Structure scan side imaging only showing one side HDS-7

  • robert fenter
    Posts: 4

    Hey guys, Having trouble with my side imaging on my HDS-7 with insight, unit had been working fine then notice that one side of side imaging was a lot darker than other, have checked to make sure transducer is sitting level under boat, down imaging works fine. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

    Posts: 5139

    Lower unit in the way?

    robert fenter
    Posts: 4

    No plenty of clearance to lower unit, have had structure scan for rover a year with no problems but did do a Navonics Platinum upgrade about 6 months ago.

    Park Rapids
    Posts: 1452

    Raise your motor a little and see if that helps.

    I am assuming you have it set to show both sides and not just one?

    Can you get a screen shot and post it here?

    Posts: 24581

    My buddy had the same thing happen with his hds9. I swapped my unit in and it still didn’t work. It’s gotta be a bad lss2. I went through all settings making sure he had left AND right turned on yet no change.

    Chris Messerschmidt
    Posts: 615

    Do both sides show but one half is just dark or is it only one side showing on the screen.

    If it is just one side showing on the graph then go and choose Left+Right as the view option. If you’re seeing half the screen is dark and the other side is working it is one of two things…… the motor is blocking out that side OR like others have said the LSS-2 is the issue. If you have an older Structure Scan HD box make sure it’s up to date as well. If its a new HDS touch unit then you might not have the box and can rule that out.

    robert fenter
    Posts: 4

    Thanks Chris, it’s just darker on the left side compared to the right. I have had the unit for over two years and had been working fine, it is NOT a touch screen. The lower unit is not an issue, seems to of happened after installing a Navionics Platinum map up grade. It’s not blacked, out just a lot darker compared to right side.

    Zach Diaz
    Posts: 3

    I am having the same problem . It just started . Did you figure out if your transducer or box was broken?

    The Back 40
    Posts: 1955

    Try switching the orientation meaning make the right side the left side and so on. Does that work? Does DI work? if you change max range out to the side does that help?

    Northfield MN
    Posts: 2028

    Is the left side setting set further out than the right side or the same?

    Zach Diaz
    Posts: 3

    I will try switching the orientation when I go out today. That was my next thought too. Yes di works perfect . I don’t think the depths are set differently from left to right .I’m not sure if you can control them independently. It was working fine for about a year then this happened out of nowhere. After today I will go through the system and check all the wiring. It’s so wierd.i appreciate the response thanks

    Posts: 24581

    The thing with the Lowrance units is that downscan is its own dedicated crystal unlike what hummingbird did a few years ago, now they are licensed under Navico patents. They used to blend the side images together to form the downscan.

    So, with Lowrance, having a good downscan image doesn’t really tell you anything other than the fact that your down crystal is fine.
    If you are not seeing anything on one side of the screen with side imaging then its likely one of the crystals went bad. That is what happened to my buddy. There is a left, right and down crystal in the LSS2 transducer.

    Zach Diaz
    Posts: 3

    Thanks for your help I went over everything very thoroughly on and off the water and am definitely leaning towards new structure scan transducer. I think it’s the crystals.i will let you now the outcome.

    Keith Tompkins
    Posts: 1

    Only one side was showing on lowrance sidescan and 3D image also using 3-1 transducer connected to module. Short story is boat riding evidently causes this connection to loosen. Even though modules lights were on, found one connection not all way in. The plastic nut is supposed to turn to lock in but is stubborn. Need to figure way to keep tight. I will!

    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3544

    One way to keep it tight is use something like Shoe Goo, put a little on the threads tighten it, it will be water proof but yet you will be able to get it loose. It is basically silicone adhesive.

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