Staying hydrated

  • Pailofperch
    Central Mn North of the smiley water tower
    Posts: 2801

    Anybody else working or playing outside this week is probably dumping the liquid in fast! I’m on a roof most everyday and go through the beverages! Tomorrow I might take a pic of empties, but today was just a quick tally. Water is best, but to much without some calories flushes me out. This was from 7 am till 6 pm.

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    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5432

    Nice job replenishing yourself.
    I have some nephews that play high level hockey and they are told to drink water, Pedialyte, and Liquid IV.
    I hate the taste of Pedialyte but really like the Liquid IV.

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11008

    X2 on the Pedialyte. When I have tournaments on days that are going to be really hot I drink half a bottle the night before and the other half on the water. Has actual electrolytes and other nutrients unlike gatorade and powerade. Also don’t have a headache after coming off the water after a day of fishing.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 19153

    I work out side cutting concrete every day of the year. I always dread the 10 below days but then days like this I wish it was cold. I cut a million roof top openings a year. I dont tally what I drink and probably never will. But I carry 2 55 liter grizzly coolers full of water in my truck every day and rifle through cases like its going out of style. I have cases and xases of water in the garage that work obviously pays for and i just keep the coolers stocked.

    Pedialyte is the best hang over cure in the world. I might have them in the fridge all all times maybe

    Ice Cap
    Posts: 2125

    I drink a gallon of water or more every day have been for twenty years. The benefits are many. No hangovers for one. I’m actually addicted to water I think. If I forget my water bottle at home I turn around and go get it. We have a five gallon office cooler at the house and one up at the lake.

    I can’t drink any of the bottled waters from the store they all have a funky taste to me. You should always stay well hydrated regardless if it’s hot out or cold.

    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3054

    My dog ALWAYS has water available to her year round. I am almost certain she drinks more water when it is winter cold, than the amount she drinks during the heat.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    You should see what Gatorade does to stainless steel and Teflon. I wouldn’t give that stuff to my worst enemy.

    All that water doesn’t mean much if you aren’t getting enough sodium and potassium in your diet.

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5371

    I drink about two of these pitchers of water throughout my work day… and I work in a cool office. The pitcher holds about 56oz and I often add ice to my cup (which is 16 oz) before filling and refilling. I can’t imagine how much more I would drink if I worked outside! I’ve always been a big water drinker.

    I’ll definitely drink more water if I’m outside a lot. And sometimes a refreshing White Claw or Bud Light Seltzer too. 😁

    Glad to hear hydration is on everyone’s mind! Going to be hot and muggy in much of MN today.

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    Posts: 5158

    Never felt the need for all the fancy sports drinks, never cared for them honestly. They seem to bloat me and if I need the energy I eat an apple or banana. God gave us water, the rest is just marketing.

    Posts: 338

    The last few days i’ve been out in the sun building a deck. I can’t believe how much water i’ve gone through. I also didn’t know I was capable of sweating as much as I did. I’m pretty happy to be sitting in the air conditioned basement now after 8 hours out there today.

    Billy J
    Posts: 122

    Never felt the need for all the fancy sports drinks, never cared for them honestly. They seem to bloat me and if I need the energy I eat an apple or banana. God gave us water, the rest is just marketing.

    Mr Beads

    No Bananas in the boat !!!

    Central Mn North of the smiley water tower
    Posts: 2801

    Lost track of how much I drank today. More water than yesterday. Had a temp of 98 and feels like of 118! Picked up some Pedialyte tonight. Give that a try tomorrow.

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