Sticky Rifle Stock

  • blackbay
    Posts: 950

    I have a single shot CVA rifle with a rubberized stock and forearm that are super sticky. Does anyone have a way to clean it? I’ve seen some people that have used WD 40 or rubbing alcohol but I’m a bit hesitant and don’t want to make it worse. Ideas?

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22323

    I would be trying rubbing alcohol in a small spot and see how it works.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13919

    I have same issue my 22 that I keep in my pole barn for shooting pass. Heat and humidity is the culprit. But I found works best is very light mixture of dish soap. I use a little bit of dawn. And just rub it down then wipe it down with a damn cloth with clean water. Under no circumstances, do you use any heavy detergents. Rubbing alcohol works, but can very easily discolor the stock.

    Talcum powder or baby powder works as a temporary fix. It can easily take up on there if you put too much or if it’s really hot out.

    Pat K
    Empire, MN
    Posts: 952

    Unfortunately I can tell you to not use Simple Green or any other citrus based cleaner. I did and only made things worse.

    Jimmy Jones
    Posts: 3299

    I think once the process, whatever it is, that starts getting the stocks sticky it’s too late to do anything. I have CVA Kodiak that has a sticky area on the stock, and nothing will get rid of it permanently. I’ve tried alcohol and soapy water and at best it’s a day or two of not so sticky, but then it returns. I don’
    t use the gun m much but if I did, I’d replace the stock.

    Red Eye
    Posts: 1025

    Try writing a strongly worded email or a phone call to CVA. My cousin had a Winchester shotgun that the rubberized coating started to peel off. They sent him a new stock. Of course the same thing has happened again and he just uses as is instead of screwing with it again. You never know.

    Posts: 950

    Try writing a strongly worded email or a phone call to CVA. My cousin had a Winchester shotgun that the rubberized coating started to peel off. They sent him a new stock. Of course the same thing has happened again and he just uses as is instead of screwing with it again. You never know.

    It wasn’t a strongly worded email but I did send one. It’s so darn sticky I could suspend a 330 yard spool of Trilene upside down. I included pics of the rifle along with the email. I’ll see what they say.

    Posts: 1310

    Call CVA friend of mine had same issue and they actually replace the entire Muzzy since the gun was not made any longer. They will replace if still they have the stocks.

    This was just this spring they replaced for him.

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