summer fishing report

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    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 924

    I’ve decided to try and write a little more through out the summer with a few fishing reports.
    Earl, Joe, Terry and Leon came up Tuesday and Wednesday and stayed in our little green cabin. I suggested running spinners? They came back Tuesday evening with 12 and had a fish fry. Purple was the hot color? Joe had a few spinners he had painted purple and they were hot ticket.
    Wednesday they also fished and were able to all go home with there four fish. Real nice guys and they want to come back up and camp down by the lake.
    Ken and his daughter Makenzie were here from Saturday un tell Thursday of this week in the grey cabin. Ken likes trolling cranks and had plenty of action. They also went home with 8 fish. Ken said they ate 15 throught out the week.
    Paul and Pete arrived Thursday eve, and did real well. Paul said yesterday was a little bit slower.
    My brother Warren buys a 1/4 beef and half a hog from the farmer Gary I help off and on. We got out last Friday eve, after I got home from work at the golf course.
    Running spinners a I had 4 fish in the box and it was to funny as all Warren had was a dozen misses. Once he switched to a stiffer fishing rod he caught up real quick.
    Saturday morning we decided to get out early as the winds were going to pick up. Going right to the area we fished the night before. It did not take long to start catching fish again. Its always a treat taking Warren fishing.
    He does not care for my music selection though? He is a hevey metal singer in three bands out of Chicago. Heven and Hell,, David Spankle group and Dameon thorn. He is pumpped as this summer they are opening in front of 50,000 in Milwaukie.
    We ended up only keeping two over 17 and got off the lake just as the winds started to pick up. I treated him to a fish fry for lunch as the hammer had went down to her sisters for the weekend..

    New Richmond, WI
    Posts: 740


    Thanks for putting up a report. Good to hear you are cacthing some.

    Enjoy the summer.

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 924

    The hammer ,our god friend wayne and I goy out sunday for a bit of fishing.
    Wayne had the hot hand landing 7 walleyes , 2 sheepheads and one nice mid 30s pike that cleared the water on one jump. I heard 2 guys had there 8 with two just over 18. Frank at north country food and fuel said he talked to a couple guys that also did real well.
    Justin Shane? Bob Baily and Kyle got 5 Friday but the wind got the best of them Saturday. They came up to cut down a few trees for me and stayed down at the lake.
    There’s a few things coming up Hillmens has there softball tournament coming up at the end of the month. I could find enough bed to host a team. Again Saturday eve they play a very mean game of tackle football in the mud pit that is always a hoot to watch.
    westwind will be hosting there second annual corn hole tournament limited to 32 teams the first weekend of august. They also have some live music in there bar Friday night.

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 924

    We have been short handed at the golf course Oak Harbor Golf course so I have been working all most everyday.
    I had the treat of seeing a bull moose on the way to work so that was a sweet. He crossed a dirt road right in front of me.
    Buddy Hillmen is building a new fish house and its huge. Two stories, 14 by 28 I be leave.Its quite the sight to see. Looks like most of us that rent fish houses are starting to do the pre season prep work.
    The reservation book is ready. As I always tell customers that I start taking reservation around hunting season.
    The greek was here for a couple of days passing through from Alaska. We were able to get in a couple rounds of golf and had a hoot.
    bob and Rick will be up to do some work on our deer trails and stands. My plan is to again try and take a deer with me recurve bow. I up graded to carbon arrows so I been doing a little shooting to get ready. I have a new spot to hunt this year and need bob and ricks help to get set up. The grouse hunting has been getting a little better as the leafs are falling off some of the lower brush and trees.
    The fall colors were spectacular this year.
    I still plan on doing a little more fishing as my friend Pat may be coming up next week with Jeff and his son coming up around the 21rst. So there may be a fishing report in the future, if the weather cooperates.

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