Superior Ice (Duluth)

  • mahtofire14
    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11054

    Last season was simply unprecedented. No one I talked to had ever seen that kind of ice as far north and east as we did last year. I Saturday at Larsmomt with my wife in March and was able to easily walk out to 250’.

    I hope to live long enough to see that again.

    I guess on the bright side, they say one of the side effects to global warming is the polar vortex patterns so we should see the occasional winter like 2014 or 2015 and maybe 2019.

    Most meteorologists are predicting a colder than average winter again. The major patter in control is a neutral to La Niña which equates to about a 70-80% chance of a below average winter.

    I’m good with that as long as we don’t get all the snow we did last year. That was a B*&^%!

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    You should’ve seen 2014. Snow was waist to elbow deep everywhere around Duluth. The nice thing was the ice never seems to hold much snow. It simply blows away.

    Drizzy Musky
    Posts: 258

    Last year was simply amazing. 13 and 14 were just brutal.

    I don’t think too many people in the younger age bracket (my friends) understand how rare it is to be on that ice, that far out. Fingers crossed already, but as always cursing the dang wind open water or for keeping ice on the big lake.

    Going to the UP this weekend should be able to get into the Coho’s

    Posts: 674

    Is there a solid foot of ice on the big lake yet? Not looking too good to get out there this year is it?

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    Far too early to tell. Ice usually doesn’t happen until the end of January.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    There’s a couple guys looking to launch in Two Harbors as I type. Ice in the landing may hold them up a bit though. It was open yesterday but pretty cold there this morning. Lots of smoke on the water today.

    Lake Nebagamon Wisconsin
    Posts: 417

    Talked to a tug captain last evening – there are a few more ships that might be coming in for winter lay up in the bay.

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 540

    I’ll be following closely as I intend to chase lakers up there on the ice for the first time this year. Obviously with extreme caution, watching wind conditions, always within proximity to shore, etc.

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3913

    Water was 37 last weekend out of mcquade, its going to be a long time till ice could form on the main lake.

    SE wind coming tonight, if two harbors landing is capped from last nights cold snap that SE wind will break it up.

    Posts: 674

    Far too early to tell. Ice usually doesn’t happen until the end of January.

    Last year was the 1st year I watched and fished the ice up there. I assumed it needed a lot of cold weather leading up to the freeze to cool that massive amount of water down to the point it might start freezing.

    Hate to wish for the brutal cold it took to freeze it up last year, but sure wouldn’t mind a trip or two there if the ice does form again this year.

    Drizzy Musky
    Posts: 258

    Not gonna happen this year fellas. It sucks but thats why you get out there when you can

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    Not gonna happen this year fellas. It sucks but thats why you get out there when you can

    Why do you say that?

    Posts: 1811

    What a Debbie Downer, could get dam cold yet!

    Drizzy Musky
    Posts: 258

    Just trying not to jinx it guys…see attachment

    1. longrange.jpg

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    See attachment.

    1. 0C561513-DAE6-4E8B-B115-91F901C6983A.jpeg

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19024

    Erie and Superior have on/off ice fishing years. My guess is no this year. Hope I’m wrong.

    Posts: 27

    Not looking good so far. It’s early though. I doubt it will be like last year but maybe we will see some fishable ice around two harbors and toward Duluth.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    The average lake temperature is actually colder than this time last year.

    Drizzy Musky
    Posts: 258

    We are all nuts, but it’s great. Lakers will do that to a fella.

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