Suffix 832 LC @ 3mph

  • steve-o
    Des Moines, IA
    Posts: 134

    Have two reels spooled up with #18 Suffix 832 lead core. All the dive charts I see for 832 lead core are for 2mph. I’d like to troll around 3mph, how is that going to effect my depth? Anyone have a chart or experience they could share? If the thermocline hasn’t changed I’m looking to troll in 12-14′ of water. This will be my first time trolling with lead core.

    Joel Ballweg
    Sauk City, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3294

    Are you targeting bottom fish or suspended fish?

    Posts: 508

    I doubt you will find a chart, most lead core trollers go about 2.0 to 2.2 miles per hour, 5 to 6 feet deep per color, 30 feet of line. I suggest do your own experimenting go to known depths, let line out till you bump bottom, wind up about 5 feet, take note of that and repeat it, make your own observations and writ them down

    Des Moines, IA
    Posts: 134

    Are you targeting bottom fish or suspended fish?

    I’ll be trolling suspended fish. Last time I fished this lake the thermocline was around 15′. I was trolling #7 shad raps around 12-14′ with some good success. I just got the lead core reels and wanted to play with that a little. If not I’ll go back to my other reels and troll my 10/4 fireline like I did before at 2.8-3.0 which seemed to be the key.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    I don’t have the info in front of me but I thought that lead core dive rate listed on the box was called out at 2.5 mph.

    Joel Ballweg
    Sauk City, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3294

    Can’t help you trolling for suspended fish but like said above, for trolling bottom oriented fish, find the bottom first and adjust up slightly from there.

    With a little experience, you should be able to figure out roughly where the bait is for suspended fish also. Just need a little more time on the water.

    Dusty Gesinger
    Minnetrista, Minnesota
    Posts: 2421

    I have never used lead core, but I would go troll in 15′, see how much line you need to tickle the bottom, and repeat where you want to fish. Like said here before, make a cheat sheet with all of the lures you want to use, some will vary I imagine.

    Mark Marks
    Oxford CT
    Posts: 46

    Hi All
    I found myself viewing this forum in the past, because I was trolling for bass/trout with lead core, but I was not a member. I’ve trolled for many year on the same lake with lead core line and have always wanted to get more accuracy on actual depth. So I decided to do something about it. I created a simple app based on actual depth reading so that it could assist me. I plan on doing more checks next year for verifying accuracy but currently it’s been serving me well. I placed the app on Google play today for .99 cents, partly for the fun of it, and to maybe recoup some of the tests cost. I believe it’s pretty accurate and figured might be useful to some guys who troll. I have the app on my phone I think it’s compatible with most devices. Anyway search Google play for fishing lead core line if curious. If anyone uses it and feel it’s helpful that would be cool. I used it a lot this year and think it helped, doesn’t take any current into consideration. If you do use it be kind I know it’s not fancy.

    Yellow Fever
    Kingston Ontario
    Posts: 81

    I wouldn’t think you would need LC to target 15 feet of water with a diving lure…keep in mind that with LC being so thick the faster you go it will, actually ride up instead of down because of the resistance. There are to many unknowns with LC.

    Mark Marks
    Oxford CT
    Posts: 46

    Yes the faster you go it will raise and just a few tenths of a mile in speed make a difference. I use diving lures with dives stated a 3 or 5 feet and add that to the lead core calculation depth. The object being to be one or two feet above the fish indication on my finder. I also use non diving lures as well. The App I created is something I been looking for for years, and I really had good results this year and believe and hope it play a part in the results I had.

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