Superbowl Boycott

  • tim hurley
    Posts: 5999

    Talked to a co worker who went out to Philly-horrible, he said-had beer bottles thrown at him, he had just stepped in front of a man who had his 5 year old on his shoulder, she was doing the Skol thing, he got hit with a beer bottle that would have hit the girl. Trash talk a little thats fine-throwing bottles? Too much-kids should be able to go to a game.
    If you gave me tickets I would not watch and I love football.

    Mendota Heights, MN
    Posts: 660

    Philly fans are the worst. Yes there are bad apples everywhere, but philly takes it to another level. There are plenty of articles and videos not originating from MN that show this. This goes beyond losing to them and being sore losers.


    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>tbro16 wrote:</div>

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>tim hurley wrote:</div>
    Philly players seem OK, but the way the fans treated us at their stadium and then we should be nice hosts to them?!

    All of this BS is being blown way out of proportion IMO. There was a bit of a story there so FNM (fake news media) grasped a good hold of it and still haven’t let go of it. I’ve got a buddy that was at the Vikings-Saints game and he was saying that a Vikings fan heaved a nearly full beer at a saints fan several minutes after the final play. The beer ended up smoking his dad who was several feet from the shouting/pushing.

    Toughen up buttercup. Cant handle playoff football atmosphere? Watch at home. People also need to face the fact that it isn’t a place for kids. Too many drunken idiots around.

    I heard a story about a little girl getting hit by a full beer can thrown at her and her parents. She was like 9 or something.

    Toughen up? Yeah, those little kids need to toughen up, can’t even handle when a grown ass adult assaults them for no reason.

    The whole state of MN is embarrassed for getting trounced on the field, the whole city of philly should be embarrassed for being terrible human beings. If you need to attack others just because they are wearing a different jersey then you should put the eagles jersey away and join a gang.

    Bunch of cowards.

    And more yep.

    Posts: 200

    We have had very good defenses the last 3 years now and we have very young players signed long term so I don’t see that changing. Saying Keenum can’t win a Super Bowl is absurd. Look at Manning when he won one in Denver he couldn’t throw it 30 yards down the field anymore and how about Trent Dilfer? He was a backup at best. Keenum is better than both Dilfer and Manning (in his last season.)

    Manning was definitely not close to his normal self his last year but comparing Keenum to Manning at any part of his career is COMPLETELY laughable.

    And MN had a good defense, but Denver and Seattle’s historically good defenses never had letdowns like what the Vikings had against the Saints and Eagles in back to back weeks, against a back up QB who hadn’t played in 2 years.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    I’m not the biggest keenum fan and I’m here to tell you that keenum could have a better game playing blindfolded than manning in the last year of his career. Manning threw for 141 yards with no touchdowns and 2 turnovers and the offense gained only 194 total yards which was 50 yards lower than the previous record low for the superbowl.

    Posts: 81

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>fishingallday wrote:</div>
    We have had very good defenses the last 3 years now and we have very young players signed long term so I don’t see that changing. Saying Keenum can’t win a Super Bowl is absurd. Look at Manning when he won one in Denver he couldn’t throw it 30 yards down the field anymore and how about Trent Dilfer? He was a backup at best. Keenum is better than both Dilfer and Manning (in his last season.)

    Manning was definitely not close to his normal self his last year but comparing Keenum to Manning at any part of his career is COMPLETELY laughable.

    And MN had a good defense, but Denver and Seattle’s historically good defenses never had letdowns like what the Vikings had against the Saints and Eagles in back to back weeks, against a back up QB who hadn’t played in 2 years.

    Keenum was WAY better then Manning in his final year. Look at the stats.

    Posts: 81

    Manning threw 17 yes 17 intercepts his final year and only 9 TDs with a 59% completion percentage. Saying Keenum isn’t better than Manning in his final year is laughable.

    1. IMG_2304.png

    St Paul
    Posts: 1170

    I heard a story about a little girl getting hit by a full beer can thrown at her and her parents. She was like 9 or something.
    Toughen up? Yeah, those little kids need to toughen up, can’t even handle when a grown ass adult assaults them for no reason.

    Where in my comment did you think I supported 9 year old girls getting beer thrown at them? I actually said that playoff football games (not all sporting events) aren’t for kids. Try reading before commenting chief. Still a little sour in the pants your team lost, eh? waytogo

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    This is what society has come to… a 9 year old girl best stay away from a NFL playoff game, that is the answer… lest she might receive brain damage from an opposing teams “fan” hucking full beer cans ? No matter how you try to paint this one tbro, you are so far off to the real solution. Can this same little girl go to a Twins MLB playoff game… or is she in eminent danger there also ? If she cannot, please change your avatar to something less offensive to the kids.

    Mendota Heights, MN
    Posts: 660

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>philtickelson wrote:</div>
    I heard a story about a little girl getting hit by a full beer can thrown at her and her parents. She was like 9 or something.
    Toughen up? Yeah, those little kids need to toughen up, can’t even handle when a grown ass adult assaults them for no reason.

    Where in my comment did you think I supported 9 year old girls getting beer thrown at them? I actually said that playoff football games (not all sporting events) aren’t for kids. Try reading before commenting chief. Still a little sour in the pants your team lost, eh? waytogo

    Just wow. Defensive much?

    This is what society has come to… a 9 year old girl best stay away from a NFL playoff game, that is the answer… lest she might receive brain damage from an opposing teams “fan” hucking full beer cans ? No matter how you try to paint this one tbro, you are so far off to the real solution. Can this same little girl go to a Twins MLB playoff game… or is she in eminent danger there also ? If she cannot, please change your avatar to something less offensive to the kids.

    100% agree with you. No football/baseball/hockey/basketball game should be off limits to kids because of the lack of self-control and good decision-making skills of a few guys who never grew up.

    LaCrosse WI
    Posts: 2972

    I heard a story about a little girl getting hit by a full beer can thrown at her and her parents. She was like 9 or something.

    No cans or glass bottles are allowed in Philly’s or any other NFL stadium that I know of….

    A-Z Stadium Information

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    From what I heard, the fans were worse outside and around the stadium… plenty of bottles and cans there.

    Posts: 803

    My question is, why would anybody throw a perfectly good beer to start with ? I would rather drink it !

    LaCrosse WI
    Posts: 2972

    From what I heard, the fans were worse outside and around the stadium… plenty of bottles and cans there.

    If so….I’ve never had no issues @ tailgate parties but if that was the case,don’t go close to the a**holes,
    BTW….A friend of mine went to the Metro to watch a Colt’s -MN game,him and his friends all wearing Colt stuff…..They were treated like s**t,including having beer thrown at them… the stadium…
    My point was it happens everywhere to some extent……Philly’s bad I agree,but that’s why I would watch it on TV before I went there….. wave

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12248

    It really should surprise anyone that Philly fans are a bunch of dirtballs. For decades now, Flyers fans have been the scum of the NHL.

    I don’t know what it is about down and out cities like Philly that makes them want to represent their cities to the world by being the biggest bunch of a-holes possible, but it happens in every sport and probably country. For example, the worst fans in English soccer are from, well, from down/out, smokestack, high crime cities surprisingly skanky and similar to Philly.

    After Philly loses the Superbowl by at least 3 TDs, I hope our news crews capture any and all sore-loser Philly fans that try to vandalize our fine state. And you know they will. I want to see lots of Eagles jerseys in handcuffs. Line up the Paddy Wagons, Minneapolis Police.

    Or should we call them Philly Wagons?


    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8977

    It’s done and over with. The dead horse has been beaten.

    There are a$$holes at every sporting venue from youth clubs all the way up to the NFL. Sad? Sure. Even more sad and likely a reason to complain when the Vikings overlook the Eagles and get destroyed? Definitely. (see above posts)

    As to the Keenum argument…he was definitely more capable down the stretch of this season than Manning was during his last Super Bowl season. The difference between the Broncos of that year and the Vikings of this season were their defenses. The Vikings defense was towards the top of the league THAT SEASON. (before getting carved up like a Thanksgiving Turkey by a backup QB) That Broncos defense was one of the best ALL TIME, and beat down some of the best QBs in the league.

    Mendota Heights, MN
    Posts: 660

    It really should surprise anyone that Philly fans are a bunch of dirtballs. For decades now, Flyers fans have been the scum of the NHL.

    I don’t know what it is about down and out cities like Philly that makes them want to represent their cities to the world by being the biggest bunch of a-holes possible, but it happens in every sport and probably country. For example, the worst fans in English soccer are from, well, from down/out, smokestack, high crime cities surprisingly skanky and similar to Philly.

    After Philly loses the Superbowl by at least 3 TDs, I hope our news crews capture any and all sore-loser Philly fans that try to vandalize our fine state. And you know they will. I want to see lots of Eagles jerseys in handcuffs. Line up the Paddy Wagons, Minneapolis Police.

    Or should we call them Philly Wagons?



    St Paul
    Posts: 1170

    This is what society has come to… a 9 year old girl best stay away from a NFL playoff game, that is the answer… lest she might receive brain damage from an opposing teams “fan” hucking full beer cans ? No matter how you try to paint this one tbro, you are so far off to the real solution. Can this same little girl go to a Twins MLB playoff game… or is she in eminent danger there also ? If she cannot, please change your avatar to something less offensive to the kids.

    Your IQ must be no higher than 12. I am stating it’s unsafe for 9 year olds to be at playoff football games because things like this happen. Sure, maybe Philly is a bit worse than other places, but this kind of stuff happens at every prime time football game. Think of how many beers can be downed in a parking lot before a 7ish pm football game. I don’t support fights, I don’t support beer throwing, I don’t support drunken idiots ruining it for others. I’m just stating it’s not the best atmosphere for little kids. It’s a lot easier to remove the kids from those games than it is to remove the beer and the idiots. Take em to a week 4 game at Noon, or a baseball/basketball game. Can you understand that or should I spell it out a bit more for you?

    LaCrosse WI
    Posts: 2972

    Your IQ must be no higher than 12

    Was this really necessary?
    Or are insults your forte’ ?

    Posts: 81

    Not sure why some are insulting each other because of having different opinion! That is sad if we come to that not being able to haveyour own opinion without getting heckled at.

    Princeton, MN
    Posts: 1297


    Your not making any friends throwing insults. Won’t help get your point across.

    Reality- easiest isn’t always best. Kick out drunks ban them for life it will fix the problem. Those nine year olds are future customers. As more and more activities gain popularity there will be empty stands before you know it.

    Wilton, WI
    Posts: 2759

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>big_g wrote:</div>
    This is what society has come to… a 9 year old girl best stay away from a NFL playoff game, that is the answer… lest she might receive brain damage from an opposing teams “fan” hucking full beer cans ? No matter how you try to paint this one tbro, you are so far off to the real solution. Can this same little girl go to a Twins MLB playoff game… or is she in eminent danger there also ? If she cannot, please change your avatar to something less offensive to the kids.

    Your IQ must be no higher than 12. I am stating it’s unsafe for 9 year olds to be at playoff football games because things like this happen. Sure, maybe Philly is a bit worse than other places, but this kind of stuff happens at every prime time football game. Think of how many beers can be downed in a parking lot before a 7ish pm football game. I don’t support fights, I don’t support beer throwing, I don’t support drunken idiots ruining it for others. I’m just stating it’s not the best atmosphere for little kids. It’s a lot easier to remove the kids from those games than it is to remove the beer and the idiots. Take em to a week 4 game at Noon, or a baseball/basketball game. Can you understand that or should I spell it out a bit more for you?

    You must not even register an IQ. You clearly do not get what big g is saying.

    Dusty Gesinger
    Minnetrista, Minnesota
    Posts: 2421

    I have learned to skip over tbro16 posts.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559


    I think a Super Bowl Boycott would go over about as well as a casino boycott.

    pool2fool….love the injection of music with the video. Brings back memories.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Of all the people to try and insult. Where’s my popcorn.

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484


    I think a Super Bowl Boycott would go over about as well as a casino boycott.

    You got that right. Seen many demands out there to boycott Grand Casino at Mille Lacs yet the lot is always full when I drive by. I never boycotted the casino since I never went there in the first place and never plan on going. If I’m not fishing, I’ll either be hanging around my place or the Harbor Inn. smile

    St Paul
    Posts: 1170

    I have learned to skip over tbro16 posts.

    Wish several others did the same toast

    St Paul
    Posts: 1170

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>tbro16 wrote:</div>

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>big_g wrote:</div>
    This is what society has come to… a 9 year old girl best stay away from a NFL playoff game, that is the answer… lest she might receive brain damage from an opposing teams “fan” hucking full beer cans ? No matter how you try to paint this one tbro, you are so far off to the real solution. Can this same little girl go to a Twins MLB playoff game… or is she in eminent danger there also ? If she cannot, please change your avatar to something less offensive to the kids.

    Your IQ must be no higher than 12. I am stating it’s unsafe for 9 year olds to be at playoff football games because things like this happen. Sure, maybe Philly is a bit worse than other places, but this kind of stuff happens at every prime time football game. Think of how many beers can be downed in a parking lot before a 7ish pm football game. I don’t support fights, I don’t support beer throwing, I don’t support drunken idiots ruining it for others. I’m just stating it’s not the best atmosphere for little kids. It’s a lot easier to remove the kids from those games than it is to remove the beer and the idiots. Take em to a week 4 game at Noon, or a baseball/basketball game. Can you understand that or should I spell it out a bit more for you?

    You must not even register an IQ. You clearly do not get what big g is saying.

    Please, enlighten me

    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501

    Yonkers!!! Its one’s choice and it is a simple conversation, Why is there controversy?

    Posts: 200

    Manning threw 17 yes 17 intercepts his final year and only 9 TDs with a 59% completion percentage. Saying Keenum isn’t better than Manning in his final year is laughable.

    Lol. Keenum.

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