Strikemaster Making a K-drill?

  • curleytail
    Posts: 674

    Strikemaster hand augers are half the price of the others and drill better. I could never justify the $200 price tag for just a bit?

    At first thought I feel the same way. But when you break it down for a guy that wants to run one with a cordless drill:
    8 inch lazer @ $100
    Adaptor @ $25
    Extension @ $20

    You’re up to $145 now, and it can only be used as a hand auger or a drill.

    For this bit to be a lightweight synthetic that can be mounted to a drill or power auger…

    It still isn’t for everybody but I have a feeling it’s going to be popular.

    People are already spending that or more on Kdrills or Pistol bits and getting less flexibility with them.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22032

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>John Timm wrote:</div>
    Strikemaster hand augers are half the price of the others and drill better. I could never justify the $200 price tag for just a bit?

    At first thought I feel the same way. But when you break it down for a guy that wants to run one with a cordless drill:
    8 inch lazer @ $100
    Adaptor @ $25
    Extension @ $20

    You’re up to $145 now, and it can only be used as a hand auger or a drill.

    For this bit to be a lightweight synthetic that can be mounted to a drill or power auger…

    It still isn’t for everybody but I have a feeling it’s going to be popular.

    People are already spending that or more on Kdrills or Pistol bits and getting less flexibility with them.

    You would still have to buy a separate extension or special on to be ran on both power head and drill I’d think

    Posts: 269

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>curleytail wrote:</div>

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>John Timm wrote:</div>
    Strikemaster hand augers are half the price of the others and drill better. I could never justify the $200 price tag for just a bit?

    At first thought I feel the same way. But when you break it down for a guy that wants to run one with a cordless drill:
    8 inch lazer @ $100
    Adaptor @ $25
    Extension @ $20

    You’re up to $145 now, and it can only be used as a hand auger or a drill.

    For this bit to be a lightweight synthetic that can be mounted to a drill or power auger…

    It still isn’t for everybody but I have a feeling it’s going to be popular.

    People are already spending that or more on Kdrills or Pistol bits and getting less flexibility with them.

    You would still have to buy a separate extension or special on to be ran on both power head and drill I’d think

    Nope if you look at the pics posted on the link attached above, the Strikemaster looks like the drill adapter comes out and would bolt right on to a auger head or clam plate. After seeing it, I wish I would have waited to buy one instead of grabbing a kdrill this season.

    John Timm
    Posts: 446

    Don’t get me wrong. I would purchase the newer Strikemaster bit over the Eskimo Pistol bit or K-drill in a heartbeat, but I will stick with my Laser hand auger bit especially since it’s a 7″ bit that I tink is the perfect size.

    Posts: 674

    Yup, we’ll have to see as more details come out but to me it looks like this unit as is will chuck up in a drill or bolt up to a power auger. It also looks long enough to be comfortable and drill through most ice without an additional extension. The lazer hand auger bit with the hand auger handle removed looks pretty short by itself.

    If I already had a lazer setup I liked I don’t think I’d be selling it to buy this. But factoring in the cost difference and considering the new bit will be lighter and should always stay in pitch alignment, has me interested. As long as this works as well as advertised I feel it’s going to be a better tool than the Kdrill or Pistol bit.

    The next best for me would be a nils due to their smooth cutting and ability to run as a hand auger if you wish also.

    Brett Ford
    Posts: 29

    Unless the video I saw recently had some trickery going on…you can bolt the k-drill to a strikemaster powerhead without an adapter. Supposedly push the foam float down and it reveals a bolt holding the factory drill adapter in, remove that, and the bit supposedly will mount right to the stock powerhead shaft. Anyone able to confirm or deny that?

    Also, noticed James on this weekends IDO episode, using what appeared to be the new strikemaster lite flight auger bit on the 40v head.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 216

    Unless the video I saw recently had some trickery going on…you can bolt the k-drill to a strikemaster powerhead without an adapter. Supposedly push the foam float down and it reveals a bolt holding the factory drill adapter in, remove that, and the bit supposedly will mount right to the stock powerhead shaft. Anyone able to confirm or deny that?

    Also, noticed James on this weekends IDO episode, using what appeared to be the new strikemaster lite flight auger bit on the 40v head.

    Those chipper blades on the kdrill will need a pretty fast and torquey motor if it wants to drill ice.

    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3140

    Those chipper blades on the kdrill will need a pretty fast and torquey motor if it wants to drill ice.

    I’m willing to bet the laser style auger bit on my gas auger, already turns faster than my K-Drill on my electric.
    The Strikemaster Lazor Mag and the Strikemaster Chipper Magnum both use the same engine and gear ratio. Yet one runs Lazor blades and the other is driving a chipper blade.

    Gary FOX
    Posts: 11

    how much weight difference compared to the regular 8″ drill unit

    Bruce Klieforth
    Posts: 2

    What you guys are missing is the Kdrill ices up when it is below zero. Such that unless you take it in your shelter and thaw the ice it will not drill a hole. I have used one for 3 seasons A LOT. Being retired I fish about 3 or 4 days a week. My buddy has an 8 inch Lazer hand auger on his Milwaukee drill Clam plate combo and can drill more and faster holes than I can. He used his all of last year and never changed the blades. We probably drill 20 to 30 holes per trip each. When the ice is thick enough I will partially drill another hole with the Kdrill to clean the blades and this helps, but drill enough if it is cold enough and it will freeze up. I looked at the Lazer 8 inch today at Scheels and it will bolt up to a Clam plate easily, just remove the adapter. No need for an extension as it is built into the Lazer unit. It is fully adjustable with a set screw and there seems to be a lot of adjustment. My only question with the new Lazer unit is will it freeze up? I would sure like to try one first. It does have a centering point and chipper blades.

    Bruce Klieforth
    Posts: 2

    I saw in an earlier post that a Kdrill will bolt directly to a Clam plate. This is true only if you get a different adapter. The Kdrill uses, at least on the one I have the larger shaft size as is used on power augers. That being said, if you buy the Clam extension, the thicker part above the holes will fit the Kdrill, you just have to drill a hole and make it large enough for the Kdrill bolt which is also larger. I have been using this for up to 3 feet of ice and have not needed extra length. That is about the limit though.

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