2nd year with it on a Bosch 18V and no complaints. i don’t drill a thousand holes with it because i have my spots and just go to relax and fish. i have been chasing lighter, stronger and dependable for a decade and it is finally here. if using manpower, it don’t get any lighter than lite flite with gear on a smitty. if you are pushing on the bit, your blades are not right. should dig right in and use light pressure to chew. maybe your buddy got into some debris? i notice last year a few lakes had sand frozen into the ice from wind. lots of variables but i wouldn’t flinch to save a few pounds if you can afford it. at first i was more concerned if the business end would hold up drilling ice since it is plastic. works as it should. the outside of the plastic bit has some wear but at this stage should be good for a 10 year warranty?