Stupid question #10,397

  • MNdrifter
    Posts: 1671

    I hope this question doesn’t change the way you think of me. Lol. So if a scope says 1/4”/click at 100 yards. That means 4 clicks is an inch at 100 yards. So at 50 yards do you cut that in half? So 2 clicks at 50 yard is an inch?

    Joe Jarl
    SW Wright County
    Posts: 2318

    The 4 clicks would be 1/2” at 50yds, so you’d need to go 8 clicks to get an inch at 50.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22363

    If you zero in a slug gun at 25, where is it hitting at 100, or 150 ?
    I’ll add to the questions

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12744

    If you zero in a slug gun at 25, where is it hitting at 100, or 150 ?
    I’ll add to the questions

    That would depend on Wind speed and direction. Wind speed and direction plays a lot bigger roll than most people think. I found that out last year while sighting in my Muzzleloader. Did my sighting in on a rather windy day with a 15+ Mph cross wind from the left. Was hitting almost 3 ” to the right. Made the adjustment and was near center. A few days later I shot it again and the wind was from my right and my impact was almost 2″ left of center. Did not think it could be caused by the wind that much. Did some research on it – Yep the wind will move the impact that much on windy days. Greater the the distance Greater the effect.

    Posts: 4487

    If you zero in a slug gun at 25, where is it hitting at 100, or 150 ?

    Thats a broad question. What kind of barrel and what kind of slug makes a huge difference. A smooth bore barrel with a 1oz wad of lead would probably not even go 150 yards if dead on at 25. Mine is sighted at 50 yards and at 100 is on the top edge of a 3″ target. Thats with a Hastings barrel and Hornady slugs

    Joe Jarl
    SW Wright County
    Posts: 2318

    If you zero in a slug gun at 25, where is it hitting at 100, or 150 ?

    Definitely a loaded question. This image would give you a rough idea what is happening. Top chart is a 100yd zero. Bottom is at 50yds. There are ballistic calculators online, but you’d need to know all the perimeters of your ammo.

    1. trajectory.png

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12323

    I hope this question doesn’t change the way you think of me. Lol. So if a scope says 1/4”/click at 100 yards. That means 4 clicks is an inch at 100 yards. So at 50 yards do you cut that in half? So 2 clicks at 50 yard is an inch?

    Just verifying that Joe is correct in his answer above.

    If your scope is adjusted at 4 clicks per inch at 100 yards, then at 50 yards you need to DOUBLE that figure. So to move 1 inch at 50 yards, you need 8 clicks.

    Yes, it makes my head hurt as well and I have to think and rethink about it every time.

    Now if you really want to blow your mind, start thinking about how to move iron sights. I can only do it if I’m lying down first, otherwise I get dizzy.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12744

    Now if you really want to blow your mind, start thinking about how to move iron sights. I can only do it if I’m lying down first, otherwise I get dizzy.

    Yep. That one always takes me a few minutes to work out in my Mind. Even longer the older I get.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22363

    That would depend on Wind speed and direction. Wind speed and direction plays a lot bigger roll than most people think. I found that out last year while sighting in my Muzzleloader. Did my sighting in on a rather windy day with a 15+ Mph cross wind from the left. Was hitting almost 3 ” to the right. Made the adjustment and was near center. A few days later I shot it again and the wind was from my right and my impact was almost 2″ left of center. Did not think it could be caused by the wind that much. Did some research on it – Yep the wind will move the impact that much on windy days. Greater the the distance Greater the effect.

    No wind direction inside at the range.

    As for being a loaded question I understand that, but that chart told me what I need to know. Savage 220 20 gauge with 2 3/4 acutip. Zeroed in at 25 will still be zeroed at 100 and a inch hight at 50.

    Posts: 1671

    Thanks guys. Had a buddy sighting in a rifle at my place. We started at 50 before moving out to 100.

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