Strong catch, warm weather push Mille Lacs walleye fishery toward state quota

  • Will Roseberg
    Hanover, MN
    Posts: 2121

    Will it re-open in December for ICE SEASON? The amount of money lost to the resorts with no ice fishing is mind blowing!!!!!!

    The winter quota actually goes against next year so the smallest of silver linings here is that, yes it would reopen for ice fishing season.


    Posts: 276

    A world class fishery has turned into a world class cluster f@#*. flame

    How long does this decision making continue?

    Until we get elect someone with the guts to make changes at the highest levels of DNR management.

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    I was out last night for 3 hours and today since 6am. I saw one dead tulibee and zero dead walleye. Been on the east side rocks and now on the mud. Not sure what happened to all the dead floating fish whistling

    Have not seen a launch yet either. The warfs and appledorns have not left the dock.

    central MN
    Posts: 202

    I was out last night for 3 hours and today since 6am. I saw one dead tulibee and zero dead walleye. Been on the east side rocks and now on the mud. Not sure what happened to all the dead floating fish whistling

    Let’s see maybe a South/South East wind for three days prior would move floating fish to the North end? Not sure if physics applies to dead fish?:???:

    Posts: 346

    Bass fished Big Point, Hunter’s, Liberty, and 3 Mile yesterday. With the calm winds, very easy to simply scan around the boat and see half dozen or so dead fish floating. Most tullibee. However both my neighbor and I picked up +25″ walleye carcusses of our beaches yesterday.
    Yup did not see a launch out yesterday. Mostly bass fisherman and a lot of boaters enjoying the calm water.

    Posts: 655

    I think it is definitely time to shut down the lake. If you have fished the lake all year so far, then you would know the amount of little fish that are being pulled up from the deep. Sit next to a launch for a few hours to see the qty of little fish being caught. It is not hard to catch 20 – 30 of these between a few people within a couple of hours at night. On the launches where most our probably novices and not pulling up slow, the % of fish killed must be pretty high. A couple of weekends ago the # of floaters was way up. And today on the east side with the wind blowing in, it is very easy to just stop the boat and scan the horizon. The number of dead walleyes and tulibees are amazing. They float past the boat in numbers. Even piling up on shore. These two pictures were of fish withing 50′ of each other.

    1st- PLease explain “pulling up slow” as pulling up slow enough to not cause death after release issues is virtually impossible according to the IDO forum divers (see previous posts in searches at approx. 30ft+).

    2nd- Stop the netting during the spawn and the lakes fishery does better. Period. 100% fact.
    – this will not happen but its good to know the facts.
    No arguments allowed here- if every mother is killed there are no babies to grow up, netting pregnant mothers kills future generations, no biology degree needed to explain this phenomenon–just common sense will work.

    David Anderson
    Dayton, MN
    Posts: 536

    “3. My best guess is that anglers are going out to the flats, gravel, or just about anywhere and catching 20 small fish in a day. The anglers exaggerate that number to 25 when they tell the creel person. The DNR uses some formula assuming the average fish is 2 pounds. 2X25=50 lbs caught. 50 pounds times a 7% hooking mortality is 3.5 pounds of fish that didn’t survive. The facts are that those 20 small Walleyes probably weighed about 10 pounds collectively, so the mortality is under a pound.”

    The number I have been told that is used for hooking mortality when the surface water temperature is in the mid 70’s is 25%. Therefore the estimates for July are 1 in 4 die. Not saying it’s right, just saying what the number is.

    Posts: 1148

    <P>A world class fishery has turned into a world class cluster f@#*.  :flame: </P>
    <P>How long does this decision making continue?<BR>

    <P>Until we get elect someone with the guts to make changes at the highest levels of DNR management. </P>[/quote]

    Honest question. Why blame the DNR? As far as I understand it their hands are tied when it comes to the treaty and no level of “guts” at the DNR level is going to change that.

    Posts: 922

    I haven’t been following this very closely. When were they going to make a decision?

    I was going to take a friend up to fish a launch this coming Saturday….


    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6115

    Honest question. Why blame the DNR? As far as I understand it their hands are tied when it comes to the treaty and no level of “guts” at the DNR level is going to change that.

    It’s the DNR’s job to manage the lake with the treaty harvest taking place. They have botched the process on many levels. Their hand are not ties. They have many tools in place.

    The DNR could start by actually measuring and weighing every single fish killed by tribal netting. Right now it’s a guessing game and many of us lake watchers feel the tribes are taking much more than their quota. Perhaps totalling into the millions of pounds over quota. Right now there is zero enforcement. The tribes have a free for all during the spring netting and know it. Even when they are caught red handed poaching our lakes, the cases are tossed out of court. Apparently US courts have no jurisdiction on Indian criminals. The tribal courts issue warnings – a mere slaps on the hand.

    Don’t be fooled. The DNR should and could man check points where all netted fish coming off the lake could be inspected. They should also watch closely the pulling of nets to ensure unwanted fish are not tossed back dead. These fish need to be counted towards quota. The DNR also needs to manage the open water harvest by the tribes. They are fishing under their own rules and limits that rarely if ever get checked. In other words, the DNR needs to get an accurate count of pounds taken by the tribes, not just some guestimate modeling they use now.

    Would this cost a lot of money? Sure. Would it make netting a pain in the arse for the tribes? You bet!

    Yet the DNR hires a “Blue Ribbon” panel of “Experts” to study the lake??? Funny – none of these experts actually spent any time on the lake nor do they take netting into consideration.

    If the DNR shuts the lake down to angling, they should shut sown the netting too.



    Posts: 277

    Honest question. Why blame the DNR? As far as I understand it their hands are tied when it comes to the treaty and no level of “guts” at the DNR level is going to change that.

    It’s the DNR’s job to manage the lake with the treaty harvest taking place. They have botched the process on many levels. Their hand are not ties. They have many tools in place.

    The DNR could start by actually measuring and weighing every single fish killed by tribal netting. Right now it’s a guessing game and many of us lake watchers feel the tribes are taking much more than their quota. Perhaps totalling into the millions of pounds over quota. Right now there is zero enforcement. The tribes have a free for all during the spring netting and know it. Even when they are caught red handed poaching our lakes, the cases are tossed out of court. Apparently US courts have no jurisdiction on Indian criminals. The tribal courts issue warnings – a mere slaps on the hand.

    Don’t be fooled. The DNR should and could man check points where all netted fish coming off the lake could be inspected. They should also watch closely the pulling of nets to ensure unwanted fish are not tossed back dead. These fish need to be counted towards quota. The DNR also needs to manage the open water harvest by the tribes. They are fishing under their own rules and limits that rarely if ever get checked. In other words, the DNR needs to get an accurate count of pounds taken by the tribes, not just some guestimate modeling they use now.

    Would this cost a lot of money? Sure. Would it make netting a pain in the arse for the tribes? You bet!

    Yet the DNR hires a “Blue Ribbon” panel of “Experts” to study the lake??? Funny – none of these experts actually spent any time on the lake nor do they take netting into consideration.

    If the DNR shuts the lake down to angling, they should shut sown the netting too.



    Many people on here are more than willing to have the natives checked and rechecked. Then, become extremely angry if they are checked themselves. Not saying that is you but it’s interesting to think about.

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6115

    Many people on here are more than willing to have the natives checked and rechecked. Then, become extremely angry if they are checked themselves. Not saying that is you but it’s interesting to think about.

    Non-native anglers are not the problem. All the checking in the world would not change anything. Start getting a good grip on the actual native netting numbers and things would change in a hurry.


    Posts: 277

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>JAnderson wrote:</div>
    Many people on here are more than willing to have the natives checked and rechecked. Then, become extremely angry if they are checked themselves. Not saying that is you but it’s interesting to think about.

    Non-native anglers are not the problem. All the checking in the world would not change anything. Start getting a good grip on the actual native netting numbers and things would change in a hurry.


    Again, I was not specifically talking about you. Conversation and thought is ok without getting offended.

    Let me get this straight? Non-natives are not the problem at all and everything should be blamed on natives?

    Please reveal the “actual native netting numbers.” Remember facts need to be sourced.

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6115

    Again, I was not specifically talking about you. Conversation and thought is ok without getting offended.

    Let me get this straight? Non-natives are not the problem at all and everything should be blamed on natives?

    Please reveal the “actual native netting numbers.” Remember facts need to be sourced.

    Not offended at all. Just very disappointed in the DNR’s miss management at all levels.

    I would love to know the number too. But here is your truth. Many of us who have lake property and are up there during the netting see it all the time. Going on 15 or more years now. Tribal boats loaded with walleye to the point of almost sinking. Arrive at multiple access points where no one is there to record the catch. No DNR, no tribal officials. It’s on their honor to report the poundage. This happens 24 hours a day for weeks on end after the ice out. Pick up truck loads disappear down the road and then repeated over and over and over….. These fish are not being allocated to the tribal poundage. If they were, the netting would be over in 1-3 days. All we are saying is “DNR -DO YOUR JOB!” I for one do not believe they are.

    What is more frustrating is the DNR will not even acknowledge this is happening. Even after we send in Video. The news media won’t touch the topic either. They brand us land owners are racist and ignore the facts. The whole situation is a mess with a capitol M!


    Posts: 9281

    Please reveal the “actual native netting numbers.” Remember facts need to be sourced.

    Not even the natives can answer that one honestly.

    Posts: 1148

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>JAnderson wrote:</div>
    Many people on here are more than willing to have the natives checked and rechecked. Then, become extremely angry if they are checked themselves. Not saying that is you but it’s interesting to think about.

    Non-native anglers are not the problem. All the checking in the world would not change anything. Start getting a good grip on the actual native netting numbers and things would change in a hurry.


    Again this is a honest question. I have never been to Mille Lacs yet find it incredibly interesting and sad. I have a few questions because of this article and your statements.

    1. In that article the author states that studies have shown the spawn is still productive and the issue is that walleyes are not making it to adulthood. I have seen this “fact” stated several other places. Are you saying that is not true?

    2. If true why would the DNR ignore an overharvest in the millions of pounds? I know it’s easy for some to automatically hate government agencies and think they are incompetent. But why would the DNR willfully ignore the cause of something that results in huge costs to them and even bigger hatred and mistrust?

    3. Your post on the “blue panel of experts” sounds demeaning towards them. Why should they not be trusted even a little bit? I value frontline information on any subject but why should we totally disregard the opinions of biologist and trust the opinions of a local landowner?

    4. Is it possible that the netting is one of many problems that the lake faces? Cormorants being another? slot limits being another?

    Please understand this is not intended to be hostile or inflammatory towards you. I hold open the possibility that you may be %100 correct and that the netting is the reason for the decline.

    IGH, MN/Holcombe, WI
    Posts: 587

    I was hoping to go up there this winter for ice fishing.

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6115

    The DNR was ordered by the courts to set a safe harvest limit. This means a level of harvest that is sustainable while tribal harvest was allowed to continue. They failed miserably for years. They set slot limits to manage poundage harvest with no regard for what was scientifically correct lake management. It is now clearly obvious they had no clue what they were doing. They never monitored netting, had no clue what the numbers were and hoped for the best. In other words they did not do their jobs. Now they cover up their miss management with BS reports of poor spawning. global warming, invasives or the crisis of the week. Heads should be rolling over at the DNR over this mess and now cover up.

    It’s been so frustrating watching this mess unravel over the years. Entire year classes wiped out because the DNR set slot limits solely to manage a poundage numbers they determined not by science but by a toss of the politically correct dart. Most of us knew exactly what was going to happen. And now it has.

    Here is something for you to try on your own. Send an email or call Don Periera Chief of Fisheries at the MN DNR. Ask why the topic of tribal netting is not included in the current lake management plan. Ask them why they don’t closely monitor the spring netting. Ask them why they don’t take tribal poachers to Federal court. Ask them how they determined the safe harvest number over the last 20 years. They will not address the subject. It’s like tribal netting does not exist at the DNR. If you get a reply, please post it here. Mr Periera has ignored all of my emails and phone call messages.

    Don Periera, Section of Fisheries Chief at [email protected] or 651-259-5229

    You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to figure this out. Just look north to Red Lake. Years of unregulated tribal netting decimated the walleye population. Once the netting was stopped, the lake was allowed to recover on it’s own. Seems pretty easy to me. Every single problem related to Lake Mille Lacs is directly attributed to tribal netting. Stop the netting and let Lake Mille Macs recover.

    Personally I look at this as a state disaster zone. Governor Dayton should be taking action. He could easily order the DNR, Law enforcement or even the Nation Guard out to monitor spring netting on the lake. He could order an external review of the DNR. He could fire DNR official for simply being incompetent. Dayton should resign for saying he would address the issue and hasn’t.


    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    Very well stated Jon, I could not agree more

    Drew Engelmeyer
    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 359

    It’s been so frustrating watching this mess unravel over the years. Entire year classes wiped out because the DNR set slot limits solely to manage a poundage numbers they determined not by science but by a toss of the politically correct dart. Most of us knew exactly what was going to happen. And now it has.


    Excellent Jon! Also, ask and you shall receive.

    Dayton Prepared To Call Special Session For Mille Lacs Walleye Decline


    Posts: 276

    The DNR was ordered by the courts to set a safe harvest limit. This means a level of harvest that is sustainable while tribal harvest was allowed to continue. They failed miserably for years. They set slot limits to manage poundage harvest with no regard for what was scientifically correct lake management. It is now clearly obvious they had no clue what they were doing. They never monitored netting, had no clue what the numbers were and hoped for the best. In other words they did not do their jobs. Now they cover up their miss management with BS reports of poor spawning. global warming, invasives or the crisis of the week. Heads should be rolling over at the DNR over this mess and now cover up.

    It’s been so frustrating watching this mess unravel over the years. Entire year classes wiped out because the DNR set slot limits solely to manage a poundage numbers they determined not by science but by a toss of the politically correct dart. Most of us knew exactly what was going to happen. And now it has.

    Here is something for you to try on your own. Send an email or call Don Periera Chief of Fisheries at the MN DNR. Ask why the topic of tribal netting is not included in the current lake management plan. Ask them why they don’t closely monitor the spring netting. Ask them why they don’t take tribal poachers to Federal court. Ask them how they determined the safe harvest number over the last 20 years. They will not address the subject. It’s like tribal netting does not exist at the DNR. If you get a reply, please post it here. Mr Periera has ignored all of my emails and phone call messages.

    Don Periera, Section of Fisheries Chief at [email protected]<script cf-hash=”f9e31″ type=”text/javascript”>
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    or 651-259-5229

    You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to figure this out. Just look north to Red Lake. Years of unregulated tribal netting decimated the walleye population. Once the netting was stopped, the lake was allowed to recover on it’s own. Seems pretty easy to me. Every single problem related to Lake Mille Lacs is directly attributed to tribal netting. Stop the netting and let Lake Mille Macs recover.

    Personally I look at this as a state disaster zone. Governor Dayton should be taking action. He could easily order the DNR, Law enforcement or even the Nation Guard out to monitor spring netting on the lake. He could order an external review of the DNR. He could fire DNR official for simply being incompetent. Dayton should resign for saying he would address the issue and hasn’t.


    You hit the nail on the head.
    Mille Lacs Lives Matter

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6115

    I highly doubt Dayton will address tribal netting. My guess is the words will never appear in any of his statements or orders. Right now they still call it a “Population Problem”. Dayton and the entire DFL are pretty much bought and paid for by the tribes. They will not address netting as the real issue here on Mille Lacs.


    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6115


    If you want to read some interesting info on the topic, start here. Mr. Sternberg predicted this exact scenario would happen back in 2002. (Or Google Dick Sternberg – mille lacs for this and other related articles.)


    SW Metro
    Posts: 12337

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Jon Jordan wrote:</div>
    It’s been so frustrating watching this mess unravel over the years. Entire year classes wiped out because the DNR set slot limits solely to manage a poundage numbers they determined not by science but by a toss of the politically correct dart. Most of us knew exactly what was going to happen. And now it has.


    Excellent Jon! Also, ask and you shall receive.

    Dayton Prepared To Call Special Session For Mille Lacs Walleye Decline


    Surprisingly Dayton is addressing Mille Lacs and may possibly call a special session for legislators to do so as well. I’m not holding my breath, but Sondra Erickson (State Rep) posted a pretty accurate post on FB and seems to be pushing in the right direction.

    Bob Carlson
    Mille Lacs Lake (eastside), Mn.
    Posts: 2936

    Jon J

    your on a roll……..and you are so right on!

    Posts: 7348

    How much would a state owned Casino change this scenario? I see that happening before any of Mille Lacs issues addressed.

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6115

    How much would a state owned Casino change this scenario? I see that happening before any of Mille Lacs issues addressed.

    Will not happen until we vote the DFL out of power in this state. They are bought and paid for regarding the casino issue. Good Luck!


    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6115

    Jon J

    your on a roll……..and you are so right on!

    Bobber, post that pic of that netting boat out in front of your place a few years back. If nothing else, the DNR should issue a ticket for an over loaded boat!


    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 2586

    The talk about a special session to provide some kind of economic relief to the resorts had me thinking … maybe the state could buy out the treaty rights? Does anyone know if this possibiltiy has ever been discussed?

    Bob Carlson
    Mille Lacs Lake (eastside), Mn.
    Posts: 2936

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Bob Carlson wrote:</div>
    Jon J

    your on a roll……..and you are so right on!

    Bobber, post that pic of that netting boat out in front of your place a few years back. If nothing else, the DNR should issue a ticket for an over loaded boat!


    1. nativesboat03.jpg

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