Strikemaster solo 137 mag clutch gear stripped

  • Mike humphrey
    Posts: 2

    I have a very lightly used strikemaster 137mag solo with a 10” auger. The clutch housing gear has stripped and I’m wondering why it happened…. Is the auger to big for the motor, could I have drilled to many holes back to back (10) to cause the gear to get hot and strip, or I’ve read the clutch shaft bearing walks out from the case (lack of loctite)? Any help would be appreciated and where can I find a replacement asap?
    Thanks from Michigan

    1. IMG_7906-scaled.jpeg

    Posts: 3239

    I would start by calling a service center near your location.

    Go to for more info.

    1. IMG_9744.png

    Dave maze
    Posts: 1070

    The good news is you can buy a used running powerhead for next to nothing.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12412

    The good news is you can buy a used running powerhead for next to nothing.

    Ha! I was just going to say, if the OP was in MN I would give him a heckuva deal on one!

    Posts: 4339

    Or just give him one. I gave 3 away at our garage sale last year. Everyone asked if they ran I said take it home and put gas in and find out there free. Ran when put away.

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