Striker ice customer service

  • Bearcat89
    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    Any one have to deal with them at all.

    I have new climate bibs and the inner liner zipper broke on the second wear. I emailed them and sent pictures ,but now they say I have to mail them in for anything to happen. I tried to tell them I use them daily and didnt drop almost 400 on bibs to not have them , and I dont have another pair to wear while they look at them for a month.

    For spending 800 750 bucks on jacket and bibs I’m disappointed in the customer care.
    I love the product they are the best I’ve worn but zipper issue sucks on the right leg of bibs

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11054

    That sucks. I haven’t had any problems with mine but it seems like companies are trending in that direction as opposed to just replacing. I broke a Shimano rod over the summer on a hookset and Shimano replaced it but I had to send it in so they could “inspect” it first. Got a new rod back in 2 months. I remember breaking one around 5 years ago and I just brought it in and the store replaced it on the spot. That doesn’t seem to happen anymore unfortunately.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    it seems like companies are trending in that direction as opposed to just replacing.

    Imagine that. Poor quality and A+ customer service isn’t profitable. I always chuckle when I read about “great customer service” for a company that replaces a defective product.

    I’m not suggesting anything about striker btw. I don’t own any of their stuff.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>mahtofire14 wrote:</div>
    it seems like companies are trending in that direction as opposed to just replacing.

    Imagine that. Poor quality and A+ customer service isn’t profitable. I always chuckle when I read about “great customer service” for a company that replaces a defective product.

    I’m not suggesting anything about striker btw. I don’t own any of their stuff.

    I’m not saying poor quality at all. The other legs zipper works great ha ha. But I dont want to mail them in and have to wear my carhart work bibs for half the ice season while my really expensive ones I bought to use ice fishing get over looked and shipped around for a month. I’d rather pay the lady up town to fix them. But that defeats spending that much money on a quality product to have a issue with warranty.

    Hate to say it but clam treated me better when a stitching came out of a product I owned of theirs

    Posts: 2218

    How’s the jacket quality working out?

    I’m still looking for a good deal.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    How’s the jacket quality working out?

    I’m still looking for a good deal.

    The jacket is awesome. I separate the shell from the insert. Because they together are so warm I usually go with out the shell.
    I’d suggest this suit to any one. I’m sure my zipper issue is just a flaw

    David Blais
    Posts: 766

    Where did ya buy them? You could try taking them back.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    I’m not suggesting they have poor quality. I just find it common that companies with a loose warranty policy, commonly interpreted as great customer service, tend to see a lot of warranty claims. Jumping through a few hoops if clearly stated in their warranty policy is perfectly ok in my book.

    Say what you do and do what you say is a good policy.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    I’m not suggesting they have poor quality. I just find it common that companies with a loose warranty policy, commonly interpreted as great customer service, tend to see a lot of warranty claims. Jumping through a few hoops if clearly stated in their warranty policy is perfectly ok in my book.

    Say what you do and do what you say is a good policy.

    Is losing your bibs through a month of prime ice time a decent hoop to jump through due to a bad zipper ?

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11054

    I’m not suggesting they have poor quality. I just find it common that companies with a loose warranty policy, commonly interpreted as great customer service, tend to see a lot of warranty claims. Jumping through a few hoops if clearly stated in their warranty policy is perfectly ok in my book.

    Say what you do and do what you say is a good policy.

    I get why companies don’t do it anymore. I’m sure they lost a lot of money to schmucks just wanting newer gear and saying their’s was broken. I was just disappointed things have come to that point where when you are honest about things you have to go through a month or two of jumping through hoops. It sucks when you buy expensive gear and something goes wrong and you have to go without it for a couple months.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12448

    I emailed Striker about a broken zipper pull twice and never got a reply, so I went to the local tailor and they fixed it for $20. Kind of regret wasting my time on the emails.

    Rogers, MN
    Posts: 1178

    Ask if they would be willing to look at a video or photos of the defect to decide to send you replacement bibs, charge your card for the new bibs, send those to you, then refund your money upon return of the defective bibs.

    Posts: 201

    $400 for bibs is a huge price to not have them. I thought striker was local to the twin cities and I’m surprised that they wouldn’t be able to work something out. I’m looking into a pair but i don’t want to spend the money only to be disappointed.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    I emailed Striker about a broken zipper pull twice and never got a reply, so I went to the local tailor and they fixed it for $20. Kind of regret wasting my time on the emails.

    It took 7 days to return my first email and I’ve been waiting 4 now since ive sent pictures. The local tailor is basically the route I’m going to go. Even though that defeats the purpose of a warranty.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    $400 for bibs is a huge price to not have them. I thought striker was local to the twin cities and I’m surprised that they wouldn’t be able to work something out. I’m looking into a pair but i don’t want to spend the money only to be disappointed.

    The product its self is awesome. My wife has a set and no problems at all. I think this zipper was just a fluke. But yeah to not be able to work with me is kind of lame. I’m trying to see if I can just drive it to them. But like bigwerm said. The email process is kind of bad

    St Paul
    Posts: 1170

    I broke a Shimano rod over the summer on a hookset and Shimano replaced it but I had to send it in so they could “inspect” it first

    Same thing happened to me and a fenwick rod. Did they atleast pay for your shipping? I gotta pay $20 some bucks just for them to look at it. How do you even ship a rod anyway?! Its been a few months and I haven’t done it yet.

    I need to buy more scheels rods. Broke it? Take it back in and they hand ya the replacement no questions asked. No receipt needed either. Pretty slick

    Posts: 24594

    I emailed Striker about a broken zipper pull twice and never got a reply, so I went to the local tailor and they fixed it for $20. Kind of regret wasting my time on the emails.

    Unfortunately this is what the majority of companies hope you do. Don’t want to deal with the hassle of sending something in for “inspection” results in no warranty claim and better results for the bottom line.
    I too, love my striker climate suit. I had an issue of my own doing with it, cut the pocket on my auger blade, contacted them and they sent me some adhesive patches. Works for me.
    Now, when it came to an issue with the transporter rod bag however they responded but never gave me the time of day even though it was clearly design flaw.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    Did they atleast pay for your shipping? I gotta pay $20 some bucks just for them to look at it. How do you even ship a rod anyway?!

    I’ve never once read a warranty that stated they would pay for shipping. Never.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>tbro16 wrote:</div>
    Did they atleast pay for your shipping? I gotta pay $20 some bucks just for them to look at it. How do you even ship a rod anyway?!

    I’ve never once read a warranty that stated they would pay for shipping. Never.

    I have felt with a few companies that pay shipping both ways. 13 sent me a shipping label for a rod.

    I’m sure you know a lot, but with all due respect you dont have to always know every thing about everything on every topic

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12448

    I emailed Striker about a broken zipper pull twice and never got a reply, so I went to the local tailor and they fixed it for $20. Kind of regret wasting my time on the emails.
    Unfortunately this is what the majority of companies hope you do. Don’t want to deal with the hassle of sending something in for “inspection” results in no warranty claim and better results for the bottom line.

    To be clear, and fair to Striker, my zipper pull broke due to user error and I was not expecting them to take care of it, I wanted to just purchase the zipper pull from Striker so I knew it was the correct one for my performance hoodie jacket. The tailor one works decent enough for $20.

    Posts: 245

    Why not just send the liner in and you can still wear the outer part just have to put on some other insulation layers.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    Why not just send the liner in and you can still wear the outer part just have to put on some other insulation layers.

    They have not given me that option yet. Still waiting on reply.

    Posts: 199

    750-800? Arent the climates $250? I only ask because I am in the market now and swear I was looking at the climates today at Joes for 259? This thread is making me think i should just get a new ice armor set

    N C Illinois
    Posts: 760

    That’s funny when I have a broken St Croix rod I don’t ever recall them not wanting the rod to see how it broke before they replaced it. I feel your pain on the zipper but I wouldn’t expect them to send anything out in replacement just from a picture. I’m assuming that’s what you wanted ? I’ve only dealt with their CS once but it was outstanding. I’d do what Bigwerm did for sure. Bummer on the zipper peace

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    750-800? Arent the climates $250? I only ask because I am in the market now and swear I was looking at the climates today at Joes for 259? This thread is making me think i should just get a new ice armor set

    279 a piece. I said that wrong.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17359

    Did you buy direct from Striker? Why not return & exchange it where you bought it and let them deal with it?

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    Did you buy direct from Striker? Why not return & exchange it where you bought it and let them deal with it?

    I bought it from a local bait shop and because I took the tags off and wore it they won’t take it back I have to deal straight with Striker which isn’t a problem if they ever work with me. 1 email every 4 to 5 days isn’t helping much

    Posts: 199

    It is really a pain in the ass I am sure. Their gear seems to get such great reviews. I hope it all works out, I am interested to see if they do right by their customers.

    David M. Conner
    Posts: 9

    I’ve been arguing with there customer service for over a month now about when I bought my new suit the hang tags said that it had a removeable liner, on a warmer day I went to take the liner out and just use the outer shell and to my surprise, there was no removeable liner, emailed customer service and told them about it, sent pics of the tags showing the features of the suit, they put the wrong hang tags on the suit, and they stated that sense I had removed the tags and wore them twice they would not exchange the suit. They said there was a marketing error and the wrong tags were put on the suit. $600 and I didn’t even get the features that were advertised on the tags.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    Oh man that sucks. Nothing good ever came with the customer service for me either

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