Strike light 8 replacement blades

  • acarroline
    Posts: 737

    Anybody know what replacement blades to buy for strikemaster lite-flite auger? Remarkably little info online that I could find.

    OG Net_Man
    Posts: 846

    I always access Strikemaster through the Rapala site. Go to Strikemaster, auger accessories and choose Lazer Power Replacement Blade.

    Posts: 737

    So the “lazer power” 8 in blades are the right ones?

    OG Net_Man
    Posts: 846

    Yes, fits Lite-Flight

    Lazer Power Replacement Blade
    Twin Serrated, Stainless Steel Lazer Blades for Lazer Power Augers. Includes four blade screws and two blades. Replacement blades for the Lithium 40v, Lithium 40v Lite, Lithium 24v, Lite-Flite, Lazer Mag, Lazer Mag Xpress, Lazer XL-3000, Electra Lazer, Lazer Pro, and Lazer 224.
    Read more

    Size: 8″
    Item #: LPD-8PB

    Posts: 737

    I was at a scheels yesterday and it had a specific row of 10 inch lite-flite blades but not 8…got me confused. thanks

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