Sucker minnows on the way home today.

  • slipbob_nick
    Princeton, MN
    Posts: 1297

    Looking to pickup 2 dozen sucker minnows. Will be leaving shakopee office headed to Zimmerman. Used to stop at ebners in elk river they closed. What’s the best bet for decent minnows. Looking small-medium that won’t die right away.

    Posts: 26

    If you are headed up 494 N to get to Zimmerman I would go to Wayata Bait and Tackle. They are located on the north side of Hwy 12 about a mile or so from the exit off of 494N (Minnetonka area). They will aerate them in the bag/s and should last to Zimmerman no problem.

    Central MN
    Posts: 184

    Tales and Trails just south of Zimmerman on 169?

    Over there
    Posts: 251

    I’d give Scott at Tales and trails a call to see what he has. Cabelas but that’s about a 1 in 100 chance. Overtons has bait in Rogers. Hardware Hank in Zimmerman has bait, not sure what they have though.

    Princeton, MN
    Posts: 1297

    Thanks. I had called tails and trails and he was getting low on suckers and shiners last night. Appreciated his honesty so I wouldn’t get there and have nothing.
    Went to Wayzata. First time I’ve been there. Really nice guy and what a great bait shop. I always thought it was further off 494 not bad at all.

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