5″grubs on small rivers

  • eye-full
    Posts: 660

    What do you river rats think about using those 5″k-grubs and 4″ringworms on smaller rivers?Like the ceder or so forth.

    NE Iowa
    Posts: 89

    Ringworms and K-grubs are a huge part of my arsenal when I attack these smaller rivers(Cedar and Shell Rock primarily). I had phenomenal success this past year with these two plastics. Just about everytime out I caught atleast one smallie in the 16 inch class or bigger…….brown and orange ringworm and brown craw k-grubs are my two hot colors and they seem to work quite well in summer and on through the fall. Walleyes love ’em too….I caught 25″ eye this past July up near Charles City on a Pearl Blue S&P k-grub. They may not be the only plastics to have in your tackle box but I never leave home without them. They just seem to CATCH BIG FISH.

    Posts: 660

    Thanks Keith, I’m looking forward to giving them a try.I fish the ceder and shell also, just futher south, Waterloo area.

    Steve Hix
    Dysart, Iowa
    Posts: 1137

    Last year we caught more and most of bigger eyes on cranks and more of the bass on plastics however both species did cross over. I like to throw the plastics as I work down river and then pull cranks back up.

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