I spend september through mid october (ENtire sturgeon season) fishing 3-5 day weekends on the Croix. Camp right in the boat and keep lines in the water mixing it up between Sturgeon and Flatheads.
Anyway, coming from a guy who fishing 24 hours a day and several days a week for sturgeon…Hot times change DAILY.
Sure, most peak periods come between 6pm and 2am, but i’ve also had many times where the peak is 2am – 9am (DOn’t get much sleep
Most people on the Rainy fish only in the spring. It’s cold and sometimes miserable cold/wet/windy and often times it’s just more comfortable to go sit in a cabin than to fish nights. DTRO has been one to go away from the crowds and fish dark periods on the Rainy and has done very very well.
My advice, spend as much time in the boat as possible. Bring a zero gravity chair or an air mattress, lay back and relax – wait for a bite. I use bells on my rods for bite indicators (Must have while sleeping or Awake IMO). Fish whatever times you can and eventually you shall be rewarded.
I have a tendance to not fish around midnight to 2am because that is when NOBODY is on the river and a great time to catch fresh bait for the next day.