Summer Jig fishing Lakers

  • EMH
    Posts: 17

    I did a trip out to Fort Peck a couple years ago jig fishing lakers and had a blast. I’m wondering if there are any good guides that will target lakers with jigs in Lake Superior.

    Grand rapids mn
    Posts: 1222

    Lake Superior jigging

    Posts: 17

    Are they any others? I talked with Grant over at Superior Angling and he doesn’t have any slots this year for a jigging trip.

    Posts: 17

    Thanks Feathers, I’ll give them a call.

    And yes I have a boat so any tips on getting started are greatly appreciated. My biggest question is whether there is a time frame that is best for jig fishing or is it more of an all summer thing?

    Posts: 3319

    Try Tommy Hicks Beyond the Catch fishing charters. He is out of Ashland, WI. I think he does some jig fishing.

    Jimmy Jones
    Posts: 3033

    Trout are showing up in Two Harbors now and will only get better fishing-wise. Mid-to late August and thru September is a primo laker period. Fishing out of Two Harbors won’t have you running half way to Wisconsin to find them either. Jigging spoons of gold with an orange stripe will be your best buddy.

    Get a map of Superior right out of the Two Harbors boat harbor and locate the “humps” that top out at around 55 feet not far off shore from the breakwater, motor around until you mark a fish then stop and target it with your jigging gear.

    Lead line of maybe eight colors and/or dipsies are good enough to troll that shallower water. Don’t fret if the fish seem too deep….if they’re in the biting mode they’ll come up and follow anything you’re dragging. If you mark one following speed up a hair or go into a z pattern. You can even open the spool on that reel up and let line out for a couple yards then close it again to create something different than just straight-line trolling. Trout seem to love a chase.

    The last week of September is my favorite time to fish lakers on Superior.

    Posts: 17

    Thanks Jimmy!
    I think I have enough to at least get started.

    One the boating safety side of things. I have a cell phone but I’m thinking that is not a great idea should we run into trouble. Should I invest in a radio for the boat?

    Posts: 3319

    Federal waters have several things you need. Radio is 1 of them.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2698

    Federal waters have several things you need. Radio is 1 of them.

    A radio is not required on the great lakes for the size of boat that most of us on this forum have but it is a good idea to have one. The main thing needed that is not as common around here is a light signaling device like flares or a beacon.

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