Strikemaster 40v

  • walldog
    Posts: 65

    Strikemaster 40v stalls or stops part way through every hole. Doesn’t make a difference if I put little or no downpressure while drilling..
    So as i am drilling the auger will stop so i release the trigger and safety button then restart to finish the hole. Whats up?

    Posts: 24606

    Are there a lot of shavings in the hole? Try drilling and lifting up to remove shavings and see if that helps.

    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 1428

    What size of bit? I use mine with a 10″ and the only time I have had it stop if it catches at the bottom of the hole. How old is the drill and battery. Are you storing your battery inside a night? A battery that is cold could cause this to happen. If it is a new drill new battery and battery is warm I suggest you contact where you bought it from.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Strikemaster 40v stalls or stops part way through every hole. Doesn’t make a difference if I put little or no downpressure while drilling..
    So as i am drilling the auger will stop so i release the trigger and safety button then restart to finish the hole. Whats up?

    That’s not right at all. That should never happen until you’ve essentially drained your battery fully. Call strikemaster today. They’ll get you fixed up.

    Posts: 302

    I have this issue when trying to drill double holes. Usually due to slush or right at the bottom where the two holes meet.

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6724

    While I have only drilled maybe 30 holes with mine so far, I have not had to lift mine out and it has cut all holes straight through without issue. So far I have been super happy with mine. Like James said I would call them and see what they say.

    Posts: 6631

    Does it give a code of beeps when it does it? There’s a troubleshooting section in the owners manual.

    Posts: 65

    10″ clear Mille lacs ice.
    8″ auger it just stops.
    So I pull it up a bit restart and finish drilling the hole.
    I have a call into Rapala/Strikemaster but they will call back in 24hrs.
    Where to I take it to get serviced?

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6724

    Has to be something wrong I cut a lot on Red there was probably 7 inches then and last weekend on Winnie we had 15 inches and only cut 7 holes but did not struggle, stop or need to lift it out. That thing cuts like a beast. I know there is a place in Big Lake not in your area or D rock in New Brighton. Google said something about a Hopkins service center but not sure.

    Posts: 31

    Make sure that you are not letting up on the switch pressure while drilling the hole. It is easy to do if you are wearing thick gloves.

    Posts: 65

    So I was contacted by Chris at Strikemaster. He thought the problem was dull blades, he said that 90% of the issue’s with the 40v are caused by dull blades. Chris told me to go buy new blades
    This is a new auger with less than 100 holes drilled.
    None the less I went to Scheels got some new blades.
    I will test them out Saturday morning. I will drill 10 holes with the old blades then 10 with the new
    Stay tuned.

    Posts: 563

    Mine will cut out when my thumb is numb and can’t maintain constant pressure.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    So I was contacted by Chris at Strikemaster. He thought the problem was dull blades, he said that 90% of the issue’s with the 40v are caused by dull blades. Chris told me to go buy new blades
    This is a new auger with less than 100 holes drilled.
    None the less I went to Scheels got some new blades.
    I will test them out Saturday morning. I will drill 10 holes with the old blades then 10 with the new
    Stay tuned.

    Any updates? I dont understand how the blade sharpness relates to the motor shutting off part way through drilling a hole so I am very curious about your progress. My Ion 40v did that recently because the battery finally wore out. It would start, stop, start. I fixed it with a new battery.

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6724

    Suzuki I’m curious how long you owned it and how much use you got out of the original battery?

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    Suzuki I’m curious how long you owned it and how much use you got out of the original battery?

    Bought in 2015. It began it’s 5th season and petered out about the 3rd time I used it. Ion not SM.
    I didnt use it a ton. Probably 4-6 small outings per season. Then I pull out the gas the second half of winter. When there’s enough snow I sled instead of fish.

    Posts: 65

    So I went out to the local pond to drill some holes.
    25 degrees no wind good testing conditions.
    Ice is about 10 inches.i drilled 10 holes with the original blades and it worked fine. On the 11th try the motor stopped. And beeped 7 or 8 times. Beeps are pretty fast so tough to count. 12th hole went fine. 13th hole motor stops. 6 or 8 beeps. 14th hole stopped
    7 or 8 beeps 15th hole went fine.
    Conclusion the blades are good. According to the manual its most likely a Hall issue. I’ve never heard of a hall before. Again I have drilled less than 120 holes and its about 1 year old.

    Hodag Hunter
    Northern Wisconsin
    Posts: 480

    I had exactly the same issue last January. I sent the entire auger back (I kept the box) and the send me a new powerhead with the original battery and drill.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    So I went out to the local pond to drill some holes.
    25 degrees no wind good testing conditions.
    Ice is about 10 inches.i drilled 10 holes with the original blades and it worked fine. On the 11th try the motor stopped. And beeped 7 or 8 times. Beeps are pretty fast so tough to count. 12th hole went fine. 13th hole motor stops. 6 or 8 beeps. 14th hole stopped
    7 or 8 beeps 15th hole went fine.
    Conclusion the blades are good. According to the manual its most likely a Hall issue. I’ve never heard of a hall before. Again I have drilled less than 120 holes and its about 1 year old.

    Tell Chris at SM they need to pick it up because your truck engine wont stay running due to low tire tread.

    Kevin Martin
    Posts: 13

    I’m having the same issue. Contacted Strikemaster Customer Service on it and was told to switch the blades, which I did by replacing the steel flight with the Lite Flight. Did the same thing as the original lazer flight. Then was told it was a pitch issue and they told me to send it to two different repair shops to have the pitch issue fixed. Frustrating…..

    Posts: 24606

    I would find it hard to believe that it is a pitch issue if you had it with both bits. Did you tell them that?
    Are you guys drilling the hole at an angle? Straight up and down? Perhaps change how you drill too, if you drill perfectly straight up and down, then try at a slight angle or vice versa. I cannot believe this is a blade or pitch issue if it drills several holes THEN has a problem.

    Kevin Martin
    Posts: 13

    Yeah I told them. The unit cuts fine when it’s actually working so it’s not a blade issue. I’ll try changing up how I drill the holes, but man you wouldn’t think a guy would need to put to much thought into how to drill a hole in the ice.

    Posts: 24606

    I’ll try changing up how I drill the holes, but man you wouldn’t think a guy would need to put to much thought into how to drill a hole in the ice.

    I agree, but perhaps it is getting loaded up and the internal safety controls are stopping it to avoid some sort of breakage or something. Kinda like if a gas auger would get hung up the bit would stop and not dislocate your shoulders. Hopefully you get it figured out soon. This isnt something you can figure out in the offseason so running into now is a PITA.

    Posts: 24606

    Reading the Owner’s Manual now and in the Troubleshooting section it references Beeps and what they represent:
    1 Beep — Protection over current (spiral stopping during cut) – -Solution – Release trigger, lift and continue cutting or move and cut in new location

    7 Beeps — Protection Voltage battery low — Solution — Recharge battery or store battery in warm location

    13 Beeps — Protection High Temperature — Solution — Release trigger, let unit rest for 5 minutes

    6 Beeps — Battery is too cold — Solution — Warm Battery to above -4 F or try running unit without any load until battery warms

    Kevin Martin
    Posts: 13

    I know I’ve heard beeps, but never paid attention to how many. I’ll test it out this weekend again and see what I can come up with. Thanks for the info!

    Posts: 65

    There has been less than a foot of ice on most lakes.
    I would not think that the auger is getting loaded up.

    Posts: 65


    1. Screenshot_20210109-122145_Drive.jpg

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    According to the manual its most likely a Hall issue. I’ve never heard of a hall before.

    So what exactly is a “Hall” issue??

    I looked at my manual and only found what CaptainMusky posted above.

    No mention of “Hall” issue?

    Posts: 24606

    So what exactly is a “Hall” issue??

    I looked at my manual and only found what CaptainMusky posted above.

    No mention of “Hall” issue?

    I have never heard of that before either, but I havent had mine very long so I havent paid attention to many of the posts prior to this.

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Walleyestudent Andy Cox wrote:</div>
    So what exactly is a “Hall” issue??

    I looked at my manual and only found what CaptainMusky posted above.

    No mention of “Hall” issue?

    I have never heard of that before either, but I havent had mine very long so I havent paid attention to many of the posts prior to this.

    Well this is interesting, below is a pic of the manual that came with mine…no mention of the hall issue.

    What year did you buy yours? I bought mine last year.

    1. 20210112_120810.jpg

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