I’ve been hitting a few of the smaller streams this past week for bass. smaller bass seam to be quite active with a few dandies mixed in. Throwing 1/8 ounce jig and a little twister tail, and a wally diver. I found out that some of the really nice holes I used to visit were not so nice anymore. Some places the water is hardly running through the rocks! It seams any small stretch of “deeper” water will hold some fish. I stopped at a few bridges and could not believe the numbers of suckers and carp. Hundreds in just a few feet of water area. I was also looking for a few saugers which I did manage to find. Though not in the numbers I thought. It is suppose to get a little nasty for a few days and prabably warm back up a little so I’ll be out again. It is just great being out at this time of the year. Anyone else been on any parts of the Root? Let us know how it’s going. JLK
October 24, 2003 at 9:31 pm