Strikemaster 50V 10\" Lithium Lazer Auger

  • Kirk Allen
    Posts: 1

    I would like to purchase a 10 inch electric auger. Strikemaster has come out with the Strikemaster 50V 10″ Lithium Lazer Auger. I was thinking about going with one of these.
    I have heard great things about the ION except when it comes to drilling a 10 inch hole.
    Has this improved for ION with the new batteries?
    Any comments towards either of these augers with a 10″ auger will help

    Posts: 19471

    bigger hole = fewer holes drilled on a standard battery charge, bigger battery = more holes drilled… this will be the same with any electric auger (Ion or SM)

    in deeper ice, if you lift the shaved snow out of the hole several times, it makes the drilling much easier…

    Personally I would buy the original Ion auger and then buy the X85 battery separately when it goes on sale (it was recently $150 on amazon). This puts you around the same price as the new model, but you’ll have the original battery as a backup for more holes. The new auger’s features don’t seem like it’s worth the higher price to me…but the bigger battery sounds nice, just my opinion…

    Wait until Black Friday sales to buy, last year Dick’s Sporting Goods had 25% off sale that alot of folks took advantage of..

    Clear Lake, Mn.
    Posts: 6

    The new Ion X has the center point and the cast bottom that provides the smoothest cuts out there. 10″ will make any electric auger work, but I believe with the new adjustments of the Ion, it will make the 10″ work alot less and should cut through the ice with ease. With the new 5amp hour battery, you should be able to cut a good amount of holes as well.

    central MN
    Posts: 202

    The new Ion X has the center point and the cast bottom that provides the smoothest cuts out there. 10″ will make any electric auger work, but I believe with the new adjustments of the Ion, it will make the 10″ work alot less and should cut through the ice with ease. With the new 5amp hour battery, you should be able to cut a good amount of holes as well.

    A little disclosure would be nice here…. How long have you worked with them Andy??

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