Sunday's Show

  • Bill Tervola
    Posts: 4

    Being a Pool 2 shore fisherman, I can relate to James’ comments yesterday about donating jigs to a river. I thought his idea for Texas rigging a paddle tale was a pretty good idea and I’m wondering if anyone has tried it and/or has any tips.

    I’m relatively new to the Pool 2 game (starting second season after a 20+ year hiatus from fishing) and had a bit of luck last year, but never much in the way of volume of fish. Was out yesterday (Sunday) and caught walleye of about 18 inches on a blue/white tiger Rapala, but that was it. Beautiful day to be out though!

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    Run the moxies or ringworms weedless with a #3 gama skip gap EWG worm hook.

    Tim Bossert
    Cochrane, WI
    Posts: 429

    James did a show a few years back on the Mississippi with draggin jigs. Sort of surprised he didn’t have a few with him.

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