Strange Caution Labels

  • Sharon
    SE Metro
    Posts: 5557

    The drugs thread got me thinking about product liability. I would think that the exhaustive list of side-effects during medication commercials has more to do with potential liability/lawsuits, no matter how rare the side-effect actually is.

    So thinking of liability, I started thinking of some of the strange and random cation and warning labels I’ve seen, and this one on a hairdryer was pretty funny! Another good one I see from time-to-time is “Caution: contents hot when heated”. doah

    What are some strange caution labels and warnings you guys have seen?

    1. Caution.jpg

    Posts: 1507

    in a Husqvarna chainsaw manual do not rest testi@le$ on chain bar while running. Sorry didn’t want to print the whole word. My dad and I still laugh our butts off laughing on that one. I believe he still has the warning on his wall in the shed.
    My question is who did it?

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    in a Husqvarna chainsaw manual do not rest testi@le$ on chain bar while running.

    I only rest my sack on the chain bar when it is NOT running! rotflol

    Butler county Iowa
    Posts: 342

    Remove sun shade from wind shield before driving.

    Remove glasses from face before spaying glass cleaner on them.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>mrpike1973 wrote:</div>
    in a Husqvarna chainsaw manual do not rest testi@le$ on chain bar while running.

    I only rest my sack on the chain bar when it is NOT running! rotflol

    Thats on hell of a nut scratcher lol.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18758

    Boat cover: Do not use while traveling on the road.

    Guess they’re only designed to be used as a cover while the boat is parked even though I see many boats coming down the road with the cover on them.

    Posts: 1671

    My boys were rolling when they read this sign for “aggressive seagulls” at the city park in Warroad at the LOTW’s access pavilion last March. I’m assuming there’s some unruly seagulls in the summertime. I’d like to see that. hah

    1. 71685AE6-F630-409C-B1BE-E3D7FF502D0D-scaled.jpeg

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 4000

    I like the one on my smoke detector. After you take out the battery to replace it there is one under it saying “warning the battery was removed”.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17361

    The dumbing down of America continues thats for sure. frown

    Hot Runr Guy
    West Chicago, IL
    Posts: 1933


    Sorry, again. I can’t delete a post, or upload a pic.

    Posts: 2910

    The Seagull thing is no joke. Anywhere you have food and popular waterfront places, it’s a thing. My buddy had an entire hotdog taken out of his bun while it was in his hand in New York City. Those things have no fear of humans once they acclimate to them.

    River Falls, WI
    Posts: 1777

    I had a carafe from a coffee maker that said “do not pour above another person’s head”

    SE MN
    Posts: 1503

    Not a label but an announcement that came over the loud speakers at work, does this count?

    “Attention: If you are in a place where you cannot hear this announcement, please move to a location where you can”

    Adam Steffes
    Posts: 439

    How about the one on the push lawn mower that says “do not use to trim hedges”

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5557

    LOL These are great, guys! Thanks for the laughs!

    Similar to the seagulls – we had an “aggressive goose” out in front of our office building a few years ago. He would guard the front door and hiss/charge anyone who would approach. chased Little did we know at the time, Momma goose was sitting on a nest on the roof. So I made a sign for the front door that said “CAUTION: Beware of aggressive goose. If you need assistance, please call XXXX” and several goose-wary employees would call me to assist them in getting in the door. It was pretty funny and was one of the best signs I made for the office!

    Other office signs I’ve had to make include:
    Automatic lights – don’t push sensor
    If door is locked, bathroom is in use
    Please wait until correction fluid is completely dry before making copies
    Place pages face down to fax
    and of course – Pushing harder on the button doesn’t make it copy any faster

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Um Sharon? I know of one person that uses a hair drier while sleeping (under the covers)….just saying without naming names.

    Posts: 5139

    These signs are literally required to be posted in all parking lots in California…

    1. download-5.jpeg

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4329

    We used to sell and install Dayco automotive belts. On the back of the cardboard sleeve it said “Stop engine before installing belt” shock
    I don’t know any mechanic that was fast enough to change an automotive belt while the engine was running.

    Rhinelander, WI
    Posts: 1117

    My son has a couple of t-shirts that the tag inside clearly states, “Remove child from garment before washing”.

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6724

    My son has a couple of t-shirts that the tag inside clearly states, “Remove child from garment before washing”.

    That one was awesome!!

    Posts: 5307

    I vote for removing all warning labels and just let natural selection take course.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17361

    My son has a couple of t-shirts that the tag inside clearly states, “Remove child from garment before washing”.

    Wasted ink. The person who wouldn’t remove the kid likely can’t read anyway. Maybe a I-Pad should be included they could watch a video. Or better yet, maybe the government can hire 500,000 people at $40 per hour to call the buyers and tell them.

    I vote for removing all warning labels and just let natural selection take course.

    Bingo!! Like I mentioned, the dumbing down of America continues and nobody seems to care.

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5557

    Some things need a warning label though. For instance, to show when something can be corrosive or toxic.

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5557

    Bingo!! Like I mentioned, the dumbing down of America continues and nobody seems to care.

    These strange and downright silly caution labels aren’t likely showing how dumb America is, just that there are too many people who want to take the easy way out and sue a company for being hurt/injured by their product, rather than actually working for their money. It’s all about liability and laziness.

    Hot Runr Guy
    West Chicago, IL
    Posts: 1933

    How about the one on the push lawn mower that says “do not use to trim hedges”

    Does that also apply to people who take snowblowers up on their roofs????


    tim hurley
    Posts: 5999

    Stupidity, lawyers, lawsuits, insurance companies-no shortage of any of these, so you can find lots of these crazy warnings,
    May as well laugh, great post Sharon.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 4000

    Some things need a warning label though. For instance, to show when something can be corrosive or toxic.

    Looks like I am getting a new tattoo on my butt.

    Posts: 6259

    I was working with some OSB a few years ago and chuckled at the cancer warning label on it from California. 4×8 sheets of plywood cause cancer…hehehe

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    The Seagull thing is no joke. Anywhere you have food and popular waterfront places, it’s a thing. My buddy had an entire hotdog taken out of his bun while it was in his hand in New York City. Those things have no fear of humans once they acclimate to them.

    Here in Maui, its mongoose on the golf courses.. they steal food right out of the carts… buddy lost a whole bag of blueberrie muffins a couple weeks ago !!!!

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