I went wading today.Started in Waterloo and up to Waverly.The water in wloo was falling and about 12″visabilty tea color.Wind was blowing pretty good w/ sunny skies,in the 40s.Waded below the dam and in another spot w/ nothing happening.So I headed up to waverly dam.Water was steady,clear and noticeably cooler.Tried diff. colors and minnows w/no success until I rigged up my new 4″ostershell ringgie(Thanks Dustin ).Caught 3 eater size eyes before I had to go.They were hitting fairly light and the wind didn’t help matters, also it had to be moved slow.
Two 9lbers were caught wed.the bigger 9.09.Things look good for the weekend,so good fishing.
February 28, 2004 at 2:31 am