Sure am glad fireworks are illegal in MN.

  • TheFamousGrouse
    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12248

    I sure am glad that Governor Dayton vetoed that bill that would have made fireworks illegal in Minnesota.

    As it was, for the past 5 nights in the East Metro, I’ve had to put up with the war-zone noise that I can only assume is the barrage of fireworks set off by those barbarians over in Wisconsin. After all, it can’t be people in MN setting this stuff off, because fireworks are illegal here.

    So thanks to all you Wisconsin barbarians for pointing your fireworks over at Minnesota so all your bottle rockets and other trash lands in my yard. Don’t you guys know that stuff is illegal over here?

    God only knows how much money Governor Cupcake–errrr– Governor Dayton has saved all of us safe/sane Minnesotans by keeping us safe from all this fun. How much WOULD Minnesotans have spent IF fireworks were legal here? Which, obviously, they aren’t.


    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12248

    Obviously, I meant the bill that would have made fireworks LEGAL in MN. For some reason, the edit feature does not work.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    What’s your point? You want them legal so there would be more noise or so that MNtans could spend money on them? Or you just want another dig on Dayton?

    It must be a conspiracy, fireworks shops all along the Western WI border are paying off the politicians in MN.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12248

    Since they are illegal here, I can’t see how Minnesotans could be spending money on them.

    Honestly, you don’t believe that tens of thousands of my pure-as-the-driven-snow fellow Minnesotans are making illicit trips into the barbarian lands to the East to buy illegal fireworks? Ha! It couldn’t be happening!

    According to Governor Cupcake, IF fireworks were legal here, which they aren’t, but if they were, there would dead and dismembered bodies lying in the streets everywhere from horrible accidents.

    Since I didn’t see or hear any signs of this carnage, I have to assume all those fireworks I heard were over in Sconi and all the bottle rocket debris flew in from over there.


    Posts: 7348

    Nothing better than a good bottle rocket war.

    “Ever Wonder Why There Are No Democrats On Mount Rushmore ? "
    Posts: 1216


    I am sure the current governor is only concerned about your best interests, you just have not figured out he knows what is best for you and you don’t.


    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12248


    I am sure the current governor is only concerned about your best interests, you just have not figured out he knows what is best for you and you don’t.


    Exactly! As Governor Trustfund made clear, it’s for our own good. IF Minnesotans were actually allowed to use fireworks that fly and go bang–which currently NOBODY here does, but IF we could–the ERs and streets would be overflowing with the carnage. Thankfully, there is NO such carnage because fireworks are illegal here and nobody uses them.

    The millions of dollars in tax revenue that would be generated should NOT be considered because Minnesotans have no interest in fireworks. As evidenced by the fact that only a few hundred thousand illegal fireworks were shot within hearing distance of my house over the past few days.

    Now if only we could get Governor Nofun to rid the state of Demon Liquor! All our problems would be solved!


    “Ever Wonder Why There Are No Democrats On Mount Rushmore ? "
    Posts: 1216

    Maybe you should suggest he use the tax revenue to build more choo choo trains ….. I think we need more cho cho trains.

    The type of choo choo train is not important from what I can tell.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    I’ve lived in MN the majority of my life, but I now happen to reside in WI. The idea of legalizing fireworks in MN is an idea as old as they come. So why the rip on Dayton? Cause he was the last one not legalize them?

    I’m not sure why more MNtan’s don’t move to WI. Between Sunday liquor sales and fireworks, the ability to use 3 lines in the summer, why wouldn’t ya? The Sunday before July 4th has to be one of the bigger days for border crossing west to east. People come back to MN with booze and explosives.

    And since everyone is doing it anyway, why not legalize it?

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Maybe you should suggest he use the tax revenue to build more choo choo trains ….. I think we need more cho cho trains.

    The type of choo choo train is not important from what I can tell.


    I just hope my plans come through and I move to a place with no state income tax with a 45 minute drive to the ocean.

    Posts: 7348

    This guy likes trains….haters

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12248

    I’ve lived in MN the majority of my life, but I now happen to reside in WI. The idea of legalizing fireworks in MN is an idea as old as they come. So why the rip on Dayton? Cause he was the last one not legalize them?

    I’m not sure why more MNtan’s don’t move to WI. Between Sunday liquor sales and fireworks, the ability to use 3 lines in the summer, why wouldn’t ya? The Sunday before July 4th has to be one of the bigger days for border crossing west to east. People come back to MN with booze and explosives.

    And since everyone is doing it anyway, why not legalize it?

    Governor Joyless was the ONLY governor that actually had a bill on his desk that he could have signed, but he vetoed it. Hence the reason that we have no fireworks in MN.

    And as far as liquor sales on Sunday, why would we need that in Minnesota? Nobody here drinks on Sunday because we’re all a bunch of uptight puritans like Governor Joyless.

    It’s the same thing with selling alcohol in supermarkets. Man, I’m glad we don’t have that massive convenience in this state. Otherwise people would be tempted to spend money on beer, which they currently do NOT do because everyone in this state is against Demon Liquor in all its forms. Pass the hatchet, Molly! Governor Joyless and I have a few saloons to visit.

    I’m just having a bit of fun by pointing out the ridiculous anti-commerce stances this state has taken and how they’re serving no purpose except to send money across the boarder into other states.


    “Ever Wonder Why There Are No Democrats On Mount Rushmore ? "
    Posts: 1216

    I’m just having a bit of fun by pointing out the ridiculous anti-commerce stances this state has taken and how they’re serving no purpose except to send money across the boarder into other states.


    You should know better than to question the intent of the collective … even in Jest, such things are not taken likely by those already assimilated

    Posts: 1054

    On Thursday or Friday on Fox9 they had the Head of the ER at Regions Hospital in an interview about fireworks injuries since they are the Trauma hospital for fireworks emergencies in the twincities. When asked how many they had last year year he said 5. Most common sparkler burns. A very boring interview as The Gov made it sound like mutilation were very common. Thankfully they are not. I am not making light of any injury to anyone but as each one is serious but I think the Gov is way off base. We don’t hear about our friends in SD and WI blowing each up either. Everybody knows someone who has been burned by sparklers though.


    Posts: 659

    I dont know where I’d be without Dayton keeping a watchfull eye over me.He seems very concerned for everyones safety around fireworks but allows the smoking of ciggarettes and uses the taxes for Ziggies new place..I wish I could ask him In front of a news camera why he made a decision like he did involving these two issues,I can hear the mumbled sentences and blame allready..

    Posts: 9309

    The upside to people loosing fingers is MN might produce some better bowlers.

    1. King-Pin.jpg

    “Ever Wonder Why There Are No Democrats On Mount Rushmore ? "
    Posts: 1216

    I dont know where I’d be without Dayton keeping a watchfull eye over me.He seems very concerned for everyones safety around fireworks but allows the smoking of ciggarettes and uses the taxes for Ziggies new place..I wish I could ask him In front of a news camera why he made a decision like he did involving these two issues,I can hear the mumbled sentences and blame allready..

    Matte, I am afraid I am going to have to let you know that designated members of the Flower Pot Gang, have shown an inability to ” Link ” , therefore he would not understand your question, you are correct.

    Maybe this will help as I try to keep a short punch list

    Drinking – OK, but not on Sunday
    Smoking – OK
    Pot – OK
    Trains – Good
    Bike Paths – Better

    Fireworks – bad, bad, bad ……

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Just because his menial labor muscles have atrophied from years (beginning at birth), doesn’t mean he doesn’t understand the plight of the working man.
    Labor Muscles Atrophied

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    We don’t hear about our friends in SD and WI blowing each up either. Everybody knows someone who has been burned by sparklers though.

    I watched my neighbors 500K home burn to the ground from fireworks. Nobody was hurt and had to go into the ER though.

    So if I read the comments on this post right, you want more things that generate additional taxes but only to be spent on the things you all prefer?

    You know you can’t buy liquor on Sundays in MN, except at Ziggie’s place.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12248

    No, the point is that I don’t see the point in forgoing the tax revenue on something that is, for all practical purposes, so widely used that they are legal anyway.

    Does anyone personally know anyone who has been fined or warned because of shooting off illegal fireworks this year? I’m not talking about being stopped on 94 coming out of Sconi and the cop happens to notice the $500 in bottle rockets in the back seat, I’m talking about solely being hauled up just for shooting off fireworks.

    It’s the damn Minnesota Norwegian Puritan mentality that says the government needs to put limits on people’s fun or they will have too much of it.


    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4329

    I am not against fireworks BUT it sure would be nice if there was a time limit on it. Listened to it up at they lake this past weekend till 4 AM Sat. morning. Made for a short night/long day.

    Gabe Taggart
    Posts: 4

    Most fireworks are illegal to shoot off in Wisconsin also without a permit. You can purchase them, just not use them.

    Brandon, SD 57005
    Posts: 793

    I am glad too because I sell fireworks in South Dakota.LOL

    Posts: 420

    If it flies or explodes, it’s illegal in WI too.

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4329

    Most fireworks are illegal to shoot off in Wisconsin also without a permit. You can purchase them, just not use them.

    Makes sense doesn’t it that it is legal to buy fireworks but illegal to light fireworks.?????? Must have a tax on it for state government to squander. Speaking of wasted $$$$ the vote/campaign phone calls have started.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    They should use that reasoning for Sunday liqour sales too. You can buy it, but you can’t drink it. Problem solved.

    Posts: 3010

    and no lighting fireworks while you’re drinking

    Posts: 3010

    but it’s okay to drink while you’re lighting fireworks

    Corey Rhymer
    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 763

    Politics being discussed on IDO… Wasn’t there a rule about that…? coffee

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Corey, the new rule is if you don’t like the politics in a topic, close it and never open it again. moon

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