Strike master auger question

  • brueggemanate
    NW Iowa
    Posts: 44

    Deciding to possibly upgrade to a gas auger. I have an Electra strikemaster lazer auger but am always niourvious about loosing battery life and what a pain it is to change batteries in cold temps without gloves on. One question would be is an electric auger that bad to deal with changing batteries because of hearing some bad stories/ reviews with a gas auger not starting, ripping out the cored, or what kind of oil to mix with it?

    Looking at getting either a strikemaster lazer pro or lazer mag and if there is that big of a difference in .5 a HP or $50. If the more power is always better or can I just get by with the 2.5 HP. I live in NW Iowa but frequently fish SD regularly so sometimes 5 holes and up to 30-40 or more some days.

    Posts: 539

    I have the Lazer Pro and it is an ice cutting machine. I personally do not regret getting the 3hp. Word of advice. When starting the solo motor make sure to follow the starting instructions in the owners manual. Mine fires on the second pull all the time. So many complain about these being hard starting but if you follow the directions you will not have problems. Use non-oxygenated fuel also.

    Posts: 19436

    I have an Ion and it literally takes 2 seconds to change out the battery pack if needed…. The lithium Strikemaster uses a similar system, nothing compared to the older battery augers…

    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3136

    Deciding to possibly upgrade to a gas auger. I have an Electra strikemaster lazer auger but am always niourvious about loosing battery life and what a pain it is to change batteries in cold temps without gloves on. One question would be is an electric auger that bad to deal with changing batteries because of hearing some bad stories/ reviews with a gas auger not starting, ripping out the cored, or what kind of oil to mix with it?

    Looking at getting either a strikemaster lazer pro or lazer mag and if there is that big of a difference in .5 a HP or $50. If the more power is always better or can I just get by with the 2.5 HP. I live in NW Iowa but frequently fish SD regularly so sometimes 5 holes and up to 30-40 or more some days.

    To answer the Lazer Mag vs. Lazer Pro, I’ve owned both augers over the years and have settled on the Lazer Mag personally. A souped up Lazer Pro is fun to drill with and does seem to have more torque/speed, but I place more emphasis on blade condition/age and pitch. The 3hp model is just like the 2.5 but bored-out a bit, and does seem a little more to turn over. Both have always started well for me provided I keep fresh gas/oil running through them and take care of them in the summer by firing up from time to time.

    As for electric, IMO, you might be on the bubble in terms of benefit for an electric auger. Any electric on the market will drill you 5 holes in most ice conditions. 30-40 is a completely different story, especially throughout the day. The Strikemaster Lithium Lazer I tested last year did well in the cold (didn’t have to keep the battery in a warm place) and would easily drill 30-40 holes in the ice conditions that NW Iowa and SD would throw at you. I don’t have experience with other electric augers, but for my money, gas/oil gives me the flexibility I need for big fish-finding sessions, or short/quick hunts with minimal holes drilled. If I owned a hard-side house, I’d likely be singing a different tune.


    Aniwa, WI
    Posts: 2548

    If fishing SD a lot and the wind blown lakes, from what I have heard you can get a lot of sand mixed in with the ice? If this is the case I would get the chipper blade vs the laser blades.

    It may drill a little slower but the blades will hold up a whole lot better. If this is not an issue the 2 HP Solo with the 7″ laser blades is a cutting machine.

    I like the 7″ hole, it just seems a nice size, 6″ is too small for me and 8″ is plenty big.

    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3136

    If fishing SD a lot and the wind blown lakes, from what I have heard you can get a lot of sand mixed in with the ice? If this is the case I would get the chipper blade vs the laser blades.

    It may drill a little slower but the blades will hold up a whole lot better. If this is not an issue the 2 HP Solo with the 7″ laser blades is a cutting machine.

    I like the 7″ hole, it just seems a nice size, 6″ is too small for me and 8″ is plenty big.

    I’m in the same boat….er portable. I use the 6″ and 7″ bits more often than not!


    Will Roseberg
    Hanover, MN
    Posts: 2121

    Looking at getting either a strikemaster lazer pro or lazer mag and if there is that big of a difference in .5 a HP or $50. If the more power is always better or can I just get by with the 2.5 HP. I live in NW Iowa but frequently fish SD regularly so sometimes 5 holes and up to 30-40 or more some days.

    I’ve fished a ton with both the lazer mag and lazer pro… I prefer the Pro if I’m popping 10″ holes but for most of my fishing done with just an 8″ hole I’ve found the Mag has more than enough power.


    Posts: 357

    You guys need to try a Tanaka with a Strike master Mora. Use the size of your choice.

    Dave Koonce
    Prairie du Chien Wi.
    Posts: 6946

    I am on my third or fourth year here in SW Wisconsin with my Honda 35cc Lite with a 6″ bit and I have never had any issues… I also cried when I had to send in my Lithium Lazer with a 6″ bit… That was supreme !!! And can not wait till I get the upgraded version !!!

    I have seen a lot of augers out there and used most all of them.. I can not stress enough that if you can get out and get one in your hands that will help you decide as they all have their own nitch !!

    NW Iowa
    Posts: 44

    Thanks for all of the replies. Leaning toward the lazer mag right now. Can’t wait till all of the stores start getting them in stock.

    Nic Barker
    Central WI-Northern IL
    Posts: 380

    What style is the battery on the older electric models?

    NW Iowa
    Posts: 44

    Don’t know how old you are talking about but mine was new 3 years ago and came with a 12 volt battery. Just what is used with a flasher.

    Posts: 2218

    You guys need to try a Tanaka with a Strike master Mora. Use the size of your choice.

    100%. I will go up against anyone with my Tanaka.

    Nic Barker
    Central WI-Northern IL
    Posts: 380

    Don’t know how old you are talking about but mine was new 3 years ago and came with a 12 volt battery. Just what is used with a flasher.

    That’s answers my question thanks. I do not forsee myself ever going to a gas auger, and I eventually will upgrade from the cordless drill adapter.

    Allan Davis
    Carlton, MN
    Posts: 415

    I have a lazer mag pro and I love it I have had it for 5 seasons now and it is the best auger on the market. I only have one complaint and that is the air intake for the gas. It is a hose by the gas cap. if you set it with the gas cap down the hose will get gas in it and it will leak out. if you set it with the gas cam up you will be totally fine.

    The gas mixture is so easy. One thing of strikemaster smokeless oil to one gallon of gas. (about 40-1) I will not buy anything different than strikemaster. You will not regret getting into the strikemaster family.

    Brennon Nielson
    Posts: 160

    I’ve got an ElectraLazer and love it. However my fishing buddy had to one up me and got the lithium lazer. As soon as that Electralazer dies I’m getting me a lithium lazer!! That thing punches holes so much better and faster and the battery lasts over 40 holes easily! Love how quiet it is and never have to worry about a no start like we used to with our old gas auger.

    Boss Hawg
    Brainerd Lakes Area
    Posts: 278

    I’m an Ion guy and will always sing the praises and dependability of a chipper over the Lazer blades. Fact is once you own either you’ll probably never go back to gas except for extreme hole hoping. Then you’ll just sigh like the rest of us when you read all the goofy posts knocking the electrics. If everyone owned the best auger on the market wouldn’t that be the only company making them?? They all do pretty much the same thing. Jigs sink, bobbers float, and augers cut holes. AHHHHH, auger wars 2015-2016!

    Andy Fiolka
    Boise, Idaho
    Posts: 543

    I’m very fond of the regular Lazer Mag. I’ve been running them since the Solo engine came out. Very fast, reliable, and fairly light.

    As far as chipper vs Lazer blades, I fish almost exclusively in South Dakota. I’ve never had to replace blades due to dirty ice, even though I always have an extra set along just in case. Most of the guys I fish with run Lazer blades as well, and other than drilling into the lake bottom shock we’ve never had that issue.

    This year they have a new model dubbed the “Lazer Light”. 6″ Lazer auger, 32cc, 1.5HP Solo engine will make this a panfisherman’s dream.

    brian schultz
    Minot, ND
    Posts: 158

    I just sold a mag2000 that I bought brand new in 2000. That thing drilled thousands of holes, about 2 gallons of gas a year. I used only good gas and good oil. I have had to fix items on the auger, but 99 percent was my fault. I personally like a chipper blade over the later type. I have used them both. Now I use different brand that is propane, because most of my fishing is used in a wheel house and i’m spending the night. I like that auger also, but my first mag2000 holds a place in my heart. Last year I did try a later electra and thought it took to long to drill holes. I could get 6 holes though 24″ with out charging it.

    Boss Hawg
    Brainerd Lakes Area
    Posts: 278

    Those old 12 volt ones are the reason people still criticize the new Ion and Strikemaster, IMHO.They were just plain no good and quit when you needed them, making you haul around 2 augers. The new Ion and Strikemaster are VERY good augers and nothing like the old ones. If you are using that as a comparison you are doing yourself an injustice.

    New Ulm, MN
    Posts: 175

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>bee wrote:</div>
    You guys need to try a Tanaka with a Strike master Mora. Use the size of your choice.

    100%. I will go up against anyone with my Tanaka.

    I’ll put a Pro Lazer with good blades against any auger out there.

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