply.

    Thats true. In statistics they call that a voluntary response sample and its often considered to be biased data at least in terms of forming a conclusion based off of the results

    Richland County, WI
    Posts: 711


    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4112

    Why does someone who posts no are categorized as “truther”. Do you have a pigeon hole for those who post yes? Please define what a “truther” is.

    To clarify, I did not say that just because someone who posts “no” they are a “truther.”

    Ice Cap
    Posts: 2245

    I figured a lot of the truthers couldn’t wait to post their “no.”

    Sounds like it to me. Again please define what a truther is. I am curious.

    Posts: 1695

    I don’t know what “who have been confirmed to have had it” means.

    The test kits were recalled at least once for false results.

    In this thread I counted 2 cases that presented symptoms and were subsequently confirmed.

    Most cases here that presented symptoms were not confirmed. They were


    COVID-19 related.

    Several cases were positive results from a questionably reliable test and presented no symptoms. Goats and mangos have even been reported as testing positive.

    From what I understand the test doesn’t look for COVID-19 specific antibodies, but rather searches for a particular gene RNA sequence that could have been a response to many different virus exposures.

    Anecdotally there have been several cases of asymptomatic people that initially test positive then subsequently test negative.

    I do not know anyone that had symptoms and were confirmed positive.

    Fish To Escape
    Posts: 333

    People sure are sensitive. He didn’t say that anyone who posts no is a “truther.” He said that “truthers” would rush to post a no response. You inferred something he didn’t imply.

    Fish To Escape
    Posts: 333

    I don’t know what “who have been confirmed to have had it” means.

    The test kits were recalled at least once for false results.

    In this thread I counted 2 cases that presented symptoms and were subsequently confirmed.

    Most cases here that presented symptoms were not confirmed. They were


    COVID-19 related.

    Several cases were positive results from a questionably reliable test and presented no symptoms. Goats and mangos have even been reported as testing positive.

    From what I understand the test doesn’t look for COVID-19 specific antibodies, but rather searches for a particular gene RNA sequence that could have been a response to many different virus exposures.

    Anecdotally there have been several cases of asymptomatic people that initially test positive then subsequently test negative.

    I do not know anyone that had symptoms and were confirmed positive.

    Most of the test results I see are PCR tests which look for an antigen, not an antibody. Every person I described in my earlier post was confirmed via one of these tests. It sounds like you are referring to the antibody test which is completely different

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Reading the symptoms in this thread I am surprised my results and my wife’s results (antibody) were negative. But 2 tests pretty much rules out a false negative.


    3 friends and one coworker:
    28: no health issues, really rough flu symptoms for about a week, lack of energy/fatigue for a month after

    32: no health issues, mild cold symptoms

    35: no health issues, mild cold symptoms

    38: type 1 diabetic, otherwise very fit/healthy. Spent 10 days in the hospital, possible permanent lung damage

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    Too many.

    9 – Buddy’s concrete company- all 7 employees, himself and his wife all tested positive. The wife was in the hospital for about a week. Great health that I know of.

    2- cabinet fabricator and his mother. He was ok in a week, his elderly mother was in the hospital for a month

    Friends daughter died. She was 29 and PERFECT health.

    Friends son died. He was 38 and heavy smoker/drinking

    I suspect my wife and I had it early on before we knew anything about it. I was ok in less than 2 week and my wife was miserable for about 3 weeks

    Central Mn North of the smiley water tower
    Posts: 3210

    All people that I listed were tested after having multiple symptoms and had tests with a positive result. And as far as I’ve heard, have no lasting effects.

    I had alot of the symptoms in January and am currently setting up an antibody test for next week. As long as today’s test comes back negative. It’s a whole different deal done after your doctor orders a test, it’s given by a lab in a respiratory specialist center in another city. Atleast near me. I’ll get today’s test results in 2-3 days.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    A little off topic but I do believe I’ve had a very similar virus about 15 years ago. I recall an illness almost identical to what most people are reporting as symptoms. Fatigue, uncontrollable dry cough, fever, loss of taste and smell. This lasted about 4 weeks when I was in my mid 20s. Doctor called it a sinus infection. I remember it fondly because I came down with it on the winter trout opener.

    Karry Kyllo
    Posts: 1389

    So we had a virus in the US 10 years ago that like the coronavirus killed 134,00 US citizens and 584,000 worldwide to date? I don’t think so. If so, what was it?

    SE MN
    Posts: 5241

    Only 1…wife’s cousin late 20’s never had symptoms but tested positive after the antibody test
    The more I read this thread and timeline of the virus, I had to of had it back in January/February. I had a dry cough for weeks that would not go away. Only in the morning it seemed and would go away later in the day. Wife kept asking if I had kennel cough! Never had a fever but my body felt like someone beat me with a bat for a week or so. Just cough and aches.
    Never went in because I felt it would go away. I drank half a bottle of musinex and ate a jar of gummies in 3 days and it disappeared.
    I want to take the antibody test to see. Are those covered by insurance? Or what do they cost if anyone has taken one.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    So we had a virus in the US 10 years ago that like the coronavirus killed 134,00 US citizens and 584,000 worldwide to date? I don’t think so. If so, what was it?

    Well, coronaviruses are actually fairly common. This one is incredibly infectious, especially because it is transmitted while people are presymptomatic or possibly asymptomatic.

    In case you’re willing to learn more about coronaviruses.

    Posts: 1806

    Only 1…wife’s cousin late 20’s never had symptoms but tested positive after the antibody test
    The more I read this thread and timeline of the virus, I had to of had it back in January/February. I had a dry cough for weeks that would not go away. Only in the morning it seemed and would go away later in the day. Wife kept asking if I had kennel cough! Never had a fever but my body felt like someone beat me with a bat for a week or so. Just cough and aches.
    Never went in because I felt it would go away. I drank half a bottle of musinex and ate a jar of gummies in 3 days and it disappeared.
    I want to take the antibody test to see. Are those covered by insurance? Or what do they cost if anyone has taken one.

    If you donate blood through the Red Cross, they’re currently doing antibody tests. Free antibody test, but more importantly, helping someone else.

    Pool 2
    Posts: 1824

    The 5 I listed were all tested and said to be positive.

    Early on they had each list anyone they were in contact with and they were to be be quaranrened but not one of contact parties were tested. This was during April. They did monitor the parties in contact. The gal in our office was in contact, had symptoms but still not tested. Her son was a contact party also and he had to do the same I believe. They delivered a thermometer to her that kept temps and she had to give updates twice a day. I might still have a copy of the letter they send to us as the employer. These people were not even tested!! This is when only medical/high risk were getting tested.

    I have heard some bad stories. Don’t get me wrong. I just did not Know the individual directly.

    I will say what was really sad to hear is the families that were blocked from seeing their family or elders in a care facility, hear they passed and not be able to have a service for them together. That’s a different topic but did have multiple coworkers tell me their story about it and sucked for them no matter what was going on.

    Posts: 2218

    A little off topic but I do believe I’ve had a very similar virus about 15 years ago. I recall an illness almost identical to what most people are reporting as symptoms. Fatigue, uncontrollable dry cough, fever, loss of taste and smell. This lasted about 4 weeks when I was in my mid 20s. Doctor called it a sinus infection. I remember it fondly because I came down with it on the winter trout opener.

    What a coincidence? I had the same thing quite a few times through my life. Don’t recall the winter trout opener, so that may disqualify me?I always thought the flu. Good to know I may have had something and survived.

    Actually I had something real similar this spring again. I’m blaming the flu again.

    Has anyone actually gotten the flu this year?

    Posts: 2218

    Sorry my last post was off topic. Not scientific but I’m thinking I had it. Never been tested but all the signs of it at one point in the last 9 months.

    When does the survey end and the results get posted?

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