Strike master 24v auger question

  • crappiechaser
    Deer Park WI
    Posts: 451

    Just unboxed this auger , charged battery and went out to use it , seems like it cuts out, stops and beeps every so often while angering a hole? That normal ? Seems to work great otherwise
    Just wondering if anyone else is experiencing this ? Guess I don’t know to much about these augers . Thx

    Battle Lake, MN
    Posts: 977

    Seems to be a normal issue with the 24v. Helps if you just let the auger do the cutting either minimal down pressure. As the blades dull, the issue you’re having will be more frequent. Have not noticed this issue with the 40v.

    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 1409

    Not sure this is your problem but many of the 24s were shipped with a coating on the switch. Pull your battery and press your drill button down and roll the button around when it is down it will punch threw that coating.

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5097

    My buddies was doing the same the other day…like mentioned, they need very minimal pressure. When I used his (I’ve had one for a few years) and applied minimal pressure it would cut straight through.

    Reef W
    Posts: 3168

    Mine has only done that rarely when you press down too hard or it’s a bit crooked and you’re catching on edge of hole too much.

    Posts: 6615

    Let the auger do the work and in thick ice clear the hole as needed.

    They’re super light augers with a small powerhead and battery. Back when I had one it would do 80 holes through 8″ on a charge, nothing incredible but pretty impressive for what it is.

    Deer Park WI
    Posts: 451

    Thanks for the responses I’ll keep the pressure in mind when I go out today and give it a shot!

    Posts: 2224

    Mine does it on occasion. I have had a 24V SM for several years now and it has been a great light weight auger. I have both a 6″ and 8″ flight … use the 6 most of the time in the metro. You can pull a 20″ bass or a 19″ walleye through that hole diameter no problem.

    Deer Park WI
    Posts: 451

    yep seems pressure is the key, Just took a few holes to figure out its limits , easy peezy now !!!

    Posts: 609

    I have the 24 volt model and the learning curve is let the auger do the work. Its not like a gas auger. I really enjoy using mine it is used mainly in my house.

    SE Wisconsin
    Posts: 472

    Agree with everyone else, the blades need to be sharp and do the work. Once they dull down and you put extra pressure on the auger it will “tell” it’s not happy. New set of blades and it’s good to go. Had mine since they first came out and love it. Hardly ever use the 40V any more.

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